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Syria using Chemical weapons

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    Originally posted by LWC View Post
    Footage of those kids is very tough to watch. I honestly don't know how to/if we should respond. That is why we vote our more learned and more level headed politicians in place . To represent us and to make the right call under these tough circumstances. I hope they make the right decisions.
    I have to turn my head when the films are aired, it's too horrid to watch. For real.

    Tillerson basically just threw up his hands and said leave it up to the Syrians to work it out - before the fact. And look what happened. Not to take issue with him, but he has no qualifications to be Secretary Of State.

    Perhaps 36 year old Kushner has a solution. From appearances, he seems to be now in charge of all foreign affairs. His real estate developer portfolio... Well, I'll leave it unsaid.

    And no, I don't have a single clue as to what can be done. But I care, how can one not?

    Bob Lee


      Originally posted by Bill M View Post
      As a Christian it breaks my heart to see this as we sit idly by and do nothing, whether in our best interest or not.
      Me too, Bill. As a Christian I also feel a strong responsibility to care for and protect the innocent folks around me at home too. So many people today seem to see this issue as a choice between only two things:

      1. Help the refugees in a way that causes harm to our own people (going to war, bringing all the refugees to America - along with the inevitable terrorists among them, etc), or
      2. Do nothing for the refugees and just protect ourselves.

      Those aren't the only two options though. It's possible to help the refugees without causing harm to our own people. There are things that our government can and should be doing, but a government's chief duty is to protect its own citizens. God doesn't advocate for us to delegate to the government our responsibility to love and serve others. That is what we as individuals and, collectively, as the church are supposed to do.

      One organization that is doing great work in that regard is Global Samaritan Resources here in Abilene. They are helping the refugees in the Middle East by providing food and shelter and safety for them while they wait for the opportunity to go back home. Few of the refugees have any interest in coming to America or anywhere else, for that matter. They just want to go home, and they want their home to be a safe place. Defeating the terrorists is something that governments can do. Caring for the war-ravaged refugees is something that Christians can do.

      We need more folks doing what Global Samaritan is doing. It's good stuff.

      Public is encouraged to personalize items bound for northern Iraq at next weekend's Global Samaritan fund-raiser.

      ​Collect surplus goods and share them with people in need.


        Originally posted by Shane View Post
        Me too, Bill. As a Christian I also feel a strong responsibility to care for and protect the innocent folks around me at home too. So many people today seem to see this issue as a choice between only two things:

        1. Help the refugees in a way that causes harm to our own people (going to war, bringing all the refugees to America - along with the inevitable terrorists among them, etc), or
        2. Do nothing for the refugees and just protect ourselves.

        Those aren't the only two options though. It's possible to help the refugees without causing harm to our own people. There are things that our government can and should be doing, but a government's chief duty is to protect its own citizens. God doesn't advocate for us to delegate to the government our responsibility to love and serve others. That is what we as individuals and, collectively, as the church are supposed to do.

        One organization that is doing great work in that regard is Global Samaritan Resources here in Abilene. They are helping the refugees in the Middle East by providing food and shelter and safety for them while they wait for the opportunity to go back home. Few of the refugees have any interest in coming to America or anywhere else, for that matter. They just want to go home, and they want their home to be a safe place. Defeating the terrorists is something that governments can do. Caring for the war-ravaged refugees is something that Christians can do.

        We need more folks doing what Global Samaritan is doing. It's good stuff.

        Public is encouraged to personalize items bound for northern Iraq at next weekend's Global Samaritan fund-raiser.

        Thank you for posting the information Shane. I'm going to make a significant donation.

        I'll have many things to answer for on Judgement Day, but not caring about the lives of innocents being brutally murdered will not be one of them.

        Bob Lee


          Originally posted by boblee View Post
          Thank you for posting the information Shane. I'm going to make a significant donation.

          I'll have many things to answer for on Judgement Day, but not caring about the lives of innocents being brutally murdered will not be one of them.

          Bob Lee


            Good words Shane ( as usual ). We too have a missionary family in Syria. The word they get out to us is so bad a lot of time, we cannot bear to read it... They see death and are threatened daily. It is absolutely nothing but God Himself that has kept this family alive to this point. They have been successful at getting a lot of folks out of Syria an into Turkey at least temporarily where they are somewhat safer. But just like you said, those folks don't want to come here. They want to return to their homes. I personally think we are capable of allowing that to happen, but people indeed will be hurt, some innocent, but it can be done. Word is that they are actually hoping these who have been poisoned will not have died in vain. They are in hopes that "America" will help them rid their land of these killers and that some day they can go back home. Yes, they will gladly join in the fight themselves and even do what they can of the "dirty" work. I know a family in Kurdistan area of Iraq, and they have been begging America for arms so they can fight. The former administration not only ignored them as they were being slaughtered, Obama sent the aid to Baghdad and told them to forward it to the Peshmerga... NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING ever got to them... These guys are fighters and largely Christian, and they could salvage their land if given the assistance. I pray that God will use Donald Trump to make this happen. It is indeed a terrible situation, but if we don't do something to stop it there, it WILL come HERE.


              Galatians 3:28

              For those of the Faith what we think does not matter...what scripture dictates does.

              Greater love hath no much do we love and do we love as Christ did.

              Nationalism is what is wrong ( at least one of the things) with Christians in the USA.

              Or maybe I have just read to much Bonhoeffer.


                Have any of yall that are for going over there considered joining the Assyrian Christian Militia? They are taking volunteers and you can go over there and pick up a rifle and do something about it.


                  Originally posted by J Sweet View Post
                  Have any of yall that are for going over there considered joining the Assyrian Christian Militia? They are taking volunteers and you can go over there and pick up a rifle and do something about it.
                  Who are you asking?

                  To the responses to me, I think you took my comments as my being for sending in a military force. I am not for that and never said I was if that is what you are thinking. We have enough on our plate and a decimated military at the moment. What I am saying is this is where the new deal making admin should put together a coalition of nations to do something about it. Where is Assad? Moscow? Why can they not find this guy and put a glove on him? IMO the "least of these" should be international. It can't be all on us. I'm not sure how others around the world and in closer proximity to Syria can just sit back and watch.


                    This is odd. Have any of y'all read about the days leading up to this 'event'? Lots of weird occurrences happened. It appears what we've been told may not be true @ all. This video is a few months old but it proves those White Helmets aren't to be trusted!

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                      Originally posted by Bill M View Post
                      Who are you asking?

                      To the responses to me, I think you took my comments as my being for sending in a military force. I am not for that and never said I was if that is what you are thinking. We have enough on our plate and a decimated military at the moment. What I am saying is this is where the new deal making admin should put together a coalition of nations to do something about it. Where is Assad? Moscow? Why can they not find this guy and put a glove on him? IMO the "least of these" should be international. It can't be all on us. I'm not sure how others around the world and in closer proximity to Syria can just sit back and watch.

                      My post wasnt meant to be an affront. I was being very serious about letting people know they can go pick up a rifle. Lots of guys are doing it.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


               catching up here in Auburn, Alabama. All the speculation is now pretty much done. President Trump and Tillerson want action of some type as they agree this is something the U.S. and others should address aggressively!. I hope others jump onboard but he did **** off Australia, Germany, Britain and France in the first month![emoji15] So, money/tax dollars WILL be spent ladies & gents.....big [emoji383]. I guess the folks that are against this better get alot calls into the white house as they are moving forward......period. Gonna be a sticky deal with Russian assets and military personnel obviously in the vicinity. I do have faith that the President can figure it out as he said he can! I know he was against this a few years ago but I guess he thought of his grandkids or his religious beliefs kicked in.......or maybe he sees it as a opportunity to prove he can do it better! Whatever, we shall all see how this HUGE test will geaux. Like I said, debating on tbh was fun but the President has chosen to act.......hopefully/prayfully it don't spiral into WWIII!!![emoji120]

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                          Get all worked up over chemical weapons, but many more innocents will be killed or maimed in a military intervention. Then the US military is more vilified by both sides and the liberal world at large than the original actor in the chemical attack.


                            Breaking news. 50 tomahawks just launched.

                            Bob Lee


                              Lets be honest here. How many people believe what we see on the news, that Assad ACTUALLY used chemical weapons? How many people question the news, question if this was staged, question if it was Assad v/s ISIS, or question if it was due to the bombing of the munitions bunker/factory?

                              I for one do not trust any of the news and am hesitant to support sending troops to fight Assad. We did that, ISIS was born. We decided to support Afghanistan against Russia, anyone remember how that turned out? Al Qaeda was born.


                                Take that!!!

