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Cruz didn't endorse Trump.

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    I think what is interesting is how Cruz will be the scapegoat for people not unifying around Trump. As if it is only the Cruz supporters that will abstain from voting for either Hillary or Trump. The truth is, lots of people are not unifying around Trump. And it is hard to win a campaign that is more about making the other person lose rather than making sure a good person wins.

    The reality is you have to be able to win the 51%.... You can't just win 60% of that 51%. When you vote in the primaries, you have to determine whether or not your candidate can unify the entire base and grab the 2% that is up for grabs. The folks that wanted Trump are now starting to feel the pain of championing around a candidate that cannot by himself, as the party leader, unify it.

    If he can't publicly unify within his own party... how is he going to unify a nation?


      Originally posted by txjustin View Post
      How many Trump sponsored ads/commercials have you seen? I've seen a new one from Hillary several times already on TV bashing Trump for his insults.

      Is Trump running on some bizarre strategy to not run ads or spend money? That has me thinking maybe his campaign coffers are a bit low. I don't know though, but could be a reason.
      He is spending far less and has more media coverage PLUS if all of the Benghazi disaster, email scandals, Clinton foundation scandal, uranium scandal and the laundry list goes on and on, hasn't swayed any of her voters decision by now then nothing ever will... He is a smart business man. He knows this.. Why waste money trying to sway people who can never be swayed.. Freebies rule those folks world.

      The difference in the 2 candidates is night and day..


        If you listened to Cruz at the Texas delegate breakfast some of what he did will make sense.

        I'm now a former Cruz supporter and contributor.

        Cruz proved its about him and not the country.

        Cruz did prove he is not the next Reagan.


          Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
          He is spending far less and has more media coverage PLUS if all of the Benghazi disaster, email scandals, Clinton foundation scandal, uranium scandal and the laundry list goes on and on, hasn't swayed any of her voters decision by now then nothing ever will... He is a smart business man. He knows this.. Why waste money trying to sway people who can never be swayed.. Freebies rule those folks world.

          The difference in the 2 candidates is night and day..
          You really are delusional. Ya, I think Trump should do just as you describe and not spend any money with ads and the like. Lets see how that works out.

          It's not her voters he has to sway and win, FYI.

          They aren't night and day. They are friends, have similar beliefs and both have scandals. Granted, Hillary's are far more egregious.


            Originally posted by Neck View Post
            It's pretty bad when conservatives/republicans/libertarians/constitutionalists can't come together long enough to stop the socialists/liberals/democrats/communists.

            President Hillary.

            We are doomed.
            That's what I was thinking. They should all hug it out and unite. Everyone say you're sorry. Now let's do this! The country is much more important that their butthurt they are feeling.


              I just got an email from Ivanka through GOPUSA asking for donations.

              I'm confused because I thought the Donald was paying his own way.


                Originally posted by grizzman View Post
                I just got an email from Ivanka through GOPUSA asking for donations.

                I'm confused because I thought the Donald was paying his own way.
                It's not the first campaign email. It's the first from her.
                After he won the primaries he never said he was paying for everything.

                He has several campaign emails go out prior to hers.


                  Originally posted by txjustin View Post
                  You really are delusional. Ya, I think Trump should do just as you describe and not spend any money with ads and the like. Lets see how that works out.

                  It's not her voters he has to sway and win, FYI.

                  They aren't night and day. They are friends, have similar beliefs and both have scandals. Granted, Hillary's are far more egregious.
                  How has it worked for him so far??? Be honest............. That's what I thought.. I rest my case!!!!!!!!!!


                    Originally posted by Neck View Post
                    It's pretty bad when conservatives/republicans/libertarians/constitutionalists can't come together long enough to stop the socialists/liberals/democrats/communists.

                    President Hillary.

                    We are doomed.
                    Spot on.. We are our own worst enemy... Cruz is proof in the pudding..

                    Do you hear Bernie saying, with a stupid grin on his face

                    "vote up and down the card"??



                      Originally posted by TXHunter12 View Post
                      It's not the first campaign email. It's the first from her.
                      After he won the primaries he never said he was paying for everything.

                      He has several campaign emails go out prior to hers.
                      But wait, millions voted for him in the primaries because he never took a dime from the government; he was paying his own way. Now he's asking for money like a politician. Hmmmm.


                        Originally posted by GarGuy View Post
                        One more time...... the ONLY two possibilities right now are Trump and Hillary. Which one is Cruz for? Hes in the middle.
                        You could very well be right. He could be out for the prize. I could imagine there are better ways to set yourself up for the "I told you so" nod from the American people than to also look like you are part of creating the failure. I think Rubio is likely doing a better job of setting himself up.

                        But I imagine a lot of folks, whether they are Cruz supporters or not, have pretty much written off having a conservative president in the White House in 2017. That is to say, even if you elect Trump, you are not getting a conservative in the White House. I am guessing a lot of folks are getting behind Trump or will quietly vote for him for two reasons... SCOTUS pick and straight ticket voting (so we can maintain control of both houses.)

                        Keep in mind why people don't want to get behind Trump. He carries the title "Republican" now. And if elected POTUS, when he screws up like they are 100% sure he will, and is even more divisive... he is going to carry the party and ideals of that party down with him.

                        Trump is a risk, and folks are hedging their bets. Would have been nice if we had a non-divisive, positive candidate for our party.
                        Last edited by SwampRabbit; 07-21-2016, 12:04 PM.


                          Originally posted by GarGuy View Post
                          Its not me in the middle its CRUZ. Thats why i dont like it. He would rather elect hillary so he can run against her in 4 years. Thats not whats best for our country. Im disappointed that Cruz would put his own political ambition ahead of whats best for America. Cruz knows Trump would be better than Hillary. Thats why he wont support Trump. If Trump is president, Cruz has little chance in 2020 Im seriously put out with Cruz about this and feel like he destroyed his chance of being president should Hillary beat Trump.
                          I agree with this


                            So, here's the two outcomes out of the speech

                            Trump loses: Cruz's speech means nothing, trump is gone, Cruz is still in politics

                            Trump wins: There could be fallout from the speech, but voters have the memory of a goldfish, so, it may not have any effect on his future within Texas. Nationally, there could be repercussions, but that will not be known till then


                              Originally posted by Death from Above View Post
                              Trumps past speaks for itself.
                              his multiple bankruptcies. His shady business dealing in using the system that he now rails against.

                              His less than legal means of doing business and the way he uses lawsuits to bully people.

                              I voted for Ted Cruz and am glad to see that I was spot on. If he had cratered and fell in line with the GOP machine I would have been disappointed.

                              I won't endorse Trump and am glad the candidate I voted for wont either....just shows me how much in the minority true conservatism is.


                                Originally posted by Kurdawg View Post
                                Kinda funny how Cruz saying how Trump attacked his wife and dad. Wasn't it the Cruz camp who lied about Carson, and Rubio saying there aren't many answers in the referring to the bible, and the picture of Trumps wife about who would you want as your First Lady? Maybe I'm mistaken.
                                Yeah, pretty much. Good catch there.

