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CBS BASH on Trump...Sissy Repubs Running!

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    CBS BASH on Trump...Sissy Repubs Running!

    JUST watched good ole' Scott Pelly, TTU Grad and embarrassed here, report as usual all the TRUMP c..p he could on those "Patriot" Republican's running to the left!

    Always liked the Bush POTUS but if they are turning to the Demo's...and IMO if they DON'T stay true to their party they are.....

    I just want to SCREAM WAKE UP....if you don't like Trump, then what is your alternative...Libertarian, TOO late this election!

    So go ahead and vote or DON'T vote and let Hillary be the next President.

    All I have to say is those of us who are SICK AND TIRED OF THE TYPICAL BS will stand up and say enough! Yep, I'm a Tech grad and proud of it, but obviously I'm not intelligent enough to realize what some are, amazed....."Come on Man!"
    Attached Files

    A lot of us tried to tell the Trump supporters that a lot of the conservative base would not vote for Trump if he is nominated. They did not want to listen, and now they are trying to make us out to be unpatriotic.

    No thanks. He is your candidate. You vote for him.


      Originally posted by kumathebear View Post
      and IMO if they DON'T stay true to their party they are.....
      Kinda like Trump?


        Republicans running to the left? I'm confused.

        The Republicans don't like Trump because he SO FAR LEFT.

        And yes, I'll suffer through Hillary before I let that left-wing liar represent the GOP as president.


          Originally posted by flatlander View Post
          Republicans running to the left? I'm confused.

          The Republicans don't like Trump because he SO FAR LEFT.

          And yes, I'll suffer through Hillary before I let that left-wing liar represent the GOP as president.
          You are going to give up a heck of a lot of your freedoms, guaranteed, if that criminal wearing burlap woman gets elected.
          Kiss that weapon goodbye in your avatar if she gets in!


            She can't change the Constitution by herself. Her own party hates her as much as Trump's party hates him. If she is President, Republicans will control Congress and will likely take the White House in 2020.

            Everybody thought Obama would take away all our guns. It didn't happen, because it's not that easy. More people own more guns today than they did 8 years ago by a LONG shot.

            Hillary is a terrible human being. She would love to do all kinds of things, but she can't do it all by herself. She could do plenty of things that are bad as President, just like Obama has done of course. But she can't take your guns away all by herself. Also, she is really incompetent. Name one thing that she's ever done well. You can't. Everything she has ever tried to accomplish has gone down in flames. There have been lots of people harmed by her evil and incompetence for sure. But she's not the all-powerful evil genius that some people seem to believe her to be.

            I am NOT trying to take up for her in any way. Don't get me wrong. She's awful, and she'll try to pull all kinds of crap. But we definitely have a better chance of Republican control of Congress with her in the White House than if Trump is in there. And Congress is where laws are passed. We'll be better off with gridlock and government shutdowns with Hillary and a Republican Congress than we would be with Trump cutting deals and compromising with a Democrat Congress.

            Think past the initial shock of the election results in November and look at what will happen next as a result of that.


              Ya! Enough is enough......then hold your nose and vote for the Trans-Republican......ya....go trumph


                Originally posted by Shane View Post
                She can't change the Constitution by herself. Her own party hates her as much as Trump's party hates him. If she is President, Republicans will control Congress and will likely take the White House in 2020.

                Everybody thought Obama would take away all our guns. It didn't happen, because it's not that easy. More people own more guns today than they did 8 years ago by a LONG shot.

                Hillary is a terrible human being. She would love to do all kinds of things, but she can't do it all by herself. She could do plenty of things that are bad as President, just like Obama has done of course. But she can't take your guns away all by herself. Also, she is really incompetent. Name one thing that she's ever done well. You can't. Everything she has ever tried to accomplish has gone down in flames. There have been lots of people harmed by her evil and incompetence for sure. But she's not the all-powerful evil genius that some people seem to believe her to be.

                I am NOT trying to take up for her in any way. Don't get me wrong. She's awful, and she'll try to pull all kinds of crap. But we definitely have a better chance of Republican control of Congress with her in the White House than if Trump is in there. And Congress is where laws are passed. We'll be better off with gridlock and government shutdowns with Hillary and a Republican Congress than we would be with Trump cutting deals and compromising with a Democrat Congress.

                Think past the initial shock of the election results in November and look at what will happen next as a result of that.

                Exactly. And think 2,3 and 4 elections down the road. Trump will damage the Republican Party for years to come, while Hillary will strengthen the resolve of conservatives.


                  Originally posted by Shane View Post
                  She can't change the Constitution by herself. Her own party hates her as much as Trump's party hates him. If she is President, Republicans will control Congress and will likely take the White House in 2020.

                  Everybody thought Obama would take away all our guns. It didn't happen, because it's not that easy. More people own more guns today than they did 8 years ago by a LONG shot.

                  Hillary is a terrible human being. She would love to do all kinds of things, but she can't do it all by herself. She could do plenty of things that are bad as President, just like Obama has done of course. But she can't take your guns away all by herself. Also, she is really incompetent. Name one thing that she's ever done well. You can't. Everything she has ever tried to accomplish has gone down in flames. There have been lots of people harmed by her evil and incompetence for sure. But she's not the all-powerful evil genius that some people seem to believe her to be.

                  I am NOT trying to take up for her in any way. Don't get me wrong. She's awful, and she'll try to pull all kinds of crap. But we definitely have a better chance of Republican control of Congress with her in the White House than if Trump is in there. And Congress is where laws are passed. We'll be better off with gridlock and government shutdowns with Hillary and a Republican Congress than we would be with Trump cutting deals and compromising with a Democrat Congress.

                  Think past the initial shock of the election results in November and look at what will happen next as a result of that.
                  thanks for clearing up the gun issue.

                  i have an uncle(deceased now, RIP) who used to email everyone he knew warning that obama would take our guns. that was 9 years ago and today americans own a lot more guns.

                  now i am seeing the same thing from the mis-informed. even if the court goes liberal, a SCOTUS opinion cannot remove a constitutional amendment. the process is much, much more involved and requires a majority of states. not likely to happen at all and def not doable by the legislative branch alone.

                  wish we could let this lie rest. ted cruz used it and was LYING to the people. maybe that's why he's toast. people are sick of the lies and broken promises.


                    Originally posted by kumathebear View Post
                    JUST watched good ole' Scott Pelly, TTU Grad and embarrassed here, report as usual all the TRUMP c..p he could on those "Patriot" Republican's running to the left!

                    Always liked the Bush POTUS but if they are turning to the Demo's...and IMO if they DON'T stay true to their party they are.....

                    I just want to SCREAM WAKE UP....if you don't like Trump, then what is your alternative...Libertarian, TOO late this election!

                    So go ahead and vote or DON'T vote and let Hillary be the next President.

                    All I have to say is those of us who are SICK AND TIRED OF THE TYPICAL BS will stand up and say enough! Yep, I'm a Tech grad and proud of it, but obviously I'm not intelligent enough to realize what some are, amazed....."Come on Man!"
                    Regarding your meme, many people confuse patriotism with authoritarianism.


                      Originally posted by Mudslinger View Post
                      You are going to give up a heck of a lot of your freedoms, guaranteed, if that criminal wearing burlap woman gets elected.
                      Kiss that weapon goodbye in your avatar if she gets in!
                      Good luck with that.


                        I am thinking our primary concern has to be the Supreme Court. The next President will probably make 3 appointments. That has the potential to be more damaging than any agenda a President may push. I don't know what kind of Justice Trump would appoint, but I KNOW what Hillary will appoint. I don't think a Republican Senate will be able to push their confirmations off for 4 years.

                        What is even scarier is all the down ballot stuff. It's gonna be a tough row to hoe keeping the Senate. Hillary and a Democratic congress........oh boy..


                          The Supreme Court fight is over already. Neither of them will appoint conservatives. At best, Trump would appoint moderately liberal judges who would vote with Ginsberg 90% of the time anyway.

                          New York Values


                            Originally posted by Shane View Post
                            The Supreme Court fight is over already. Neither of them will appoint conservatives. At best, Trump would appoint moderately liberal judges who would vote with Ginsberg 90% of the time anyway.

                            New York Values
                            Trump supporters are OK with that. Actually I have heard them state on this forum the the Grand Olean Party was far, far too right. Only chance at defeating the dems was to start moving left. Mission accomplished! We will get the government we deserve.


                              Originally posted by Traildust View Post
                              Trump supporters are OK with that. Actually I have heard them state on this forum the the Grand Olean Party was far, far too right. Only chance at defeating the dems was to start moving left. Mission accomplished! We will get the government we deserve.
                              i am no trump supporter, but the GOP has started moving too far right. i have been saying that. i'm sorry, but the majority of this country want to hear about more jobs and not some politicians personal relationship with jesus. just sayin...

                              they think they can win without some minorities and independents. no sure how long it will take them to understand that can't happen.

