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Who will be Trumps running mate?

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    Originally posted by Mudslinger View Post
    That women out of NM , Martinez, might be the biggest looser some of us have ever seen as a VP nominee. She could not even run the poorest state in the nation!
    I have a feeling he will go after her though. She is popular. I would really like to see Rudy Giuliani as VP. Or, I could actually handle Gingrich. Gingrich is pretty darn knowledgable when it comes to politics and law. And, Rudy has a way of keeping Trump in line.


      Originally posted by Traildust View Post
      Whoopi Goldberg....they are polar opposites, but exactly the same!
      Thats low....


        Originally posted by Sparkles View Post
        She's done with politics
        I wish she would retire from football. The way she hosed TCU in favor of Ohio was criminal....


          Another Celeb?

          Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
          Picking someone that is essentially the same as you usually has no benefit. It may not hurt but it most likely will not help.
          Oh. I was gonna say Flava Flaaaaaave! But in that case, I guess not.


            Its already in the works on NBC..... the Vice President job will be up for grabs on a new The Apprentice.
            So far the contestants they have lined up are Mel Gibson, Jay Z, The cast of The View, Monica Lewinski, Gene Simmons, and Elvis.


              Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
              For political purposes presidential nominees often pick someone different than themselves in order to use the VP position to gain votes. Picking someone that is essentially the same as you usually has no benefit. It may not hurt but it most likely will not help.

              Examples of what is not likely to happen might be like Ted Cruz (had he won) picking Marco Rubio. In that case you would have a conservative Hispanic from a southern state who is the child of a Cuban immigrant choosing a conservative Hispanic from a southern state who is the child of a Cuban immigrant. While Rubio might not be a bad running mate, what is extra benefit?

              There are certain no definite rules but I doubt that people will pick what is essentially a clone. When Hillary gets the nomination, is she likely to choose a woman running mate? I would doubt it as it adds nothing to the ticket. For the same reason and if he is politically astute (which he may not be), I would think that Trump would not choose Christie simply because they are next door neighbors. Why pick a moderate yankee from New Jersey when you are a moderate yankee from New York?

              I would think that me might pull someone out of the bag that we aren't thinking of but that will add something to his appeal (or lack thereof). If he goes for any of the people that ran or are big in Republican circles, he might choose a Fiorina, Nikki Haley, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Susana Martinez, Ben Carson, Newt Gingrich and maybe even Rand Paul.

              All would add something to Trump trying to win over the people that he may have lost from the campaign. Some people are obvious by race or sex but some may bring more than one aspect to it like Nikki Haley is who from the south, a woman and an Asian. Susana Martinez is a woman, southern/southwestern and a Hispanic. Kasich might bring in Ohio and I think no Republican has ever won without Ohio and Obama carried it both times. A person like Rand Paul with his sometime fanatical Libertarian followers might draw some people out that might not otherwise support Trump and he is also from the south. Trump could do like Ronald Reagan and choose his biggest competitor like he did in choosing G. H. W. Bush.

              It will be interesting but I think that Trump will choose someone that he believes will bring something to the table that might appear way different than him or help him carry a needed state like Ohio or Florida.

              In my opinion.
              Thinking Trump will pick ANYONE that doesn't think like he does, or compliment him (as in.. literally compliment him daily....) is hilarious.
              Almost as hilarious as thinking he'll beat Hillary.

