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Big night for the Donald

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    Originally posted by Tommyh View Post
    Reagan also ran record deficits and broke unions. So?

    And expanded the government.


      Originally posted by Bayouboy View Post
      Funny how people harp on Trump for being a yankee and x democrat. But, Reagan was a registered democrat at one time, a union leader, and from California. Many have selective memory on that.
      Funny how Trump supporters say this so often...but Reagan became a Republican many years before running for President. He stumped for Barry Goldwater in 1964.

      Trump was a democrat about 2 years ago.


        Originally posted by J Wales View Post
        Funny how Trump supporters say this so often...but Reagan became a Republican many years before running for President. He stumped for Barry Goldwater in 1964.

        Trump was a democrat about 2 years ago.

        What's the legal timeframe???


          For what?


            Originally posted by J Wales View Post
            For what?

            For being able to switch sides.


              Why does it matter? He supported Pelosi, Reed, Obama, the DNC, etc in 2008 (maybe 2012, but I'm not sure on that).

              Comparing him to Reagan is an absolute joke.


                Big night for the Donald

                Originally posted by J Wales View Post
                Why does it matter? He supported Pelosi, Reed, Obama, the DNC, etc in 2008 (maybe 2012, but I'm not sure on that).

                Comparing him to Reagan is an absolute joke.

                As is saying that he could not have a change of his beliefs...
                He also supported many in the RNC, but they didn't have the majority vote during the time of the ones you mentioned, hence why those in the RNC didn't get the bigger piece of the pie. But make no mistake, they ate even the smaller piece.

                An Trump benefited from it all.


                  Originally posted by J Wales View Post
                  Funny how Trump supporters say this so often...but Reagan became a Republican many years before running for President. He stumped for Barry Goldwater in 1964.

                  Trump was a democrat about 2 years ago.

                  That is a false statement. I know for a fact Trump has not been democratic since before the last election. I remember how much he hated Obama at the last election.


                    I have no problem with him changing his beliefs. It is a little surprising for him to make such a 180 at his stage of life. And it sure makes it hard to believe that he is genuine in what he says and that he is not just spouting off focus group talking points.

                    If he wins, I hope he means what he says (or at least most of it). But is hard to believe.

                    And comparing him to Reagan is still a joke. Reagan understood and could espouse the free market, capitalism, the constitution, and Americanism. They are in two separate leagues.


                      Originally posted by chunkinlead View Post
                      That is a false statement. I know for a fact Trump has not been democratic since before the last election. I remember how much he hated Obama at the last election.
                      I am guilty of exaggerating about the 2 years. But he sure paid a lot of Democrats a lot of money...more than Republicans... and said a lot of liberal things not that long ago.


                        Originally posted by J Wales View Post
                        I am guilty of exaggerating about the 2 years. But he sure paid a lot of Democrats a lot of money...more than Republicans... and said a lot of liberal things not that long ago.
                        Why would a businessman pay politicians who were not in power??? Republicans rose to power what???? 2 or 3 years ago..


                          Why would a right minded, freedom loving, limited government, anti-corruption, anti-establishment, anti-illegal immigrant ever give money to the DNC, Pelosi, Reed, and Clinton? And why on earth would he invite the Clintons to his wedding? I don't know how you can turn a blind eye to that.

                          It's not because he was a businessman. It's because he was a businessman without a moral compass.


                            Originally posted by J Wales View Post
                            Why would a right minded, freedom loving, limited government, anti-corruption, anti-establishment, anti-illegal immigrant ever give money to the DNC, Pelosi, Reed, and Clinton? And why on earth would he invite the Clintons to his wedding? I don't know how you can turn a blind eye to that.

                            It's not because he was a businessman. It's because he was a businessman without a moral compass.
                            No... it's a businessman who survived and prospered when high minded, unbending, moral high ground businessmen would have failed... and blamed those politicians instead of beating them at their own game.. I'm truly sorry that you can't see that.


                              Yes, Mike. He is the golden child.

                              Traildust is spot on.


                                Originally posted by J Wales View Post
                                Yes, Mike. He is the golden child.

                                Traildust is spot on.
                                No... he isn't a golden child, he is full of faults but of the choices presented us I'd rather back Trump than Cruz. I simply trust Cruz a lot less than I trust Trump which really isn't saying much..

