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North Korea going Nuclear?

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    North Korea going Nuclear?

    Just got a news alert that NK has ordered to prepare their nuclear weapon.

    Aside for envisioning a private in the NK army lighting an M60, this serious.

    Has the midget dictator finally lost all his marbles?

    That little fat dude is crazy
    And i would'nt be surprised if he tested the worlds resolve


      Originally posted by flywise View Post
      That little fat dude is crazy
      And i would'nt be surprised if he tested the worlds resolve
      I think that China would give him a slap down before they allowed that.


        Originally posted by stickerpatch59 View Post
        I think that China would give him a slap down before they allowed that.
        I hope they would


          A big problem with allowing these loose cannons to nuke up (think Obama and Iran) is they may very well use them. Once deployed it will be too late for a huge number of victims, no matter how the lunatics are dealt with afterward.


            It's funny you posted this, I just started full force and effect and its about this very thing


              My guess is that he is posturing because of the sanctions "we"/the UN put on them. I hope that is all it is btw. You never know what a crazy person is capable of though


                U.S. and South Korea are starting annual wargames and every year north korea rattles their sabers in protest. He also rattles those little sabers and rants when his country starts running low of money and food and the world pays him off to go back in his cave. Don't get me wrong he has nucear weapons and wants the ability to deliver them to the U.S. so he can get a bigger pay off. He is also bat sheet crazy. Why have we not made South Korea an island nation?


                  Amazing our specially trained killers have not ended his reign. Kinda makes one wonder if it is not all a diversion.

