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56% of Americans want vote on SCOTUS nominee

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    56% of Americans want vote on SCOTUS nominee

    The majority of Americans want a nominee and vote.

    This is not going to go well for all the republican strategist...

    Majority of Public Wants Senate to Act on Obama’s Court Nominee

    Enforcement of Laws aren't based on polls.


    Obama and Biden both are on record as saying to wait.


      Originally posted by Bily Lovec View Post
      Enforcement of Laws aren't based on polls.


      Obama and Biden both are on record as saying to wait.
      i don't disagree, but polls do show where public opinion is at on the subject.


        Originally posted by XBowHunter View Post
        i don't disagree, but polls do show where public opinion is at on the subject.
        Not, really. They're routinely swayed one way or the other to fit a person's argument. There is a million factors that dictate the outcome. You can do a poll on one site and get an outcome. Then, the same poll on another site and end up with a totally different outcome. You're putting way too much stock in what a poll says.


          Its no surprise,
          Id bet that of those 56% about 1% actually understand what the question was they answered. Our population is very ignorant and have no idea whats good for them or the country.


            I call BS on this article. First they only surveyed 1002 people, which is hardly a cross section sample of the millions of people in the US. If the populous was 10 million, 1002 would represent .0001%.

            Secondly I like to consider myself part of the population, and not one single time have I been asked any question about anything political related, so these 1002 people from where ever this "study" was conducted do not represent me as a part of the majority.

            Thirdly, numbers can be compiled to mean what ever you want them to mean if you try hard enough. So until you get some real fact based information from real reveal able sources with much larger sampling sizes, these so called polls and surveys you post are just screen fodder.


              When did polls matter for what the American People want ? Remember 70+% of Americans didn't want Obamacare.


                poll results and our rights shouldn't even be discussed in the same conversation.

                go find more troll bait.


                  Originally posted by Bily Lovec View Post
                  poll results and our rights shouldn't even be discussed in the same conversation.

                  go find more troll bait.


                    100% of those that were polled in this poll probably think that the unemployment rate is actually 5%.


                      Polls taken in heavily populated inner cities have no bearing on what the rest of rural American thinks.


                        Originally posted by ladrones View Post
                        100% of those that were polled in this poll probably think that the unemployment rate is actually 5%.


                          ooo kkk aaaaa yyyyy

                          So vote NO!


                            Standard politics. Democrats would make the same calls for a republican president to hold off it was an election year.

                            The constitution says he's allowed to, regardless of whether it's an election year so all the blather about it not being "his nominee" to choose has no basis in any laws. But the senate is within its rights to reject his nominees. Should be interesting to see what happens. My guess is he makes it a win-win situation for himself: he proposes a moderate judge already confirmed by the senate.

                            Senate doesn't confirm, he'll paint them as obstructionist and possibly hurt the GOP come elections, they confirm, and he gets his pick


                              Originally posted by sir shovelhands View Post
                              Standard politics. Democrats would make the same calls for a republican president to hold off it was an election year.

                              The constitution says he's allowed to, regardless of whether it's an election year so all the blather about it not being "his nominee" to choose has no basis in any laws. But the senate is within its rights to reject his nominees. Should be interesting to see what happens. My guess is he makes it a win-win situation for himself: he proposes a moderate judge already confirmed by the senate.

                              Senate doesn't confirm, he'll paint them as obstructionist and possibly hurt the GOP come elections, they confirm, and he gets his pick

                              Not only would, but have.

                              Most households are forced to deal with the constant fluctuation of gas prices. As the 2024 presidential election slowly comes clearer into view, the economy will be on the mind of most, if not all, voters. The price at the pumps is one of the most direct and day-to-day pieces of evidence as to how

