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The fear of not being conservative

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    The fear of not being conservative

    Lotsa good stuff going around in the new subforum, and kudos to all of us for keeping it under control! No terribly inflammatory or insulting remarks that I've seen so far.

    I'll throw this out as something I see as a bit of an outsider. I think Republican candidates and probably some voters felt the backlash from the Tea Party so much that now in the Republican world there is a fear of not being considered conservative. I think this gets some folks into trouble, whether as a candidate talking a bunch of junk that the record doesn't reflect or as voters who vote without stopping to think and inform themselves.

    Certainly this doesn't apply to everyone, and I don't mean to imply that conservatism is bad. At its root, it's good, it's what we need. But candidates who aren't conservative but feel they have to represent themselves as such are worse than if they just represented themselves as moderate to begin with. Why? Because it comes across as phony, which the last thing a politician in a federal position needs is to look even more phony. Why else? That person isn't going to actually do anything to further the support of conservative philosophy if they do get elected.

    So, for my first salvo, my thought is for the truly conservative groups/voters to take it down a notch in the criticism. Seems counterintuitive given just how scary the left has become, but I think the unbendable, very vocal far right will help the right more by chilling out and bring generally supportive than by playing tug of war with the GOP middle. Not saying abandon your principles, but consider being silent instead of vocally opposed. Hopefully this would get the GOP back to a more unified voice instead of the very fractured 18 candidate variation of BS that is currently seen. I think of it subtly guiding a horse in the direction you want to go instead of yelling, pulling, and going nowhere.

    Or do you think the hardline conservatives can't afford to back down for fear of the country slipping further to the left? I think it's slipping anyway and a new tactic is needed.

    Lol. No.


      The country has slid heavily to the left and its because we've kept to ourselves and the very small minority but very vocal minority has had such great success. No more. We've been silenced for to long. We are hurting because of wishy washy political types that lean towards the pc agenda of the day because we haven't made our voices heard and they go and stab us in the back.


        Originally posted by txpitdog View Post
        Not saying abandon your principles, but consider being silent instead of vocally opposed.
        That isn't how it works...and a BIG HELL NO!


          While I think I understand what you are saying, the left is traveling full speed further to the left. If conservatives take it down a notch, they will be dragged faster to the left. We can argue about social conservative/fiscal conservative. I actually feel that if the Republicans could become a little more socially liberal and more fiscally conservative (lower national debt, taxes, spending), there is a huge sweet spot that a large majority of Americans could agree on.


            Maybe to clarify, not be silent in general but don't spend the primaries destroying a candidate that is likely to win the nomination b/c he/she isn't conservative enough.

            Didn't mean quiet and go along with the landslide to the left in general.


              Originally posted by LWC View Post
              there is a huge sweet spot that a large majority of Americans could agree on.

              This for sure, but I think we get pulled out of it by the more vocal extreme left/right. A majority of America is in the middle, currently shifted left. Gotta entice the middle back to the right, but I think the far right's presentation and strategy is preventing it instead convincing.


                Wait a minute. Didn't you just get on me for saying it would be impossible to get the government down to Libertarian size? Now you are saying we shouldn't be so conservative? Are you talking fiscal, social, or governmental conservatives are all the above?




                    the spin. it hurts


                      Originally posted by hot_rod_eddie View Post
                      Wait a minute. Didn't you just get on me for saying it would be impossible to get the government down to Libertarian size? Now you are saying we shouldn't be so conservative? Are you talking fiscal, social, or governmental conservatives are all the above?

                      No I said it can't be done with the snap of a finger overnight.

                      I didn't communicate the point of this thread well at all. I see candidates afraid of being called anything but THE conservative solution, because the far right will openly and very vocally slam anyone not meeting a strict A+ rating for conservative issues as "might as well be a liberal". Candidates feel backed into a corner and end up misrepresenting themselves and conservatives horribly. My suggestion perhaps should have been rewritten to state that the attacks from the far right on GOP candidates should be lessened so that (1) the GOP can be whatever it decides it's gonna be, even if that turns out to fall short of the far right's expectations and (2) conservatives can reorganize with a message AND delivery more palatable to the nation.

                      Not saying be less conservative or let things slide without putting up resistance. Saying be less adversarial to your own party particularly to the extent that you fracture the voting base such that the candidate ultimately selected to represent the party is damaged goods out the gate.

                      Oh and I like your term libertarian republican, though I'm probably more of a republican libertarian. [emoji6]


                        you are correct in that the GOP moves too far right during the primaries (tells a bunch of lies to the base and scares indies off)

                        then when it comes time for the general they have run off indies and swing voters.

                        seems like a vicious circle no one cares to address...


                          Do you mean address it in the manner of collapsing on its base platforms of the party and giving in to the left in the name of "compromise" at every turn, only to ask for nothing for their "compromise?" or just throw caution to the wind and be more like the democrat party light, only to collect SOME dem votes and SOME independent/moderate votes and lose a MAJORITY of the base?


                            Originally posted by Tommyh View Post
                            Do you mean address it in the manner of collapsing on its base platforms of the party and giving in to the left in the name of "compromise" at every turn, only to ask for nothing for their "compromise?" or just throw caution to the wind and be more like the democrat party light, only to collect SOME dem votes and SOME independent/moderate votes and lose a MAJORITY of the base?
                            if your base leaves because you move to the center to try to win, then the party has big, big problems...

                            the problem really is, the GOP is more than 1 party...


                              Originally posted by XBowHunter View Post
                              if your base leaves because you move to the center to try to win, then the party has big, big problems...

                              the problem really is, the GOP is more than 1 party...
                              so is the dem party, honestly. you have the socialists who are taking over, openly, and you have leftists, who are trying to look more like republicans to get away from the stigma of socialism.

