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Rubio, the gang of 8 and ICE rep

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    Rubio, the gang of 8 and ICE rep

    Heard this presenter on another radio show over the weekend... very interesting.

    In an exclusive Q&A with Breitbart News, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane provides never-before-heard details about the 2013 Gang of Eight immigration fight that are likely to shake up an already tumultuous presidential race.

    In an exclusive Q&A with Breitbart News, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane provides never-before-heard details about the 2013 Gang of Eight immigration fight that are likely to shake up an already tumultuous presidential race.
    BNN: What happened during the press conference when you tried to ask Sen. Rubio and Chuck Schumer to take a question?

    CRANE: I was polite, professional and respectful at all times. I didn’t interrupt anyone or cause a scene. The press was there, but Sen. Rubio and the rest of the Gang of Eight had also filled the large room with amnesty supporters and open borders people to cheer and applaud the Gang of Eight every time they said something. It was a real dog and pony show, sort of a circus.

    Because it wasn’t your traditional closed press conference, it didn’t seem at all out of place to me, as an American citizen, to politely ask these elected officials a question about the legislation they were there to discuss. After all, I thought that Congress was the People’s House.

    When the floor was opened to reporters to ask questions, I too politely raised my hand and asked, “Will you take a question from law enforcement?”

    The amnesty folks immediately started making hateful comments like: you’re not welcome here, you need to leave, you have no right to speak here. A commotion took place on the stage with the Gang of Eight Senators. Sen. Rubio did look directly at me, and it appeared that he told Sen. Flake who I was.

    Yet, despite having looked directly at me, Sen. Rubio did absolutely nothing to allow me to ask a question on behalf of the nation’s ICE officers, sheriffs and front line law enforcement.

    I was able to ask the same question approximately two more times, before a Senate staffer accompanied by Capitol Hill police approached— demanding that they escort me out.

    As I was escorted out by police, some within the amnesty groups applauded, laughed at me, and made hateful remarks. Once police escorted me outside of the main room, police informed me that I was not free to go and that I was to be taken somewhere for questioning.

    As a law enforcement officer I knew that their actions met the legal standard for an arrest. At that point I demanded to know the charges against me and why I was being arrested.

    Rubio will never seal the border and he will never require accountability of those who are already here. Id only vote for him if he is the only choice i have


      I will not vote if he is the choice. I would support Trump, cruz, Carson, and I would have supported rand Paul. Rubio will be just as bad as either of the dems so at that point I don't care. I hope Cruz takes the primary, but if not I hope it's anyone but Rubio and kasich.


        I give Rubio credit for at least trying to see if there could be agreement on some sort of illegal immigration bill. Securing the border without addressing the problem of those already here is clearly a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, the dems in the so called gang of 8 wouldn't even agree to that so he dropped it. Retreat to fight another day. What's wrong with that?

        The fact that a bunch of protesters took over a press conference is not Rubio' s fault. Schumer or some other "community organizer" probably arranged it. Rubio stuck his neck out by trying and it backfired. Cruz and many others are guilty of not even seriously trying.


          Originally posted by treestand View Post
          I give Rubio credit for at least trying to see if there could be agreement on some sort of illegal immigration bill. Securing the border without addressing the problem of those already here is clearly a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, the dems in the so called gang of 8 wouldn't even agree to that so he dropped it. Retreat to fight another day. What's wrong with that?

          The fact that a bunch of protesters took over a press conference is not Rubio' s fault. Schumer or some other "community organizer" probably arranged it. Rubio stuck his neck out by trying and it backfired. Cruz and many others are guilty of not even seriously trying.
          We already have one... it was deemed to be ILLEGAL.


            Nice try Marco.

            Crane represents America’s ICE officers and is an ICE officer himself.

            “You recently lied to the American public on FOX news regarding my current status and career as both an ICE Agent and Officer,” Crane writes in his email to Rubio. “I challenge you to make yourself available, as a United States Senator and Presidential Candidate, so that I may present my badge and credentials to you as proof that your comments on FOX news are false.”


              Originally posted by JFISHER View Post
              Somehow, Rubio will claim it was Ted Cruz's fault.

