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US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dead at age 79...

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    US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dead at age 79...

    Wow...prayers up for his friends and family. He wrote some zingers over his time.


    I fear the worst with this admin & can just imagine the nominees on the list...Lord help us!!

    Will Obummer get to pick the next one? Will he have time?


      Originally posted by STex View Post
      Will Obummer get to pick the next one? Will he have time?
      Hillary will. Obama will be her pick.


        The constitution just took a giant hit
        Obama will fill that spot before he leaves office and that person will be the death nail to American as we know it. Im positive obama hear this news and jumped for joy


          Let's hope that rep majority can stymie an appointment until after a Jan inauguration


            Originally posted by Playa View Post
            Let's hope that rep majority can stymie an appointment until after a Jan inauguration
            This batch of gutless wonders? Ill hope they will but i certainly will not be surprised if obama nominates a full blown commi and this group of republicans pass him straight to the bench


              Pray for our country!!! This is one of the worst case scenarios'. This is one of the reasons we need to get the right person elected. I fear the Congress won't be able to hold Obama at bay for 10 months. This is scary.


                He gets the pic. God help us.


                  Very sad day for the country and for the future of the country. Can you imagine what type of person that creep will place there?


                    Presidents don't just appoint anyone they want and get it. The Senate has to approve/confirm the pick.

                    I may be wrong, but I think any Senator can put a hold on judicial nominations, not sure if that extends to the SC or not. You know Obama is already licking his chops, but I'm going to tell you right now, if the Republican Senate Majority approves and seats a SC justice of Obama's choosing, with less than a year left in his term, they can never, never, EVER again campaign on needing a Republican majority to approve good Supreme Court justices. I have a feeling one Senator at least, from Texas, will have something to say about it.


                      Originally posted by Hogmauler View Post
                      Very sad day for the country and for the future of the country. Can you imagine what type of person that creep will place there?
                      Yes, Sotomayor, unqualified and leftist as they come with little regard to the constitution or precedent


                        I pray that we can keep Obama from appointing his replacement.


                          Ted Cruz is already drawing a line in the sand.

                          From his Twitter account a half hour ago:

                          "Justice Scalia was an American hero. We owe it to him, & the Nation, for the Senate to ensure that the next President names his replacement."


                            Let's just hope that another retarded liberal isn't put on the bench, and also that some theocratic POS evangelical isn't either.

                            PLEASE let there be a moderate appointed who will balance out the 4-4 bench we now have!


                              I sure hope the Senate will make sure that the next President makes the appointment. If not, we're toast. If the next President isn't Cruz, we'll be toast anyway. But at least we'll have a chance if Cruz gets to appoint the next Justice.

