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The story of Ted Cruz

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    The story of Ted Cruz

    This may have been posted before but here it is again. Interesting.

    I liked what I saw and heard. I could easily vote for Ted Cruz over hil or bern.


      That was powerful and spot on. Where will we go if freedom dies?


        He is my choice that's for sure.


          Cruz, more so than any other candidate, believes that the Constitution is the best path to follow for our government and for our nation. Everybody else, in varying degrees, is willing to and/or wants to change how our nation functions. That means less freedom and more corruption.

          A study of history shows that our founding fathers were brilliant in their establishment of our nation's Constitution. I am a firm believer that we should return to it. We've ignored it, to our detriment, for far too long. Since Cruz shares those beliefs, he's my guy in this election.

          Back room political deals, compromise with those who would like to tear our country down, and crony capitalism have weakened our nation. More of all of that is NOT the answer. Putting a different guy in charge of all of that corruption isn't the answer. Getting back to the Constitution is the only solution to the problems in and caused by our government. Cruz is the only guy in the race who understands and supports that idea and who has the knowledge and expertise to make it happen. The rest of them either don't believe in the Constitution entirely or they don't have what it takes to make it happen.

          I sure hope Cruz is the guy that gets to pick all the Supreme Court Justices for the openings that are likely to occur in the next few years as well. The importance of that issue alone can't be understated.


            Yup Shane, he is the one. I think the establishment is scared of him pulling the curtain back and revealing the wizard. There are gonna be a lot of heads rolling when he gets elected. Lots of closets are going to be opened and a lot of dem and repubs are gonna get a light shined on them. He has had time while in the Senate to get an idea of where to start. This is my sincere hope. We need to reveal these congressmen and women for who they really are. I am hoping to hear about a lot of folks going to prison when he gets in, up to and including Hillary and Obama.


              I'd love to see all the crooks behind bars too, but honestly I'll be happy if we just get the country pointed back in the right direction again, whether all that deserve prison get it or not.


                Lindsay Graham is still out there dissing him. Saying "He unelectable, he cant be the nominee etc.... I think Ted has my vote.


                  Thumbs up!


                    Originally posted by Hogmauler View Post
                    Lindsay Graham is still out there dissing him. Saying "He unelectable, he cant be the nominee etc.... I think Ted has my vote.

                    How many times has Lindsey Graham run for president? Several. And how many times has he been elected president? None.

                    The closest he ever came was seeing his good friend and fellow "electable moderate", John McCain, get the nomination. How many times was McCain The Electable elected president again? None.

                    I'm not sure anyone cares what Lindsey Graham thinks about anything.


                      Man that fool has got y'all fooled. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] He's a freakin career politician! LMMFAO!


                        Originally posted by Ragin' View Post
                        Man that fool has got y'all fooled. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] He's a freakin career politician! LMMFAO!
                        That video is truly! I agree he has mucho issues but ole Trump is just sadly stumbling around and kicking fireant mounds for attention. Time for some details or he is going to implode.


                          Originally posted by Shane View Post

                          How many times has Lindsey Graham run for president? Several. And how many times has he been elected president? None.

                          The closest he ever came was seeing his good friend and fellow "electable moderate", John McCain, get the nomination. How many times was McCain The Electable elected president again? None.

                          I'm not sure anyone cares what Lindsey Graham thinks about anything.
                          Man, I know where you come from, and I don't have a problem with your argument. Might as well try something new. You don't keep doing the same thing and expect different results and all that. I just don't think Cruz or trump are winning candidates. Maybe I'll be wrong this time.

                          McCain should have been elected in 2000. I voted for him over bush, and hate that Bush won the way he won over McCain. McCain 2008 was a sacrificial lamb. No Republican was winning after the Bush trainwreck. I vowed to never vote Republican after bush, and I don't know that that will change. I won't vote for Hillary or the other guy, but I'm not at all excited about any of my options. I don't want to live in a country that validates trump and his behavior by electing him, and I don't want to be a part of an organization that puts him up as it's standard bearer.


                            Good read


                              Originally posted by Hogmauler View Post
                              Lindsay Graham is still out there dissing him. Saying "He unelectable, he cant be the nominee etc.... I think Ted has my vote.
                              Funny coming from the guy who dropped out of the Pres. race because he couldn't break above 1% support.

