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Cruz vs Rubio

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    Just stating my opinion...... Rubio is a dang idiot pawn....... Cruz is not right....... My opinion is he's bad news

    Scary election folks


      Cruz and his camp jumping the gun and "leaking" that Ben Carson was throwing in the towel last night was a deal breaker for me.


        Rock on Cruz missile!!!


          Thanks for all the info. Cruz is my first choice but Rubio will be my close second.


            Originally posted by Ricky T View Post
            Cruz and his camp jumping the gun and "leaking" that Ben Carson was throwing in the towel last night was a deal breaker for me.
            Is this hearsay or is there proof? I don't watch the news.


              I will vote for whichever republican candidate is polling strongest against Bernie/Hilary on Super T-day. Cruz is principled but kinda creepy with his beady eyes and a bit too nasaly when speaking. Rubio is a fast talking whinny kid with big ears who probably didn't have many friends growing up and got kicked around on the playground. Trump is a charismatic billionaire with a bad tan and worse hair and very poor historically conservative record. They are all flawed. Not a single one of them is close to perfect but any of them would be infinitely better than HRC or the self-avowed socialist. I'd gladly call any of them Mr. President!

              On another note...

              A muslim a socialist and an illegal immigrant walk into a bar...

              Bar tender says...what can I get you to drink Mr President...


                Appearance, speech patterns and other quirky behaviors/mannerisms are not what I will be voting for. I will vote for the person whom I think will uphold the christian principles, conservative morals and values I believe in and those that our Country was founded on. Cruz is my man.


                  I'm in for a Cruz/Rubio ticket!


                    Originally posted by Ricky T View Post
                    Cruz and his camp jumping the gun and "leaking" that Ben Carson was throwing in the towel last night was a deal breaker for me.
                    Well, then no one is worthy in your eyes.


                      Originally posted by jerp View Post
                      I don't think there is much difference between them policy wise. The biggest knock (from the right) on Rubio is his unfortunate involvement with "The Gang of Eight" a few years ago. This was a group of senators pushing immigration reform including a path to citizenship of illegals. It wasn't too long before he realized he was being played by the democrats and he quit the group and reversed course. He talks very solidly now on border security and other immigration issues. However some don't believe his conversion or think he did so for political reasons. Some on the right are now saying say he is a so-called "establishment Republican". If so, he is the most conservative member of the establishment ever - by a long shot. Go to his website and read his basic principles - certainly does not sound like a squish to me.

                      Ted Cruz is a pure movement conservative. By movement conservative I mean small government, personal liberty and strict constitutionalism. He is the first politician in a long time who when he says he will do something - or try to do it - I believe him. He does not give a flying flip about playing the game in Washington of bowing to kiss the ring of the old-line republicans. This has endeared him to tea party types but also made him many enemies in the McCain/O'Connell/Bohner wing of the party.

                      I like both candidates. The biggest difference may be in electability based on demeanor and charisma. (which are very subjective, of course) As much as I like Cruz I can see how his demeanor and rhetorical style is off-putting to some, even to some who agree with him. I think Rubio has more potential to sway those in the middle who don't follow politics closely and don't have a deeply imbedded philosophy regarding what makes a good president.
                      If I could snap my fingers and make it happen I would go for Cruz. However I will be perfectly happy with either in the general election and I have the gut feeling Rubio would have a better chance of beating Hilary.
                      Very well said!!


                        Originally posted by Ricky T View Post
                        Cruz and his camp jumping the gun and "leaking" that Ben Carson was throwing in the towel last night was a deal breaker for me.
                        You might want to do a little investigating, before you jump to any conclusions. CNN is more culpable in this, than Cruz's campaign. Yo can also bet that the other Republican candidates were quick to jump on this. The lamestream media just chose to focus and place the blame on Cruz, since he won the caucus in record breaking fashion.



                          It is time to run a CONSERVATIVE!!!!


                            Originally posted by WTJim View Post
                            Appearance, speech patterns and other quirky behaviors/mannerisms are not what I will be voting for. I will vote for the person whom I think will uphold the christian principles, conservative morals and values I believe in and those that our Country was founded on. Cruz is my man.
                            Exactly. I really don't like hearing or watching Cruz but when I read what he has done/has planned to do, he's a clear winner to me. You don't fix problems w/looks or voices, you do it w/compassion & conviction.


                              Originally posted by Dejashoot View Post
                              How well have the last 2 "moderate" Republicans done in elections?

                              "Keep doing what you are doing you get what you got"
                              Exactly! All this talk about Cruz being unelectable. SMH!

                              Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

                              -Albert Einstein


                                Originally posted by WTJim View Post
                                Appearance, speech patterns and other quirky behaviors/mannerisms are not what I will be voting for. I will vote for the person whom I think will uphold the christian principles, conservative morals and values I believe in and those that our Country was founded on. Cruz is my man.
                                I agree with this and Ted Cruz is the only candidate I have given money too. Although I will say that I Rubio isn't too far off from Ted Cruz. Saw this the other day and I think he can definitely talk the talk. I suspect either way this election won't be the last we hear from either of them.

