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Is Trump a Hack?

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    The Clintons' records do speak for themselves. That doesn't change the fact that Trump is just like them though. That's the problem.

    After we screwed up a golden opportunity in the GOP primary, the damage is done, I'm afraid. Unless somebody can figure out how to get a decent nominee out of the GOP convention while uniting all the GOP voters, it probably doesn't matter much who wins in November. I don't see how that is possible at this point though.


      Originally posted by Shane View Post
      The Clintons' records do speak for themselves. That doesn't change the fact that Trump is just like them though. That's the problem.

      After we screwed up a golden opportunity in the GOP primary, the damage is done, I'm afraid. Unless somebody can figure out how to get a decent nominee out of the GOP convention while uniting all the GOP voters, it probably doesn't matter much who wins in November. I don't see how that is possible at this point though.
      The thing I can't reconcile with him is his personal relationship with the Clintons. Calling them things like "Wonderful" and "Terrific" people while he was being asked his thoughts on her record as SOS.


        He's clearly one of them. He's clearly not one of us.

        Which one of them would be able to do the least amount of damage and be the most likely to not be reelected in 4 years?


          Originally posted by Shane View Post
          He's clearly one of them. He's clearly not one of us.

          Which one of them would be able to do the least amount of damage and be the most likely to not be reelected in 4 years?
          To be so sure you must have some examples.
          Has he ever beened involved in any of the numerous scandals, that are detrimental to this country and its people, such as the ones surrounding the Clintons??
          Has he ever put American lives in danger? Has he ever aided our enemies?

          I would like to hear how they are one I the same..


            Trump's record speaks for itself too. I'm sick of talking about it. We've covered it. He's corrupt. He hasn't done the exact same things that Hillary has done. She hasn't done the exact same things Trump has done. But they're both incredibly corrupt liars who don't deserve any consideration whatsoever for the highest office in this great land, and it's a crying shame and an enormous embarrassment that either one of them are even mentioned in the same breath as the two words "presidential election".

            You either recognize it for what it is, or you look past it in hopes that he truly means what he says recently and will be a new man once the election is over. I believe his record, not his recent speeches. I truly hope I'm wrong about him. I could be. But he'll have to truly be a changed man at this late stage in his life for me to be wrong about him. It's possible. Not likely, but possible.

            I get the visceral hatred for Hillary. I share it. I'm just not blinded by it.


              Originally posted by Shane View Post
              Trump's record speaks for itself too. I'm sick of talking about it. We've covered it. He's corrupt. He hasn't done the exact same things that Hillary has done. She hasn't done the exact same things Trump has done. But they're both incredibly corrupt liars who don't deserve any consideration whatsoever for the highest office in this great land, and it's a crying shame that either one of them are even mentioned in the same breath as the two words "presidential election".

              You either recognize it for what it is, or you look past it in hopes that he truly means what he says recently and will be a new man once the election is over. I believe his record, not his recent speeches. I truly hope I'm wrong about him. I could be. But he'll have to truly be a changed man at this late stage in his life for me to be wrong about him. It's possible. Not likely, but possible.

              I get the visceral hatred for Hillary. I share it. I'm just not blinded by it.
              Im not blinded by it either and every politician is corrupt to a degree.

              The Clintons evil doings far out weigh anything that Trump could conger up.
              To say that they are one I the same is a stretch..
              Like you say. Records speak for themselves.


                One of us is definitely wrong about Trump. I sincerely hope it's me.


                  Originally posted by Shane View Post
                  One of us is definitely wrong about Trump. I sincerely hope it's me.
                  I hope you are too Shane, but I have felt Trump was a Democrat plant from the git go.


                    Originally posted by Shane View Post
                    Yes sir, I understand completely how terrible Hillary is. But I also can see that Trump is the exact same kind of snake. Trump hasn't had the opportunity to do the kinds of things that Hillary has done in politics yet, because he hasn't been in politics. But he's the exact same kind of crooked, lying, do-anything-for-money-and-power kind of person that the Clintons are.

                    Looking backward, anyone who can fog a mirror can see that Hillary is terrible. I'm trying to look ahead to figure out which one of these two slimeballs will do the least damage and be the easiest to get rid of after 4 years instead of 8. If you don't get fixated on "oh, God! Anybody but Hillary!!!!", you can see that it's pretty difficult to tell which one of the two choices might be worse and which one might be the lesser of two extremely bad evils. Trump is more like Bill than he is like Hillary. She's a lot meaner than Bill, but she's inept. Bill was more dangerous because he was better at charm and deception. They're both terrible, just different personalities and styles in getting there.
                    So based on this post your are actually considering voting for Hillary???

                    I cannot understand this at all and based on all of your post and knowledge I've seen in the past here this truly is shocking and disappointing!!


                      Originally posted by KR-oldmexico View Post
                      So based on this post your are actually considering voting for Hillary???

                      I cannot understand this at all and based on all of your post and knowledge I've seen in the past here this truly is shocking and disappointing!!
                      Of course I'm not voting for Hillary. Where did I ever say that?

                      I may not vote for either one of them, but I'll never vote for Hillary unless I get a vote on a jury that is considering who needs to be sent to prison for life.


                        Today I don't yet know what I will do in the Presidential race in November. I'll definitely be voting for the most conservative candidates I can find in all the other races on the ballot.


                          Originally posted by Shane View Post
                          Of course I'm not voting for Hillary. Where did I ever say that?

                          I may not vote for either one of them, but I'll never vote for Hillary unless I get a vote on a jury that is considering who needs to be sent to prison for life.
                          I'm trying to look ahead to figure out which one of these two slimeballs will do the least damage and be the easiest to get rid of after 4 years instead of 8. If you don't get fixated on "oh, God! Anybody but Hillary!!!!", you can see that it's pretty difficult to tell which one of the two choices might be worse and which one might be the lesser of two extremely bad evils.

                          Sounds like you're considering it to me!! I would surely hope not!!

                          Both side of the isle are screwed up and he just might wake all these Washington Bureaucrats up and do whats best for the country moving forward!! Trump may not be the best man for the job but the people have spoken on the GOP side like it or not! I didn't vote for him in the primaries but he's my man now 100%....

                          I don't even see how anyone with any sense could go any other direction!! there is only 2 choices and he's **** sure the better one!!


                            Like I said, I never said I'm considering voting for Hillary. You just misunderstand my opinions and statements.

                            Even if I thought that Hillary was the lesser of these two evils, I could never bring myself to actually cast a vote for her. My opinion of Trump isn't much different. It's OK if you disagree or don't understand my thinking. I'm just some guy on an internet forum.


                              Originally posted by jerp View Post
                              Trump-mania will pass. His brash style and media bashing has tapped a vein in certain parts of the electorate who are frustrated with illegal immigration and the MSM. His campaign has no legs long term because there is no there, there. He speaks conservatism as a second language and doesn't know what he doesn't know. Watching him lob grenades has been fun, I must admit. I may be wrong but I will be surprised if he follows through with the third party threat. My guess is when he starts lagging in the polls and the media turns their attention elsewhere he will get bored and go on to something else.
                              Spot on.....


                                Shane, I know you said it's been talked about before but what did Trump do that's so bad?

                                I hate them both BTW... I've seen Hillary do many many bad things that she should be in prison for.

                                I can't think of anything Trump did that warrants jail time. I'm not advocating voting for either one BTW But I would like to hear what Trump has done and not things just this election has brought up (assuming things have come up, been made up or exaggerated in this last year by political parties).

