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Will Trump do it?

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    Will Trump do it?

    Donald Trump: "On day one, I will seal the border and we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country.."

    A. As he says on day one.
    B. He will try but take 6+ months to start deporting.
    C. He will try but take over 2 years to start deporting.
    D. He won't do jack squat.

    My guess is between C and D. Real guess is he never gets into office.

    A, He's pretty much done everything he's said he was going to do.


      He’s gonna have to defeat the deep state before he does anything. And that’s gonna be a chore, unless, “it’s too big to rig”


        I truly have no opinion on what will actually happen. I do believe he thinks he can, but he will have much opposition, sadly some of it will be from his own party. If Cornyn winds up heading up the Repubs, he’s not gonna be much help. If I were pressed, I’d choose door B. He’s gonna have a tough time finding them. Hell, there’s a bunch of illegals that have been here for years and haven’t been found and deported.


          I say nothing. Don’t think he will win because they will defeat him in court one way or the other. Too much for them to lose if they let him win.

          If he does pull it off, I still say nothing. He doesn’t have the power to do anything he’s saying. Congress holds the power. The same Congress that has been in power for 50 yrs. They choose to leave our borders open, so they will remain open.

          Until the swamp is drained we will never change as a nation. No president will ever change that. You see what happened to Trump when he threatened their jobs. The next guy in line will do exactly what he’s told just as every president has before.


            He ain't gonna elected so it all moot.


              Back at yea RR, will he be able to do it if elected?


                Unfortunately he will never get the chance.
                The evil ones still have time and options.
                At this point I’m just praying for his safety.


                  If elected I believe he will start “trying” to deport on day one, but the deep state will tie him up so fast for so long in court nothing will end up happening.


                    He built the wall, made Mexico pay for it, drained the swamp, and locked Hillary up last time, so......


                      Some times things are not as they appear to be.


                        They will never let him get elected.


                          Who is “ they?”


                            Originally posted by Shane View Post
                            He built the wall, made Mexico pay for it, drained the swamp, and locked Hillary up last time, so......


                              He swiftly, with the stroke of a pen, pronto, right away, ended Obamacare, so of course I believe him.

