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Death by a thousand cuts

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    Death by a thousand cuts

    For some reason today, I got to thinking about our country and what has happened over the last three years. I look at what has happened to our country since Biden took office:
    >First day in office, he rescinded everything that Trump had put in place to close our southern border. Since then it has been a constant flood- somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 million people have flooded our country and we have no idea who they are or where they are. Since probably 99% are "people of color", the Democrats seem to think that once they can get them the right to vote they will vote "D". That senile old fart that is supposed to be running our country talks about that if Congress will just pass the bill they are looking at that he can shut the border down in a day- if he isn't enforcing the law now, does anyone think he will enforce a new one. We have become the nanny state for every other country in this world.
    >The trans "movement", including men competing in women's sports because they are now "women", and DEI are beginning to rot this country from the inside.
    >Soros funded and other liberal DA's, city/county/state, have made a farce of our laws leading to mass groups of individuals looting businesses to the point they close.
    >Bankrupting our country, both financially and militarily, by funding wars to protect other country's borders with both money (we don't have) and weapons to the point this country is vulnerable to not be able to defend ourselves.
    >Depleting the Strategic Oil Reserve to a critical level- if a war in the mideast breaks out worse than what we have now we couldn't supply our military with the fuel it would need to fight. We have the oil reserves but I believe we are already pretty much maxed out on refining capacity to the point we couldn't catch up even if allowed to drill.
    >Our allies over seas can't trust us and we can't recruit enough folks to join the military due to woke policies and the weakness we have already displayed in protecting our own folks that are in harms way.
    >Our kids are being indoctrinated by ideas that will lead to a complete collapse of what has made America the great country it has been- where hard work and personal achievement don't matter, only skin color and which team you bat for.
    >The crushing debt we have accrued to the point we will soon be paying one trillion dollars just in interest debt.

    My greatest fear right now is that Biden, at the DNC, will be convinced to drop out of the race for "health" reasons and he gives all his delegates to Michelle Obama. She will get votes simply because of who she is and this country will be finished.

    But on a lighter note, at least the sun is shining today...

    Would come full circle then, considering this ****show started under her and Barry.


      Life sucks and then you die, so what else is new ?


        That’s a lot of paragraphs to say that our enemies would like us to fall and there are enough powerful people in American who hate America and what she stands for, or see a hefty payday from her demise, or both as the case may likely be, and are more than willing to facilitate it at the expense of the people


          Barry and Susan Rice are calling the shots now. Barry convinced Joe to hire Cummala for VP. I’ve been saying Michelle for a while now. That’d give B O another 4-8 years. Don’t fear. Look up Your redemption draweth nigh.


            Originally posted by Hogmauler View Post
            Barry and Susan Rice are calling the shots now. Barry convinced Joe to hire Cummala for VP. I’ve been saying Michelle for a while now. That’d give B O another 4-8 years. Don’t fear. Look up Your redemption draweth nigh.
            Brother, you need to re-think that part about obama running things. That's actually quite funny! That sapsucker ain't got sense enough to run a boy scout troup, much less this country. When he was installed in the White House, him and Big Mike were just puppets no different than old potato head Biden. Obama said and did some of the stupidest things any president ever did when he was "in charge" soon as he went off script and started to think and act on his own. There ain't a Washington politician up there that can handle the real job of running this country.


              On one hand I want Jesus to come back ASAP

              On the other I want to see how this show ends!


                Not sure I do.

