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I'll have to chaulk this one up-the big eight

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    I'll have to chaulk this one up-the big eight

    Well, it finally happened to me after bowhunting for the last 16 years. I lost my first deer. Three weeks ago I was missing a feeder, so I went out to look for it and I found it in the southeast corner of the ranch and it still had some golden nugget in it. So, I dropped the feeder and turned it on and waited to see what would come in. I went back two weeks later on a Saturday afternoon, November 22nd and I setup my tree stand. I went back on Sunday morning around 5:00am and I was just sitting there and the feeder went off at 7:00 and by 8:00 I hadn't seen anything and I thought well that was it and this wasn't going to turn out to be a good spot. So, I was sitting there thinking about where I might move it and then all of a sudden the deer started coming in and around 8:15 this big 8 pt. comes. On November 26, 2002, I shot a deer that scored a 155, 11 pt. and that was the last big deer that I shot and had mounted. When this deer came in, I just knew he was a the one and didn't even have to look at him through the binoculars. I scored him between a 135-145, 8 pt. My stand is about 92 yards from the feeder, I reached down and grabbed by doe can and started bleeping it 3-4 times and he raised his head up and started coming right at me. He was within 30 yards and it seemed like forever for him to offer me a clear shot--but he finally did. When I shot him, I thought it was a perfect shot that a bowhunter would ever want. When he took off running, you could see the blood coming out of the side and my arrow was a straight pass through. I stayed in my blind for over about 1 1/2 hours before getting down. So, I started tracking the blood trail and it was everywhere and it left a very good path to follow. I knew he would be there at any minute. I had gone about 50-60 yards and I looked up on a flat spot and saw a big puddle of blood with bubbles in it, so I knew I hit a lung. Kept walking, but could not find the deer. I continued to follow the blood trail and it was getting lighter and lighter. I kept walking and I saw where he had laid in the cedar bushes and the ground was still warm from him laying down. The blood trail was running out and I got this sick feeling and saw the deer jump the fence and go into the neighbors ranch. I knew the area very well, and I knew the deer was heading to the dirt water tanks, like most wounded deer, but I could not find him. The next morning I called my best freind and his son and we went back out and looked for the deer. We jumped the fence and could not find the deer. A older man told me that the deer must have got a blood clot while he was laying down and got a second wind and he could be in another county by now. So, it looks like I'll have to chaulk this one up and I just needed to tell my story.
    PS: I have pictures on my camera, but I'm having trouble downloading the pictures for some reason. I'll try to get them on there-any advice.

    larry email them to jassmart @ I'll resize them for you...and post them


      That sucks, man. But why didn't you call someone with a dog? Call this guy Matt (325) 456-0773. He is in your area and I can almost promise you would be holding those horns right now.


        Man that's tough. Sorry to hear.

