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Jethro's First bow Kill

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    Jethro's First bow Kill

    Jethro B from the pre crash days came out to Mills county along with Switchback Shooter, Two Racks, and DJM for an end of season get together and hunt. I set up an extra pop up along a good deer trail because of the weather that was coming and hoped that the interference wouldn’t bother the hunting. Well I sat in another fresh popup with out any luck and when the time came to pick up everyone Jethro was the first on my rout. As I rounded the corner I didn’t have to wonder how his morning went, Jethro was bouncing up and down like he been sitting on a fire ant mound. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone that excited.
    An excellent 33 yard shot dropped the deer in her tracks due to a shoulder deflection that resulted in a spine shot. Jethro has been trying to get his first bow kill for 2 years now and things finally came together. Switchback shooter will post the photos later. All in all the weekend was a blast with several opportunities for other deer to be taken but as in hunting some times things just go wrong like a feeder going off in the middle of a draw, and a deer that was apparently the second cousin to Speedy Gonzales and as always those deer that like to stay just out of range and tease you. Congrats to Jethro, and thanks for coming. I had a blast!

    Congrats to all the hunters.


      Way to go Jethro!!!!!!!!!!


        Congrats t Jethro


          Congrats again Aaron, she was a beauty!

          Thank you Dave and Rene for having us out. We had a blast hanging out with ya'll and watching all our kids play. Huntter keeps asking when Landry is comeing here to play with all his toys! Sorry if I spelt her name wrong. Dave tell Rene again thank you so much for the wonderful dinner and watching the rugrats for me. BTW we ended up coming home with the 2 towels I used in the the ice covered tripod Saturday night, I'll get them back to you asap.

          Here is what we had to drive threw on the way home Sunday, luckily it didn't last too long with Aaron driving home on that spare tire.


            I ll pass the message and the pleasure was ours. Hope to do it agian next year.


              Congrats Jethro


                Congrats Jethro,you'll always remember the first.It was good to meet you and good to see 2Racks and Switchbackshooter again.Dave,thanks again to you and your wife for the wonderful hospitality.

                Oh ya,Happy Birthday Dave..............ya old fart!!!!



                  Congrats Jethro on finally getting one.


                    Congrats Jethro!






                          Congrats on the first!!


                            Hey JethroB is back finally. Thanks for the post. And yes I was a little bit excited.



