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Ramcats - I Want to Believe

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    Ramcats - I Want to Believe

    I have been through several different broadheads in the past 4 years of my bowhunting and killed critters with each - Spitfires, Bloodrunners, Muzzies, Slick Tricks, and now Ramcats.
    I really like how the Ramcats fly and I've already ordered three more plus replacement blades. However, the blood trails on the two animals I've killed this year have been, in a word, non-existent. I am hoping that it is just the circumstances of the two kills and not the Ramcats. Let me explain.
    On opening weekend of bow season, I shot the hog below just as it was starting to drizzle (the sky, not the hog). By the time I climbed out of my stand, it was raining pretty good. I got a complete pass-through, but couldn't find any blood at all. I chalked it up to the rain washing the blood away.
    The next morning, a steady stream of coyotes led me to the body (not 50 yards from where I shot him). Nice big hole on both sides of him.

    This past Friday morning, I shot the 10 point below.
    Again, complete pass-through and he ran about 50 yards and stood there swaying like he was about to keel over. Then he trotted off into the woods. 25minutes later, I picked up my blood-covered arrow and couldn't find a drop of blood on the ground where I shot him; couldn't find a drop where he was standing and swaying; couldn't find a drop in the woods where he entered. After an hour and a half, I went in for breakfast. Then I searched another two hours and when I was about to give up, I walked a few yards in a completely different direction than I had been looking and found him 30 yards in the woods. Nice big holes on both sides, a little farther back than I aimed, but double lung.

    I want to settle on Ramcats as my permanent broadhead. Tell me that I had strange circumstances on these two kills and that I will have good blood trails in the future.
    Attached Files

    I can't tell you what you will have in the future, but I can tell you that they ARE my premanent broadhead and that is because they have performed well for me. They are the first broadhead that I have ever used that I consistantly get knife thru butter passthroughs on every animal I shoot with them


      mine as well


        I am hearing VERY good things about them!!! Fixed blade is all I use..........Strikers & Slick Tricks right now! I want to go up from 125 grain and RamCat may fit that need.


          Originally posted by Codie View Post
          I can't tell you what you will have in the future, but I can tell you that they ARE my premanent broadhead and that is because they have performed well for me. They are the first broadhead that I have ever used that I consistantly get knife thru butter passthroughs on every animal I shoot with them

          I shot a buck two weeks ago quartering away and 1 or 2 ribs back. I got a complete pass through with the arrow landing some 30 yards past the deer. I'm shooting a 125 ramcat at 285 fps with a total weight of 435 grains.

          The animal went 135 yards, my farthest track with the ramcat or my former bh the 2 blade rage. I had good blood from both sides but I'm guessing that due to the speed at which he was running I had gaps of 8-10 feet at times between blood.

          I took me 30 minutes from the spot of the kill to end of the track at 135 yards in the dark. I can't complain about that.


            Sometimes when you hit the animal a bit high and although you got both lungs and complete passthrus, the animals body will fill up with blood but the holes are so high that it doesn't spill out.


              Originally posted by Rudyl View Post
              Sometimes when you hit the animal a bit high and although you got both lungs and complete passthrus, the animals body will fill up with blood but the holes are so high that it doesn't spill out.


                Originally posted by Rudyl View Post
                Sometimes when you hit the animal a bit high and although you got both lungs and complete passthrus, the animals body will fill up with blood but the holes are so high that it doesn't spill out.
                ^^^^this^^^ has been the case for me and I can say that the ram cats are now my board head of choice..

                Was the chest cavity full of blood?


                  Originally posted by Rudyl View Post
                  Sometimes when you hit the animal a bit high and although you got both lungs and complete passthrus, the animals body will fill up with blood but the holes are so high that it doesn't spill out.
                  This is spot on.


                    Originally posted by Rudyl View Post
                    Sometimes when you hit the animal a bit high and although you got both lungs and complete passthrus, the animals body will fill up with blood but the holes are so high that it doesn't spill out.
                    This! I love my Ramcats


                      I just back into Bowhunting after a long layout and I shot a hog this weekend with a Ramcat. I'm shooting a Hoyt Prohawk set at 56 pounds due to previous baseball shoulder surgeries and the little lighter weight allows me to stay drawn for longer while in the stand. I shot and thought I hit the hog right behind the shoulder. I heard him squeal, heard a "tink" sound, then saw my arrow hit the wet ground. The pig ran off so I was thinking maybe I got a pass thru and would wait 20-30 more minutes and then go follow the trail. I got out of the stand and went straight to my arrow laying in the water. The only blood I found was on the very tip of my broken nearly in half arrow with my Ramcat missing. Originally I thought the "tink" sound was the tip hitting a rock after pass thru but the end of my arrow and broadhead was nowhere to be found. I tracked for about an hour and a half and didn't find any traces of blood. I returned the next day when it was light again and tracked for another two hours and didn't find any blood or the hog. I have no idea what happened...did I hit him in the shoulder blade? I also want to know what happened to my carbon arrow and why did it break so easily.


                        Good Broadheads


                          Had the same thing happen with Swacker. Not a drop, deer went 100 yds. It's a puzzle to me how you can put one through their chest and they not bleed.


                            Do you have pictures of the entrance and exit?

                            I've shot animals high with them and no blood trail, but they still put them down faster than anything else I've tried. There seems to be an extra margin for error with them.

                            I do get bent blades about 50% of the time but that doesn't bother me as long as they work. However, I can't tell if the bent blades are from animals or rocks and dirt as I've yet to have one not do a full pass through and into the rocky dirt where we hunt.
                            Last edited by GameEater; 11-10-2013, 05:46 AM.


                              I'm curious of how tough they are like for bone. My wife got 2 deer last weekend so after cutting them up I saved the shoulder bones an will be shooting them this afternoon to see how they hold up. Has anyone else done this?

