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Moonlight pig sticking

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    Moonlight pig sticking

    Had a very fun pig hunt with my dad out at brushy hill ranch in sabinal. First night a big group of around 10 pigs came in around 10:00 when we were in our blind. The moon was still low and the sun was down so all I could see was a huge blob of pigs in the middle of our corn. I couldn't pick out any individuals until finally one separated herself from the group I could tell it was fairly small but the I couldn't get a good feel for the size (again it was just a black blob). I sighted in and let an arrow fly. About 45 minutes later, we decided to get out of the blind and found a bit of intestine and a marginal blood trail. We followed it for about an hour and a half until we lost it and couldn't pick it up. When we tried trailing the next morning a big mob of vultures pointed us in the right direction from the last spot of blood and we found the tiny, smelly, torn up little piggy. (In the picture). The next night nothing moved in front of our blind so we walked out and started stalking around at about 10:30. I got a rabbit prettty quickly. Before too long, we saw a big group of pigs squealing around in the middle of the road. I crept up to the hogs on the side of the road and several of them must have heard something because they walked off back into the brush but I crawled closer, knelt by a bush and waited. Soon a couple piglets wandered up within 5 yards of me and my heart was racing. Then a good size sow wandered up and presented herself for the broadside shot at about 7 yards. I took it and felt pretty decent about the placement but couldn't find my arrow. Then came the big mistake. It was getting late (11:30) and we still had an hour and a half drive ahead of us so we started trailing right away. The trail looked great for a while there were good hand size spots of blood every 2 steps. We thought we'd find the hog right around the next corner but the blood trail started to thin out instead and after following needle size drops of blood through thick brush for over an hour we lost the trail. We then found a few more tiny spots of blood about 20 yards apart but finally there was no more blood we could see, it was getting late, and we were very turned around. We gave up the chase and spent about 30 minutes finding our way out of the brush. We headed for home with just a rabbit in the cooler an disappointment from a missed opportunity. Looking back, I can't help but get the feeling that it was our impatience that pushed what seemed like a mortally wounded hog farther and farther into the brush. Disappointing end to an exciting hunt.
    Last edited by Garrbowhunter; 06-24-2013, 05:00 PM.

    Sorry for such a long write up! Ill try and lost the picture of me and little Wilbur.



