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Six Year Lull Ends!

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    Six Year Lull Ends!

    I set a goal to shoot a buck with my bow this year. It had been six years since I last took one with a bow. I wasn't gonna concern myself with holding out for a giant. Just a nice looking bow kill buck that I would be proud to take. So, I made my first hunting trip to a new lease in Quanah this past weekend. I worked til midnight Friday night then hit the road after packing up at the house once I was off work. I got to camp about 5:30 Sat morning, and decided to go to bed and not hunt that first morning. After some good sleep I helped Jered fill feeders then it was time to get ready for the evening hunt.
    This was my view for my first hunt Sat evening
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    It was a pretty long boring sit. Luckily my phone has good service and was able to pick up NetFlix so I passed the time watching Thor. Finally, around 7:00 a pair of bucks came into the feeder. One nice young high racked 9pt, and a large bodied heavy horned 8pt. They fed around for a few minutes as I watched. The 8pt was a nice looking deer and I decided that on my first hunt I'd be happy to have that deer. Once I decided to take him something spooked him, and they both bolted! It seemed like an eternity, but it was really only about 5 minutes and both the bucks were back at the feeder. this time the 8pt was on the blind side of the feeder. So, with no hesitation I drew my bow and released my arrow. I watched it make a solid hit, and the buck did the "heart shot" jump and kick. He was out of view in no time because I can't see much but the feeder from my blind. I did hear what sounded like a buck crashing in the brush though. After waiting a couple min I went to inspect my arrow. To my surprise I found more than half my arrow laying directly under the feeder with NO blood on it. I began to look for blood on the ground...NOTHING! So, I started going to where I thought I heard the crash. Still nothing! I knew in my heart it was a kill shot. No question. I gave Jered (XSpot) a call after dark and he drove my truck over to join the search. We looked and looked going in circle after circle. I was about ready to give up when I just decided to walk in one direction on a line from the feeder....I couldn't believe it when I walked directly into him! He only ran 65-70 yds from the shot, but with no blood trail I had nothing to go on. It took over an hour to find him.
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    Here's my arrow. The larger piece was under the feeder. The next was in the chest cavity, and the pointy end was buried in the meat of the opposite shoulder. It broke my Razorbak good
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    Monday morning I missed a doe. She was half the distance the buck was, and I smooth missed her! She was skiddish as I rushed the shot. I've never seen anything turn a 180 as fast as she did! After the morning hunt I went to check the pig trap. We had it set all weekend and never caught anything with regular corn. Sunday afternoon Jered and I went and put some apple corn and roasted soy bean and a couple cool aid singles packs (tropical punch). I had a feeling that would do the trick! Well, I was right. I had FOUR pigs in the trap!
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    I'd say my first hunt was a success



      Wow - GREAT write up - and what a cool story. A big congrats to you on getting back into the game.


        The Wednesday before I left for this hunt i got word i would be layed off work on the 17th. This weekend was a nice release from that bad news.


          Originally posted by PERK View Post
          The Wednesday before I left for this hunt i got word i would be layed off work on the 17th. This weekend was a nice release from that bad news.
          Man, I'm sorry to hear that. But it happens to the best of us. Keep your head up and make the best of it. Hate to get pollyanna on ya, but maybe it was time to move on anyway.




              Congratulations Josh!


                Awesome write up!

                Look at the neck on that bruiser!


                  He's a bruiser of a buck! Keep your head up about the layoff, better things will come.


                    Congrats on the buck and the full freezer


                      Great story and id say that is a Awesome buck to reward your long awaited kill!!! never have seen a arrow break like that.



                        Sure hope things get better on the job situation for you.




                            Good story and great pics! Congrats on the buck.


                              Awesome buck,congrats!!


