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2012 NM Elk Hunt

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    2012 NM Elk Hunt

    A friend & I elk hunted the 15th-22nd on some private property in NM. We had the place to ourselves. I passed on some nice bulls during the hunt. Had several real close encounters, within 40 yards, of some really nice bulls, but for some reason or another the there was some kind of obstruction in the way preventing me a clear shot at them. One evening I was working on a herd bull. Although I couldn't see him at the time he was coming in. Before he made it in a nice bull with a double right main beam came in from another direction. I had the double main beam bull broadside at 10 yards, but let him go. It was the 2nd evening of the hunt. He ended up running off & the bigger bull never came in after the bull ran off. I did catch up to the herd bull again. I played with him long enough & finally had him coming in. It was getting late & I found what I thought would be a great spot to sit. If he came to either my left or right I would have a great shot. I sat behind a small spruce that was about as wide as me. I cow called at him one last time & here he comes just as I hoped. I drew back when he was around 40-50 yards. He came to 3 yards from me directly in front of the small spruce. The spruce was blocking all his vitals. While I was listening to him breath, we had about a 30 second stare down before he bolted. Kind of glad he turned away & bolted instead of bolting forward... I could have shot him in the throat but didn't attempt that shot.

    This past Saturday morning I called in a small 5x5 & shot him. There was a herd bull that was further back bugling & coming to my calling. It was the last morning & I was in a position of not being able to move with the younger bull on top of me. The only clear shooting lane I had would be directly down wind of me. This younger bull started working his way down wind of me & winded me twice & spooked but I was able to stop & pull him back in with some soft cow calling. The second time he stopped & I had about a 1 ft x 1 ft window to shoot through at about 20 yards. I drilled him & he went about 60 yards & crashed.

    This hunt all came together about a month before the hunt. Special thanks to Steve aka "unclefish" for all his help with this hunt. It wouldn't have came together for me & a friend without Steve's help. Thanks Steve, I owe you one!

    Last edited by twdjr; 09-25-2012, 09:29 AM.

    Congrats, I hope to have one on the wall some day


      Awesome! I bet it was a neat experience to be that close to a nice bull!!


        Awesome Congrats!


          Congrats. I hope I will have a chance at one in a few years.












                      congrats on a great hunt. There is nothing like elk hunting and experiencing that hole thing!!!!!!!!!!!




                          Awesome job and great story buddy!

                          That's a fine bull.....way bigger than mine!


                            Awesome Bull!!! congrats


                              Great job.......Congrats!!!!

