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It was 3:30....

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    It was 3:30....

    on the dot when I looked at my watch after tuckin my boot lace in the top of my boot. I stood up, turned to see what the weather looked like over the mountains.
    I smiled as I saw the most beautiful blue God spoke into creation. What a day for a hog hunt. The Alpha Female was standing at the door smiling and wishin me a good hunt. With that, I picked up my pack, my bow and headed for the truck.

    Today seemed like "Just one of those good days to hunt" nothing special caused the feeling it "Just was"......
    The ride to the ranch was uneventful and very soothing. I parked at my good luck spot and started to gather my stuff. I was wondering if leaving my camera at home on purpose was a good thing. DW(hunting buddy) and I have talked about that a couple times, leave it at home and kill a hog, carry it all the field, set it up, get ready and see.........diddly squat !! Yeah, it just happens that way.

    The ranch sets in a valley that in right in the middle of rain central, it rains quite alot here, especially this week, There has been more rain in the past week than in the past 2 months combine. It's great for tracking, and look for sign, but just generally muck !!
    With my bow, pack and folding chair in tow, I headed for the "PIT" as I eased up to the entry point I paused and looked at the heavy hog traffic, It looked like a super highway, big tracks, med size tracks and to my surprise, not many small tracks. Nothing was at the PIT, I slowly walked in, there wasn't much of a wind, and actually not a real breeze either.

    I paused at the platform, and pulled out my home made powder wind checker, gave it a shake then a squeeze, the puff of powder worked great, but just sorta just hung in the air......... not a good sign.
    I moved more towards the feeder and tried again, same thing, good puff of powered and it slowly moved from the feeder towards the blind. OK... Change of plans..... I'm sitting in the blind tonight.
    I glanced at my watch 4 O'Clock, Perfect plenty of time to let thing settle down before the feeder goes off at 5:30. I dug in my pack and pulled a quart size zip-lock bag of corn out and sprinkled it around the edge of the soupy muddy water of the PIT.

    After checkin for Cane spiders,(I hate those things) I got all settled in. It quickly got quiet again, the birds came for the corn like they normally do, and then time seemed to kinda just slip into limbo, as did my body, then my mind, what a wonderful state to be in, just thinkin of...... nothing, just....watching things happen in the natural world of the woods. I think, I might of even closed my eyes for a little while it was so relaxing.
    At the next glance of the watch it was 5:03 yeah, I guess the eye closure thing, was for real, I shifted my position to look out the little window, I heard something moving one of the little feed buckets next to the platform, seeing nothing I dismissed it.
    I turned to watch out the blind window. when all of a sudden the window is full of Black boar !! So that was the source of the noise!! That'll work !!!

    He fed slowly towards the edge of the PIT, not even aware that danger was just 5 yds away. I ever so slowly shifted my position so I could draw. I waited for him to present me with the "Mark shot", (slightly quartering away with the front leg forward exposing the armpit)
    Knowing he was totally unaware of my presents, I was able to calm myself down and just watch him for a couple minutes.
    Finally he stepped into the PIT, one down, he's quartering away now, just take that 1/2 step forward and we'll be good to go.
    He must of read my mind and took the half step, I picked a freckle on the hairless area of the armpit, then everything went on auto pilot, the arrow went exactly where I was focusing, then disappeared totally.

    The boar lunged forward out of the PIT, took one of the trails to the bottom of the hill, I moved forward to watch out the blind window as he made it up that trail on a "Dead Run". At about 15 yrds up the hill,he reared up and fell backwards. The momentum caused him to Cartwheel twice, he tried to regain his feet and run but, the downhill angle wouldn't allow it, he kept rolling and hitting small trees on the way down, He was now back down at the bottom of the hill just 12 yds from where I had taken the shot. within 20 seconds the woods fell silent again. I looked at the PIT, right there sticking near the edge was my arrow....
    I sat back in the chair and started to breath normal again, I pulled out my phone and called my other firiend Arrowflicker, who was just pulling into the ranch, I told him I had a boar down, he was on the way.
    I hung up the phone and smiled and thought, Hey I'm gonna do the same thing to DW that he did to me the other day I called DW and whispered I just killed a boar DW was just pulling in his driveway 30 miles away. We talked about the evenings hunt and how it all went down I could hear Arrowflicker coming so I bid him Aloha and gathered my stuff and got out of the blind as he walked up, I pointed to the base of the hill where the hog laid.
    He smiled and said "Didn't go far did he" we looked at the blood trail the Snuffer provided and then walked over to the hog. the shot was in the armpit, actually and inch in front of it and exited in front of the front leg on the other side, Heart shot.......... wanna bet?

    I hooked the hog up and did the hog drag boogie back to the truck, we drove back to the house and took a couple of pics then, got down to business butchering the hog, within an hour we were done, then I discovered that my freezer wouldn't hold any more meat. I called a guy I know and asked if he wanted some meat, You, bet came the answer, so I took it over to him.

    I love evenings like this one, the boar weighed in at #81 here's a couple of pics

    See...told ya I missed the armpit by bout an inch (pic is side ways as it's hangin)

    But, it was still good enough........ to SNUFFERIZE the heart !!!

    Mahalo for coming along on the hunt with me....

    Hand, that was a great recap of the hunt, thanks for taking us along..... Congrats on the boar hog


      man! what a great write-up of your hunting adventure. Almost like I was there. Great hunt, great story, great shot and great hog! Congrats and thank you for sharing!


        Thanks for taking me on your hunt! Great write up and congrats to you...


          Congratulations on the pig and love the write up.





              Mahalo bruda for da nice write up!!!!!!!! Heart shot take em down fast!!!!!!!


                Great story and hog pics.


                  Excellent!!!!!!!Easy to visualize it!!!!




                      Wow that was a fun read...


                        Very nice write up! Congrats on a successful hunt!


                          very nice recap and congrats on the pig

