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South Texas Gators

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    South Texas Gators

    A few years ago a made some new freinds down south. It all started as business and lead to some good freindships. So for the past few years I have been able to hunt as often as I like with them and get to bring along my family and sometimes freinds. I don't get to go down and hunt with them as often as I would like due to work,my sons busy athletic schedules and my ranch down south by Hebronville. Like most of you guys I have a very busy/crazy life (It's all good, I'm not complaining), But every now and then God smiles down on me and helps me find the time. I was set to be in Kingsville on business on July 16 when I got the call the day before for an invite on a bay fishing trip. I couldnt make the trip eventhough I would already be there. Then AJ asked what time my meeting would be over and asked if I could change the time to make a Gator Bowfishing Hunt, one that I've been wanting to do for a while now. So I somehow made it happen, but it only gave my a few hours to hunt. I took my 7yr old son Noah with me to keep me company and hunt some gators. Finally we are at the ranch and hunting. We see a gator at the main lake pretty quick but pass and look for another one. Then we saw a couple of little ones and kept looking. After a while they take me to a small creek and as we were staring into the water a gator appears. AJ starts to video and tell me where to shoot and I miss. I wasn't to discouraged, after all we all miss right.. Well turns out I miss more often then others because a few shots later I'm either still missing or my arrows are hitting bone and just bouncing off. I shoot a Mathews at 70lbs and could't beleive what was happening. Now I'm totally discouraged but tried not to show it(im sure AJ and Taylor saw right through me). Finally I get another opportunity and I connect. The gator disappears we start to pull on the line and we feel the gator pulling back. Well we all now Murphy's Law. "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". You guest it the line breaks. AJ looks at me then Taylor looks at AJ we all look at each other and start dragging the water. The gator comes up after a while and we get a good look at it at about a distance of 3 ft. The arrow had come off of the gator and dissappeared. We got in the water trying to feel for it but never found the gator. Im 100% sure it is fine and still in that creek. With time running out we go to another spot. This time its a larger creek. We stop on the road and get off to look. AJ,Noah and myself check the left side of the creek and Taylor checks the right. Right away Taylor starts calling us so we run over and there she is swimming away. I get on top of a culvert AJ starts rolling on the camera and then tells me to shoot. This time its a solid hit and I here my little boy yelling with excitement "You're the best Daddy in the world". How awsome is that I thought and forgot about the gator for a second. AJ is still videoing, Taylor is reaching for my line and handing me a rifle to finish her off. The gator is trying to make her getaway back in a culvert so I had to react and dispatch of her quick. I shoot and hell breaks loose,the gator is rolling,my son is screaming with excitement all the while I'm trying to get another shot off. I get another shot and finally Game Over. I've got my gator. Its a female that went 7'10". Thanks AJ,Chico and Taylor for making it happen. You guys certainly now how to GET-R-Done.

    Best Daddy in the world is a fine day to have. Add some gator hunting and you won't have many better.

    Got pics?


      Noah and my gator
      Attached Files


        Awesome! congrats to you!


          very nice, congrats





              good look'n gater Oscar!!


                looks like a good mount. glad to see all had a great time.


                  great pic. He is pretty wide for 7-10".


                    sweet gator where did ya shoot him, and what did ya shoot him with


                      great gater


                        Congrats sounds like you had a blast


                          AJ do you still have the video footage.


                            Nice Gator!


                              Congrats, looks like fun

