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I may be sold on Rage broadheads

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    I may be sold on Rage broadheads

    It's been a long two years since I have taken an animal with my bow and I finally came through this evening with the help of a Rage broadhead. I've heard the pros and cons, and I'm deffinitely on the pro side now.

    Thanks to a friend of mine, i was blessed with the opportunity to hunt whitetail cull bucks on an a little 3000 acre game ranch in Mountain Home this year. I've been after one particular 9 point for the last few months that the manager said was off limits to everyone but me. After many unsuccessful trips out to the ranch I wasn't really expecting much more when I went out there this evening. When I got out of the truck and started heading towards my set up, I noticed that the ground blind that I usually hunt in was no where to be seen. This didn't surprise me since the last time I was there, it had blown away. I looked around for it again and couldn't find it anywhere. Needless to say, I was a little discouraged. Luckily I brought my camo bag and had the gear i needed to sit in the tripod that was there also. So, I hurried back to the truck, threw on my camo and rushed back up to the feeder to give it a test run before i climbed in the tripod. What do ya know, the feeder was out of corn. This has been my MO all season long. If something could go wrong in a hunt, it did. Being a little more than ticked by this point, I headed back to the truck and started to head home. As I drove back toward the front, I decided to go sit at another location just to blow off some steam before I headed home. When I pulled up and got out of the truck, I could hear the feeder already spinning so I pretty much sprinted up to the stand. This was the first time I had been at this location this year so I wasn't real sure where they had put the tripod. WOuldn't you know it, it's on the south side of the feeder with a strong south wind. Well, I was over 30 miles from home and all dressed up with no place to go, so i decided to sit it out anyway. After about 5 minutes, I catch a glimpse of movement about 150 yards off to the northeast and watch as a nice young 11 point comes strolling in. I really didn't expect him to stick around, but lo and behold, he sat there and ate corn for over 30 minutes. He kept throwing his head up and looking my direction, but seemed to want dinner more than he was worried about me. After the second feeding went off I look up and see some more movement off to the north west. Three deer are moving in my direction and one is an absolutely huge 15 pionter that I had seen numerous times at my other location. I thought for sure, I would get busted by this group, but they all moved in and went to chompin' corn. One of the three deer was an ugly looking little 8 that I knew the manager would like out of the breeding pool so I decided to see what the "Rage" was all about. The tripod is only about 15 yards from the feeder, sits about 5 feet off the ground, and has very little cover so I had to wait a while to get drawn back with 4 sets of eyes. Luckily, a couple of fallow started moving in from the north side of the feeder and all of the whitetail looked back at them which gave me the opportunity to draw. I laid the pin on my mark and let 'er rip. The arrow flew true and passed completely through as a saw my little 8 spin around and bolt off to my left. As he spun, I could could see a beautiful crimson red flow coming out of both sides of him. He ran a mere 30 yards and dropped hard. I was speechless. The blood trail was one Stevie Wonder could have followed. I believe I will deffinitely be buying some more of those. LDP's will be on here as soon as I can figure out how to get them from my phone to the computer.

    The last picture is how far the deer ran from the feed. You can see the legs below the tree line if you look hard. It wasn't far at all.
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    Last edited by Coach; 01-17-2010, 10:00 PM.


    Been shooting them for a few years now and they have never let me down.


      Congrats. Lov e me some rage also. Can't wait to try the 3 blade.




          "I call BS. There is no way. Rage broadheads don't work. Liar!!!"

          That's what they keep saying and we just keep stacking them up. Welcome to the Dark Side..... dark blood red side that is. Great story. Great shot. Congrats on the buck. Whooop!!






                Nice job Josh. Way to stick it out and make something happen. May have to try the rage although it doesn't really matter what is on the end of my arrows if they never leave the bow.

                Congrats on the kill.


                  Congrats, they sure do leave a big hole, i think i may have to pick a few up.


                    Congrats. Love those short blood trails and watching them fall is even better.




                        Congratulations on your buck.


                          Love me some Rages!!! Congrats on the buck


                            You've got to love the gash


                              Come on with the LDP's. Congrats Josh.

