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First buck ever, and did it with my bow!!!!!

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    First buck ever, and did it with my bow!!!!!

    This weekend was my first trip to my new lease in Pandale. We did not arrive at the lease until 2am Saturday morning and I was sitting in the brush watching the feeder by 6. I could hear corn being crunched in the feeder pin, but it was still too dark to see. As it got lighter, I could make the outline of a deer in the feeder pen. It turned out to be one lone doe, but she was not alone for long.
    Soon a spike had joined her in the pen. As the morning wore on, I saw several other deer two of which were very respectable eight points but too young to shoot. This was very hard for me to pass on these deer because I have never in my life after 17 years of hunting killed a buck with a bow or a gun and they were only 15 yards from me.
    I was there with my good friend Buckey07 and his wife and father last weekend. He is the one who got me on the lease and I was an am still very worried about shooting because I have not had much experience in judging deer and I do not want to shoot a young deer. For the rest of the day we fixed a few things around the camp, filled a few feeders and basically just looked at the property so I could get familiar with it. Well I know how to get from the camp to my stand and that is about it, and all I need to know I guess.
    It finally came time for the evening hunt, and I was excited to say the least. I did not use pop up or any type of blind. I just put on the 3d leaf suit and got back up in a cedar tree. I sat down at about 4 and it was pretty warm that afternoon. All of a sudden the sand man got the best of me and I was out. Finally I snapped awake and as soon as I woke up I saw two deer making their way towards my feeder. I had corned the road in front of the pen and down past my location where I was sitting. It was one of the young 8 points from the morning hunt, and a 4 point with now brow tines. I chose the 4 point as my cull buck for the year.
    He worked his way in to about 18 yards and I had to wait for some time for the 8 point to move out of the way so I could shoot. He finally gave me a quartering away shot and I let the arrow fly!!! It found it's mark and the steel force 100 grain did its job. The buck dropped right in its tracks!!!! I could not believe it, I have taken many hogs and does in the past, but this was my very first buck ever. It is not a big deer by any means, but this deer is probably the best trophy I will ever take. I am sure that there will be many more now that I finally broke the ice, but I can't explain how taking my first buck after 17 years of failed attempts made me feel. And the best part of it all is that I got my first one with a bow!! I just want to thank Buckey07 (aka Jason) for getting me on the lease and being there with me when it finally happened and I look foreword to the rest of this season and many more with him.
    Last edited by The Manager; 10-20-2008, 06:21 AM.

    Nature Boy,

    I'm glad you finally got the monkey off of your back and I'm glad that I was there to see it all unfold. Congrats on a great first buck and for getting over the double forearm shivers that we all get.


      I am coming for you Buckey07!!!!!


        Congrats on your first buck. I used to hunt in Pandale years ago.


          Congrats! it's a great feeling huh!!


            Congrats on your 1st buck!


              Yea, it was a great feeling. I just hope the future ones feel as good as it did when I took this one.


                Congrats on your first of many


                  Congrats on the first.


                    Excellent. You got the buck monkey off your back and now its time for the big boys. I bet he'll eat good. Congrats.


                      Congrats on your first buck. Don't worry about Jason, he's just lucky.


                        Way to go !!!


                          awesome looking for my first this year too





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