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Bowhunters unite to abolish 40 lb draw weight

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    If I had attempted that shot with a .222 remington would it still be ok? No.
    Same as me taking a 40 yard shot with my XT. Would that shot be ok for my wife with her 40# Mustang or me with my recurve? No. and we both know it.


      Devin (and others), I would support a change in the current 40# law ONLY if we seperate bows into classifications and set different limits for each of them. Abolish the limit all together and you open the door for any yahoo building cheap kid's bows to endorse them for hunting.

      Is ANY 30# bow ethical for taking game? No. I wouldn't want to see people shooting 30# longbows at game (as an owner of a 41# longbow). Is a 30# compound capable of doing the job? Probably, I honestly don't know as I've never owned a 30#er. I have owned and shot a 35-45# bow...but honestly shot it most often at 45#s.

      I do place a lot of stock in the opinions of Dena & Courtney on this topic as they both hunt with bows that are closer to the minimum than most of the people involved in this thread...but I also consider what 35#s could mean for some of the young people (my neighbor's kid) that I am trying to keep involved in the outdoors/bowhunting.

      Kids today have so many outside influences that can take them away from the family unit all together...we gotta do everything we can to keep them on a good path. Could this help keep a kid and his/her Dad closer? Maybe and that's good enough for me. But do we change (or break) the law just because Danny can't draw 40#s yet? No, not without some close examination of the facts.

      As I have already stated in this thread, my mind is open on this topic. I don't think that the entire EC is against this type of change...we just need more discussion and some organized effort (team work) to help sculpt the future.

      Worth repeating again, what we don't need are bullish threats or "I'll quit if you don't do it my way" attitudes.

      [now, can I at least get an "other than Tracy & Joey" amendment to your last post, Dev?]
      Last edited by tinman; 03-07-2007, 06:57 PM.


        I'm not a LSBA member (probably should be) but in every organization I am a member of the membership can move on the floor, second, discuss, and vote on an issue and mandate to the EC if themotion passes. Is it not this way in LSBA??
        Very much so, Walker. The floor is always open and there are many ways to reach the LSBA...unfortunately the trend seems to be to not get involved but rather ***** and moan on the internet about what the LSBA doesn't do for you. JMHO


          Ok here I come again,,Qzilla,, do I need a u after the Q??.How many hogs have you shot with your bow this year??Yes I am an ethics guy..but I am also a person that tries his best to make a shot that counts and hits perfect everytime..!!I still after 15 years of bowhunting mess up.. I wont lie about it,,I may miss by a quarter ,I may miss by an inch..hell I might even just miss .And I will pull a bow and shoot at a target with any tbher here and stay right beside them all day long,,if I aint capping their arrows..But I do have the same thing that a 7 year old that can shoot a 30 pound pow,, and that is loving to hunt and adrenaline. And also loving to make a clean shot.If there is some one here who hasnt ever made a bad shot or missed I want to know!Heck the deserve a trip of a lifetime and I want to see videos of it for every shot they make in the future..
          Sorry bud,,you may think your perfect but,,sorry I believe different..yes you get your 150 class deer,,But I dont doubt you dont tell about your misses,your busts,or your bad shots.
          Kids or older at least will tell the story and be honest about it..I remember having a 9 year old who watched me shoot..yes he could pull 55 pounds and hold it..he just couldnt get drawn on a deer to save his life..but he didnt try to push it..never tried His deer the same deer he was after was 143,,as the deer was going down hill/..He made a perfect shot and the deer went down within 30 yards//'
          I also know a ellow that can shoot a bow at 75 pounds..and can hit a target at 70 yards with his bow..been hunting 11 years and still has not got a deer down with blood..Its all in ehtics and training..lets give our kids a chance


            I'm a bit surprised by your post and reference to current LSBA leadership. I recommend rereading my post. There is no indifference in it. My mind is open to discussion at this point. What is not open to discussion, for me at least, are people trying to bully something through without a proper discussion of the facts to arrive at a consensus. (Not a reference to you, by the way.) What may have came across as indifference was my reference to a handful of folks on TBH or other forums. I stand by that. Everyone's opinion and thoughts are just as valid as anothers. However, there are very few LSBA members actually posting on this thread when compared to over 1,000 members across the state. Without further input from the rest of the membership, that can hardly be considered a consensus for action and to do so without input from a broad membership sample would be in bad faith to the entire membership, the organization and bowhunting. My post has zero to do with what the draw weight should be and everything to do with how LSBA works and a particular individual running down LSBA with snide remarks when they haven't even bothered to take the time to learn anything about the organization.


              Originally posted by qzilla View Post
              Yeah, no clue. Lets see, I harvest about a minimum of 150 whitetail a year and probably 200-300 pigs. No experience whatsoever.
              Wow, that is a bunch of game... How do you eat all of that? I only kill what I can eat
              Jeff Young


                I'm with Joey that I'd need more information before I voted aye, yes, or no.

                Incidentally, I'm no longer on the LSBA council. Haven't been for a few years. I just like to participate where I can. I haven't made a meeting since I left the council either. I need to though.


                  "Bowhunters unite to abolish 40 lb draw weight"

                  really????????? Let me know when we are going to do that.


                    Originally posted by soccert View Post
                    "Bowhunters unite to abolish 40 lb draw weight"

                    really????????? Let me know when we are going to do that.
                    You noticed that too
                    Jeff Young


                      For QUAD: FYI

                      It was back in the dark ages before we had a IBEP

                      (I had not developed it yet It was about 1970 We didn't start on the NBEP until 1971 That was the same year I help a bunch of Bowhunters working for Motorola in Indiana start a little magazine called BOWHUNTER MAGAZINE

                      I knew a place that had roosting turkeys behind Quantico at a Place called Nokesville where I later had my 2nd farm.& home

                      Either sex turkey were legal in the fall. I saw one that had flown off the roost and I tried to call a hen with a box call.
                      She came in fast & my son was waiting until she was in range 10 yards or so and shot and missed. The turkey swapped ends an flushed Jeff was quick on the draw and instinctively shot a second arrow and the turkey dropped out of the sky neck 1/2 severed. He was snap shooting like Traditional guys did and he had a traditional bow Howatt HiSpeed 42# @ 28 but at his draw it was 30# & legal.
                      He practiced with me shooting Frisbees that summer and was deadly at close range.

                      For Jeff it was a good opportunity and for him & it was a ethical shot, he felt he could hit the Bird.

                      Jeff assuming he would hit the body but the hand of the Good Lord directed his arrow thru the neck and and the turkey came down flapping up a Storm. Jeff was 6
                      Two year later during the fall bow season at Quantico Marine Corps Base in VA Jeff has 17 turkeys (all hens) walk single file under his stand. He was hunting alone with in my sight and command/control sight and he didn't raise his bow as turkey were not legal during the VA DEER bow season at QMCB at the base.

                      Jeff was raised right and to this day Jeff Nathan has never never never wounded single animal with bow or gun. TG.

                      As you Know ethics is a set of rules or a code by a certain group or organization or clan or club etc.

                      If you think it OK to shot doves on the ground (legal) then for you its an ethical method of harvest

                      If you Daddy drilled it into you that you never shoot a dove on the ground or a duck on the water, and you do you BOY O BOY THEN YOU have broken daddy's rules and you get your butt spanked.

                      As they say WHEN IN ROME DO AS THE ROMAN DO....

                      I started snap shooting NOT knowing any better I have shot several flying Canada goose Mallard Ducks and Ring neck pheasants flying with a bow. Never wounded one either.

                      I shoot birds like geese with Broadhead the bigger the better;
                      For me its unethical to shoot flying game with field points My quirks

                      thanks for asking.


                      PHOTO Shows 21 young kids taking a One Day Intro to Bowhunter Education course in South Africa DR DEAN (my EX) & I operated the first bowhunting college all of Africa from 1992 to 1999. We taught a 3 day 32 hours course that Incorporated the IBEP & Archery Instruction And a Proficiency test which including hand sharpening Broadhead to shave hair.


                        "She came in fast & my son was waiting until she was in range 10 yards or so and shot and missed.
                        Jeff assuming he would hit the body but the hand of the Good Lord directed his arrow thru the neck
                        For Jeff it was a good opportunity and for him & it was a ethical shot, he felt he could hit the Bird,Jeff was 6"



                          Originally posted by TimHicks View Post
                          Ok here I come again,,Qzilla,, do I need a u after the Q??.How many hogs have you shot with your bow this year??Yes I am an ethics guy..but I am also a person that tries his best to make a shot that counts and hits perfect everytime..!!I still after 15 years of bowhunting mess up.. I wont lie about it,,I may miss by a quarter ,I may miss by an inch..hell I might even just miss .And I will pull a bow and shoot at a target with any tbher here and stay right beside them all day long,,if I aint capping their arrows..But I do have the same thing that a 7 year old that can shoot a 30 pound pow,, and that is loving to hunt and adrenaline. And also loving to make a clean shot.If there is some one here who hasnt ever made a bad shot or missed I want to know!Heck the deserve a trip of a lifetime and I want to see videos of it for every shot they make in the future..
                          Sorry bud,,you may think your perfect but,,sorry I believe different..yes you get your 150 class deer,,But I dont doubt you dont tell about your misses,your busts,or your bad shots.
                          Kids or older at least will tell the story and be honest about it..I remember having a 9 year old who watched me shoot..yes he could pull 55 pounds and hold it..he just couldnt get drawn on a deer to save his life..but he didnt try to push it..never tried His deer the same deer he was after was 143,,as the deer was going down hill/..He made a perfect shot and the deer went down within 30 yards//'
                          I also know a ellow that can shoot a bow at 75 pounds..and can hit a target at 70 yards with his bow..been hunting 11 years and still has not got a deer down with blood..Its all in ehtics and training..lets give our kids a chance
                          I never said people will not mess up, actually I think I mentioned the opposite? Yes, I have made MANY mistakes. I have missed MANY deer. I have been killing deer for 23, almost 24 years now. I have been killing them with archery equipment for 19 of those years. So yes, I have made a LOT of mistakes and learned from each and every one of them.

                          If I miss or make a bad shot or anything else I have no problems mentioning that? Why would this be brought up? I even have a blue lacy for those instances. Now have I screwed up in a long time? Nope. Not in a long time. If everything is not perfect I will not shoot, rifle or bow. I cannot remember the last time I lost a deer or a hog. I am fortunate in that I do not have to take any risky shots at all. I have more deer than I could ever want and if everything is not perfect I go to the next hour, day, spot, stand whatever. If they pick their head up I will not shoot. If they act tense I do not shoot. Because of this I have an extremely high success rate. Not because I am better but, because I have learned those lessons and I am not going to make the mistakes I have made before.

                          Do i have busts? I wrote about one on this very forum earlier this year. I hunted 1 big buck all year at my S TX place and never took anything other than culls and does because of him. I never did get the buck and I could have killed him with a rifle. That is the sport of it. So where you get all that stuff is beyond me?

                          Besides what does this have to do with anything?

                          I know these kids love this sport. I have a 3 yr old that knows how to gut deer. Do I let her? Heck no. She shoots a 22 very well inside about 25 yards. Do we shoot at animals? Nope. She will some day and she will appreciate it a lot. What this part has to do with a universal law that allows less than 40# draw weight to hunt with I have no idea?

                          I do agree it is in ethics and training. Most of the kids who are mentioned here are getting that. The majority of the kids in this state that want to bowhunt are not. And that is the difference. We are not passing a law for our children, or friends. It is for everyone.

                          Oh, and I only shot a few pigs with my bow this year. I prefer to kill them in large quantities in an evening with a sharp piece of steel in my hand. I also do not feel a need to track a pig any distance as they are pests for me and not a "hunting animal". I hate them with a passion and they destroy everything we try to do and I plan on removing all of them.

                          I think for the most part we all agree on 99.9% of this stuff. I think I am looking at it from a more broad perspective and not just on our kids where I think we could make it happen.

                          Oh and here is how I prefer to kill quantity.


                            I'm having to work so it has been a challange to keep up with the posts. I don't under stand all the LSBA bashing???? I was honored to be voted on to the EC council, I think my term starts in a couple of weeks. I would assume that I will have one of many votes on this matter. I would like to think my vote on any matter would be based on the facts of an issue and not on intimidation by 6 or 7 folks on a web site. It would seem to hold a different opinion automatically paints you as stupid. my lack of posts on this topic is not so much a lack of interest in this topic as it is my distaste for abusive people arguing . Has it ever enter any of your minds that maybe y'all are ALL right to a degree.[B][/B]


                              I am always right..I am just misunderstood!!I would argue with a brick wall if I thouhgt I could win. Quzzilla..I just want to see good kids get good chances..Old men or ladies are in the same perdicerment.I am for lowering the poundage requirements


                                Buff, folks have been looking for flaws in the LSBA since it began.

                                ...sorta like the Bushes.

