I know several here are”lawyers” 
So how about doctors???
I got called into work last Wednesday night. Got off Thursday morning and did not sleep well at all. Went back to work Thursday night. Did not sleep hardly at all or at least it felt like it. Was supposed to went back in Friday night but I was running fever and had the body aches so I stayed home and was in bed by 9pm. Saturday morning I get up feeling better and go into town and eat breakfast. Later on, that breakfast taco set like a rock in my gut. Other than a handful of fruit, that’s all I had to eat that day. Had zero appetite. Yesterday, I go get another breakfast taco. Same thing except later that day I forced myself to eat a half of a peanut butter sandwich. Later that night I had enough of an appetite to eat some spaghetti. I’m still running fever off and on. I woke up last night about to freeze to death so I know I was running fever again. Since Friday, I’ve been drinking lots of water and Gatorade but my urine still shows I’m bad dehydrated. This morning I fried up 3 eggs and it was all I could do to finish them. I normally fry up 4. Haven’t had body aches since Friday night and haven’t felt bad since but I have zero energy. I plan on going to my doctor tomorrow or Wednesday.
Anyone here have an idea what’s going on?
I got so much to do on my place and just don’t have the energy or the want to. I go back to work Thursday morning and if I can’t shake this off, don’t think I can pull a 12 hour shift.

So how about doctors???
I got called into work last Wednesday night. Got off Thursday morning and did not sleep well at all. Went back to work Thursday night. Did not sleep hardly at all or at least it felt like it. Was supposed to went back in Friday night but I was running fever and had the body aches so I stayed home and was in bed by 9pm. Saturday morning I get up feeling better and go into town and eat breakfast. Later on, that breakfast taco set like a rock in my gut. Other than a handful of fruit, that’s all I had to eat that day. Had zero appetite. Yesterday, I go get another breakfast taco. Same thing except later that day I forced myself to eat a half of a peanut butter sandwich. Later that night I had enough of an appetite to eat some spaghetti. I’m still running fever off and on. I woke up last night about to freeze to death so I know I was running fever again. Since Friday, I’ve been drinking lots of water and Gatorade but my urine still shows I’m bad dehydrated. This morning I fried up 3 eggs and it was all I could do to finish them. I normally fry up 4. Haven’t had body aches since Friday night and haven’t felt bad since but I have zero energy. I plan on going to my doctor tomorrow or Wednesday.
Anyone here have an idea what’s going on?
I got so much to do on my place and just don’t have the energy or the want to. I go back to work Thursday morning and if I can’t shake this off, don’t think I can pull a 12 hour shift.