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Hunting Strategy

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    Hunting Strategy

    Exotics and Whitetails seem to know what blinds we are in from just us walking to them in the morning. I hunted a place years ago (before we bought our place) & we were driven to the blind. Just a blind, no feeders. He left the buggy running while we got in the blind. Once we were in, he turned on the road feeder & just sat in the buggy(stationary) for like 20 seconds. After the 20 seconds, he shut it off & then drove away. In 15 minutes we had animals if front of the blind! Could this work at my place? Should I take the effort & remove my feeders & just leave the blind in one spot? I could drive my wife in, leave the motor running while she gets situated, feed that spot & then drive away. Does anyone do this? Would hunting be more productive?? I appreciate any feedback!!!!

    It works if you are consistent as they learn that the sound and activity creates a consistant food source. It has been my experience that some deer just won’t go to a feeder but respond to road corn very willingly. Regardless though it’s still good to have a feeder in the area to keep the deer coming to that area consistently.

