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Baby on the way

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    Here is one that I haven’t seen yet. It’s a DON’T do this.

    If your wife has a tear that needs to be stitched up DON’T tell the doc to give it a few EXTRA stitches.

    No one is going to laugh.

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      Originally posted by MountainMan View Post
      There's some great advice already on this thread. My boys are 6 and 8 and I woulnd't change any of it for anything. They grow up SO fast. Get ready for the ride of your life.

      1. It's ok if you don't know it all already. Heck, that's what the eldest is for, to be the guinea pig.

      2. You will be ignored for the first 6 months. Everyone wants to see mama and baby, not you. And that's ok. You're there for moral support and to help do other stuff.

      3. Learn to cook. Seriously. I'm really glad I did so that when mama was feeding the baby or busy, it wasn't just microwave stuff. Plus it never hurts to earn bonus points with mama. That's how you get a 2nd baby....

      4. Sit next to her head and hold her hand during delivery. I was told that watching your child be born is like making a 6 year old watch Disney land burn to the ground.

      Adding to it:

      2: enjoy being ignored. It won’t last!

      4: yes, sit next to her and hold her hand. AND DON’T SAY A WORD.

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        Have thick skin and let things roll off. Good chance of tension as you both navigate parenthood. Nerves will be tested but just keep your head down and move forward. It’s part of the process and will take time to figure out the new “normal”.

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          Originally posted by MountainMan View Post
          3. Learn to cook. Seriously. I'm really glad I did so that when mama was feeding the baby or busy, it wasn't just microwave stuff. Plus it never hurts to earn bonus points with mama. That's how you get a 2nd baby....

          4. Sit next to her head and hold her hand during delivery. I was told that watching your child be born is like making a 6 year old watch Disney land burn to the ground.
          3. YES! I love to cook anyway, but I know some guys aren’t the best or just don’t cook much. If you don’t know how… learn. There will be nights where mama is too tired, maybe not feeling well and just wants to sit on the couch. This is where you make your money, cook dinner, clean up the kitchen and bring her a bowl of ice cream after you start the dish washer. In addition to that… laundry. If you don’t do it now, start. Learn what items of hers require special care(can’t be dried, goes in a garnet bag, ect ect). Doing laundry is another HUGE help.

          4. Shoot… I sat there holding her leg and watched the whole thing. Didn’t bother me. When else will you EVER get to see a life come into this world? It was like National Geographic right in front of my face, but man it was a cool experience. And Disney world didn’t burn down, in fact I want to visit even more now. Haha.


            Schedule is the key to sleep…… You can get baby on a feeding schedule then plan around that schedule for pumping, naps for mom and taking turns during the night. Noise machine is a MUST! Our first one wouldn’t sleep unless he was swaddled really snug. The last one wouldn’t sleep if you swaddled him at all!! Enjoy those late night feeding sessions when they look up at you with milk running down their chin and give you a GIANT, toothless, grin!!! Like others have said, make sure to take mom on a date as soon as she’s able. If your wife is like mine, you’ll basically have to force her to leave baby with a sitter or grandparent. Especially since this is the first baby. But she’ll appreciate it once you’re out of the house.

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              Congrats!! Nothing better than being a dad!

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                Love every second of it and put the phone and other distractions away. The baby days will be stressful but gone as soon as they started. When the going gets tough take a minute to sit down with momma and laugh about it!!

                Being a dad is the greatest thing in this life. Never forget that!!

