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    Originally posted by Smokeater View Post
    Prolly has someone else wanting to lease it or thinks/knows he can get more money if y'all get mad and leave. Y'all have a contract?

    We have cattle on our place too but he don't feed or do bs like that till after 10:00. If he see's our truck parked somewhere he goes and feeds somewhere else. Yeah, farming/ranching goes on year round but they don't have to be chickenscat about things.
    Yeah, we have a contract in place for the next few years.

    I honestly don't mind him feeding his cows. It's the shredding/plowing/burning brush piles in the middle of rut that has got everyone ticked off.

    Plus the neighbors have told us repeatedly that they watch the place during the week and notice no work is done in the hunting pasture during the week. They have told us that the second we show up, they get on their equipment and head out into the pasture.

    I firmly believe he likes our money but doesn't want us shooting his deer.


      If a LO is taking your money, there needs to be a curtesy. You are not doing them a favor, you are making a business transaction.

      I am fortunate to have had some great LO in the past.


        We lost a lease that was held by our group for 55 years. The only thing that we could come up with for the reason was something during a late Summer work weekend. A trapper had traps out for coyotes, but instead had 2 goats caught in the metal traps. So, about 6 guys went over to them and did what they could to free the goats. Well, a few weeks later the landowner blew a gasket on the lease boss...seems like the trapper was upset because he couldn't find two $5 traps. At the end of the season the lease boss met with the LO to formally hand the lease off to another member, he declined to renew the lease.


          Sounds to me like he’s selling hunts when you’re not around! He gets your lease money, then sells “ package hunts” during the week. Double the money! That would explain why he does everything he can to keep the mature bucks alive while you’re hunting for them. That or he owns adjacent land he hunts on or sells package hunts on. Y’all pay for the protein and raise good deer so he can sell them on his other ranch?

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            Originally posted by The4Cs View Post
            Sounds to me like he’s selling hunts when you’re not around! He gets your lease money, then sells “ package hunts” during the week. Double the money! That would explain why he does everything he can to keep the mature bucks alive while you’re hunting for them. That or he owns adjacent land he hunts on or sells package hunts on. Y’all pay for the protein and raise good deer so he can sell them on his other ranch?

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            The topic of 'Day Hunts' have definitely come up in camp conversations!


              I`ve had similar problems. Landowners should know that they are going to mess up hunters when they some of the things listed above. We had a landowner bull doze the thickest part of our lease (200 acres) the 2nd week of the season. I never saw a buck that season and left after the season without telling landowner. When someone takes your money for deer hunting, they should try and work with the hunters when it comes to shredding, burning brush and such. Tending cows is a different story and is 365 days a year, most hunters probably understand that as well. We have a great landowner where we hunt now and feel blessed.


                I was walking to my tripod one year for a morning hunt. I got to noticing things had changed. That week they had dozed for a new fencline. My tripod just happened to be in the treeline they took out.
                Not a phonecall "hey, sorry we didn't see it" or anything. Just moved the bent mess over to the side.
                He knows if he can run you off, he will make more off of the next group.

                Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk


                  Do lease from a paper company

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                    I feel your pain.

                    I had an extremely miserable experience on the Chainey Mountain Ranch in Childress. As soon as the check cleared he was an absolute nut job of an alcoholic butz wipe.. He ruined lease life for me. Never again will I lease. Either own it or hit public. Best of luck. We spend too much money to have a crappie time.



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                        i went to my blind before the season to get it ready a few years after i got on my lease. and noticed that the oil company had thoughtfully moved it about 50 yards from where i had it. because they were drilling a new well where it was and were making the pad. not much i could do. been on the lease for 30 years. great friends with the land owner and we have a great time together.


                          Originally posted by Dknut View Post
                          I got on this lease a couple years ago with a couple friends of mine. They gave me ample warning about the land owner but I decided to move forward with the lease anyhow. Well, they were not exaggerating! Things continue to get worse every year. We've put up with it because we've harvested some pretty nice trophies. Over the years the trophies have dwindled (no coincidence the decline after he got off MLD). This past season the trophy buck were all but gone (only one was harvested).

                          I understand that the landowners are just that. They own the land and can do what they want with it, but some of this stuff that he's doing makes me think that's he's trying to run us off. Last year he shredded a part of a pasture during our hunt, not but 200 yards away from one of our more popular stand. We confronted him about this and he promised he would get all shredding done before/after deer season in the future. Fast forward to this season. He had been great this year. No confrontations, very pleasant to be around, and seemed like a new man. Then December came. In the middle of the rut we get a report from a lease member that he is pushing up and burning brush piles within 200 yards of his stand. A couple weeks later he shreds and plows a pasture, literally 50 yards past one of our feeders. I have pictures on my game cam of him driving past our feeders after 4:30PM. He waits till 3:00 every day to go out and feed his cattle and have even run into him at my blind as he was driving through the hunting pasture (no reason for him to be passing through there).
                          When confronted about this he gets defensive and will redirect with some silly complaint (like a shotgun shell he found on the ground in camp).

                          As a land owner in prime whitetail country you'd think he would be doing everything he could to promote a good hunting environment. The bigger his herd gets, the more in demand his lease would get. To me he seems to be doing everything he can to run his bucks into hiding and doesn't want them shot.

                          Everyone is more than likely leaving the lease this year due to the issues with the owner. It sucks, I really enjoy having a place to take my kids and have an opportunity to harvest a nice buck.

                          Anyone else have experiences with a landowner similar to this?

                          You are very likely looking at things wrong, meaning you probably don't understand why he does what he does. If he is truly an old rancher, he really does not care much about growing big deer. But he will understand that some guys get a bit crazy over big deer, but most likely does not realize how obsessed some guys get about trying to kill big deer.

                          There is a strong chance he is just working his property like he always has. Probably some years ago some other land owner told him he could make extra money every year leasing his property out to hunters. So he started leasing it at some point. If he stared leasing it 30 years ago or so, the people he was leasing to, were not going to be so obsessive about growing and killing big deer. He and those hunters would have been more on the same line of thinking. He probably still thinks the same way, but many hunters are quite obsessed with growing and then shooting big deer. He probably don't give a rat's *** about all that nonsense, all he wants is that big chunk of extra money each year.

                          Then again it's his property and he likely has worked his land all by himself or mostly by himself most of his life and ran his ranch how he wants to run it. He is probably much more worried about making sure his cattle are healthy than, that the guys leasing his land have big deer to shoot at.

                          I grew up around ranching, grew up around many ranchers. I remember hearing them talk between themselves about the crazy money that hunters would pay to lease their land to hunt on, back 30 plus years ago, back when you could lease land cheaply.

                          I knew ranchers, who started out as ranchers and still were ranchers, but at some point, oil companies started drilling for oil, and they went from barely getting by. To being very well off. But they would still spend most of their time working their cattle and running their properties as cattle ranches, that's the life the knew, that's just what they do, even once they are making more money than they know how to spend.

                          I would bet he greatly enjoys working on his ranch by himself. Probably does not like like people out running around on his property, acting like his property belongs to them, then telling him, they don't like what, he does, or how and when he does things, and that he should change when, and or how he does things. Old people and more so old ranchers don't like people telling them they should change how and when they have been doing things for most of their life. Remember you are a guest on his property and his way of life. You should try to fit into his world and not try to tell him, he should change how he has been doing things probably since before you were born.
                          Last edited by RifleBowPistol; 01-30-2023, 08:22 PM.


                            Put me in line if someone leaves.


                              Originally posted by RifleBowPistol View Post
                              You are very likely looking at things wrong, meaning you probably don't understand why he does what he does. If he is truly an old rancher, he really does not care much about growing big deer. But he will understand that some guys get a bit crazy over big deer, but most likely does not realize how obsessed some guys get about trying to kill big deer.

                              There is a strong chance he is just working his property like he always has. Probably some years ago some other land owner told him he could make extra money every year leasing his property out to hunters. So he started leasing it at some point. If he stared leasing it 30 years ago or so, the people he was leasing to, were not going to be so obsessive about growing and killing big deer. He and those hunters would have been more on the same line of thinking. He probably still thinks the same way, but many hunters are quite obsessed with growing and then shooting big deer. He probably don't give a rat's *** about all that nonsense, all he wants is that big chunk of extra money each year.

                              Then again it's his property and he likely has worked his land all by himself or mostly by himself most of his life and ran his ranch how he wants to run it. He is probably much more worried about making sure his cattle are healthy than, that the guys leasing his land have big deer to shoot at.

                              I grew up around ranching, grew up around many ranchers. I remember hearing them talk between themselves about the crazy money that hunters would pay to lease their land to hunt on, back 30 plus years ago, back when you could lease land cheaply.

                              I knew ranchers, who started out as ranchers and still were ranchers, but at some point, oil companies started drilling for oil, and they went from barely getting by. To being very well off. But they would still spend most of their time working their cattle and running their properties as cattle ranches, that's the life the knew, that's just what they do, even once they are making more money than they know how to spend.

                              I would bet he greatly enjoys working on his ranch by himself. Probably does not like like people out running around on his property, acting like his property belongs to them, then telling him, they don't like what, he does, or how and when he does things, and that he should change when, and or how he does things. Old people and more so old ranchers don't like people telling them they should change how and when they have been doing things for most of their life. Remember you are a guest on his property and his way of life. You should try to fit into his world and not try to tell him, he should change how he has been doing things probably since before you were born.
                              Very good description.


                                Ranch work happens everyday 365 days a year. Just another day for the animals that live there.

