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2023 Workout Accountability Thread!

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    Saturday was Back and Bi's
    Sunday was a 10 mile run in 85 mins (humidity killed me)
    Today is either a rest day or Legs depending on how meetings go


      A good chest and back morning. 20/20/15/10 rep range.

      Bench press/t-bar row/med ball situp
      Seated wide grip chest press/low row wide inverse grip/hanging leg raise
      Lat pull down neutral grip/push ups

      Arm and leg day tomorrow.


        Legs destroyed this afternoon.

        20 mins of stairs to warm up

        BB Squats // Air dynex // weighted twist
        DB rdls // kettle bell swings // decline crunches
        hack squats // iso leg curls // weighted crunches
        leg exts // split squats

        Sauna 8 mins


          Solid Chest and Tri session today.

          My sleep has been terrible the last 4-5 days and seeing it in the numbers during workout sessions


            Slept in yesterday. Went to bed early last night, at least by 8 PM. I slept hard too. The house cold have burned down around me and I'd have never known it. A good leg and arm day. 20/20/15/10 rep range.

            Belt squat/BB curl/hanging leg raise/prone leg curl/cable pushdown
            Leg extension/hip abduction/preacher curl/overhead rope extension/incline sit up
            Overhead cable curl/bilateral cable kickback

            Chest and back tomorrow.


              Sleep was awful again last night. Woke up sweating and the house was 65 degrees.... Not sick so I am not sure whats going on.

              Just finished a great shoulder and core work out though. 73 mins and 1025 cals so back to the range I am comfortable being in. Hopefully can offset the last 3 days of poor eating where I am a solid +1300-1500 calories over....

              We are down to the last 60 days of the year and arguably the hardest part of the year with hunting season, holidays, travel and amazing food.... Hope everyone left keeps grinding!


                Solid back and bi session this afternoon


                  Legs and biceps along with some core done earlier… I am still getting after it just having a hard time remaining to post


                    Today was legs but hammy's were still tight

                    Chest and Tris it was....

                    Legs or Cardio manana after a duck hunt!


                      Got in this AM for chest and back. Mixed it up a little with some 5X5 and some 2020/15/10 rep ranges.

                      Bench press/t-bar row/hanging leg raise
                      Incline bench press/low row inverse grip/ab roller
                      Decline bench press/bodyweight pullups/windshield wipers

                      Arms and legs tomorrow.


                        I did absolutely nada Saturday and Sunday and ate like a mad man also lol

                        probably was +2500 cals both days so not ideal but it happens. Just need to knock out a solid stretch this week and get back into it!

                        Finished some bicep OT and legs later today LAZ


                          I hit the alarm this morning and don't even remember it. Back at it tomorrow!


                            Took three days off due to having a class… chest and triceps Monday.

                            shoulders, traps and back earlier today…


                              Yesterday was a good chest and tris session

                              Todays will be back and bi's

                              Tomorrow through Sunday I will be in Kansas but hopefully will be cranking in 5-10 miles of walking each day looking for pheasant's


                                A good arm and leg session this morning. I try to get 4 movements per body part, but haven't been able to get it all in before its time to go to work and today was not exception. However, I increased the weight and hit the 20/20//15/10 reps program. It was worth it!

                                Overhead rope extension/preacher curl/prone leg curl
                                Cable pushdown with V handle/hammer curl bar over preacher bench/leg extension/incline situp
                                sled leg press/calf raise/arm blaster curl/cable pushdown inverse grip

                                Chest, back shoulders tomorrow.

