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Lease Problems

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  • tpack
    He who has the gold makes the rules. Your BIL IMO has the gold so he can make and enforce (or not) the rules as he sees fit. You are family, but not his family and would probably lose out in a pi $$ing contest. You have to know the battles you can win and the ones you can't. Everyone`s opinion of a trophy is not the same and we all can`t be world class hunters. Looks to me like you are going to have to learn to live with it or move on. My lease is not ideal by no means with just me and my son due to pressure from surrounding properties. I`ve seen 3 nice - 3-year-old ten points that will probably get shot by neighbors and that`s just how it is. It happens every year and you just have to accept it or you`ll make yourself miserable. I can`t imagine leaving a deer lease every time and being mad. I`m just happy to have a place to hunt and enjoy the woods with my son. It`s not all about killing a B&C deer.

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  • Man
    They're there for meat and you're there for a mature buck and herd improvement. You guys are on 2 different wavelengths.

    I can say that I have been in their position, and the other guy on the lease who was in your position sucked all the fun out of what was a fun family lease.

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  • Live2Hunt
    I would have a very polite talk about their goals and your goals and see what agreement you can reach.

    If you have super high standards for a lease, then you will probably always be disappointed.

    Buying land might be something worth looking into. There are states neighboring Texas where land is still very affordable. You could get away with 50 - 100 acres depending on if its just you...

    Just food for thought.

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  • tps7742
    Is it ok anymore to just enjoy hunting and to not complicate matters with all the trophy yadda yadda? Especially in your specific situation on this lease.
    Last edited by tps7742; 11-30-2022, 12:42 AM.

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  • Kevin
    Originally posted by Playthewind View Post
    Sounds like they ARE after antlers. Shooting more than one 2-3 year old bucks in a season is not considered a “meat” hunter that’s just considered a poor hunter IMO. Now I’m not saying if the 2-3 year olds are culls then steer clear, but we as hunters need to have the same goal in mind. Take game at their full potential before they begin to decline. I feel like we owe it to the animals to give them just that. If you cannot make this conclusion then someone needs to educate them politely. If they can full buck tags they can fill doe tags as well.
    Holier than thou crap. You can hunt how you want, let others do the same if its ethical to that person and within the agreement of the lease.

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  • Kevin
    Man, just hunt and stop worrying about who is shooting what deer. If there is little pressure, shooting a couple young deer will make zero impact.

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  • RiverRat1
    Did they also happen to shoot a house cat?

    You have 3 options IMO
    1. Just hunt and enjoy the place and don't try to manage. Can't beat them then join them.
    2. Ask BIL if he can make better rules that are fair for all next year (make the rules now). Just simple but fair rules.
    3. If no rules and you can't handle just shooting whatever, then drop the lease. But you'll regret it when you're paying triple and still have lease member issues.

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  • Voodoo
    There is that supremacism word again…”management”

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  • Playthewind
    Originally posted by Dr. Evil View Post
    Sounds like the others are not after antlers, so just explain to them that they can take 2-3 does and the meat will taste far better than any young buck they shoot any way. I believe there is an easy solution here.

    Sounds like they ARE after antlers. Shooting more than one 2-3 year old bucks in a season is not considered a “meat” hunter that’s just considered a poor hunter IMO. Now I’m not saying if the 2-3 year olds are culls then steer clear, but we as hunters need to have the same goal in mind. Take game at their full potential before they begin to decline. I feel like we owe it to the animals to give them just that. If you cannot make this conclusion then someone needs to educate them politely. If they can full buck tags they can fill doe tags as well.

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  • AgHntr10
    Enjoy that place for what it is, a good place to spend time with your family. If that isn't your goal then just be on the lookout for another lease.

    Or you could go to the landowner with more money, lease the whole place out from under your brother in law and then just sublease the hay grazing to him

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  • Fmjag64
    Keep as a side option and begin the search process for a new spot. Best case scenario, you find a new affordable place and keep the side option space, if cheap enough.

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  • rolylane6
    Originally posted by rolylane6 View Post
    If it's just you and the FIL hunting the place, I would have a polite ftf talk with the guy and see where it goes. Good places are hard to find. It's worth trying to work it out.

    Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk
    I just want emphasize that I said a "polite" face to face talk. Don't go into the conversation with an attitude of being right and he's wrong and don't address every concern you have at once. Sometimes these things take time to work out and for others to see the light so to speak. Keep doing what you're doing and try to be an example and hope the FIL will gradually get on board. Look for another place while doing it. If you find one, great. If not, maybe this one will develop into the place your after in the long run.
    One of the leases I'm on was a shoot em up place when I got on it. They were shooting young deer and bringing friends and family to fill tags. I actually caught them sneaking a little 6pt off the place without a tag once. They immediately acted like they forgot, but from their reaction, I could tell they were stone cold busted. They went ahead and tagged it at that point. That was about 7 or 8 years ago. It's gotten better since then.

    When I got on the place I took the attitude that it would be a meat lease if nothing else, but would I do my best to improve it if I could. I have never taken a righteous attitude of, "your doing it all wrong" and "you need to do it my way". I just do what I do and let them see the results. I share the knowledge I have and leave it at that. I've been successful and they've started seeing the difference it can make. They're all coming around and learning what it takes to grow/shoot mature deer. I don't judge them for not knowing any different but just let them learn as we go. I've shot a 169" and 150"+ off the place in the last 3 years. Those weren't so much a result of growing them bigger as it was just passing on younger deer til a mature one showed up but the result was the same. People can change when they see a better way of doing things if they're interested. Keep in mind, your "better way" may not be what their interested in. They may not be interested in big buck so they may not want a change. They could be happy just shooting deer, any deer, and spending time with family and friends. That's where the face to face talk comes in. Find out what they're interests are (without judgement) and take it for what it is. As others have said, enjoy it for what it is and do what you can to make it better. If they come along, great. If not, keep looking while enjoying this one.
    If your looking for an immediate result and want a place that already manages for mature deer, then you should probably start looking real hard for another place and be prepared to shell out a little more money. The places that are already established are rarely cheap.
    If you're looking for a place that's cheap, can be developed, and you're willing to spend some time in doing it, start with one step at a time and see where it goes. It could be a true diamond in the rough. Good luck with whatever you decide!

    Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk

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  • Dr. Evil
    Sounds like the others are not after antlers, so just explain to them that they can take 2-3 does and the meat will taste far better than any young buck they shoot any way. I believe there is an easy solution here.

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  • jdg13
    Y'all have competing goals. Sounds like they don't care so much about horns, which isn't some mortal sin, but doesn't jive with a trophy hunting mindset. Talk to them and try to set some guidelines that benefit both of you. Just don't be "that guy" who wants to micromanage everyone in the name of deer management. If they don't want to change, then you have to decide if you want to stay or not. I'd much rather be on a cheap lease where someone shoots a couple of young deer than be on public with all the clowns.

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  • EarleyBird
    Originally posted by Gerald G View Post
    He has a history of posting hilarious comments.
    Fixed it!

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