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    Your job is to not get dead, prevent your wife and kids from getting dead. That’s it.
    If people in Texas choose not to arm themselves that’s on them. If you want to confront shooters then sit around and wait for him to come to you.


      Originally posted by flywise View Post
      Your job is to not get dead, prevent your wife and kids from getting dead. That’s it.
      If people in Texas choose not to arm themselves that’s on them. If you want to confront shooters then sit around and wait for him to come to you.
      yep, and if you're moving around, guess where his attention is going!


        Originally posted by Jon Stewart View Post
        Being a retired LEO we were taught never to sit with your back to the door.

        Today at 73 I still sit facing the door. I also try and sit in the back area of the room. I look at everyone that walks in.


          Originally posted by hpdrifter View Post
          yep, and if you're moving around, guess where his attention is going!
          To soon to be victims who aren’t moving around?


            Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
            To soon to be victims who aren’t moving around?
            volunteer to be first!


              I am no hero, hope and pray to never be in an active shooter situation. However, i have had both classroom and live fire instructed training for active shooter situations. My training teaches me to neutralize the threat, to protect all who under threat.
              Situational awareness is critical.


                Yes, absolutely. Use the universal Navy SEAL signals. They work every single time. Might also incorporate some endangered bird calls, so everyone's on the same elite operator page. I'm just spit-ballin', same as you.


                  Originally posted by Jon Stewart View Post
                  Being a retired LEO we were taught never to sit with your back to the door.

                  Today at 73 I still sit facing the door. I also try and sit in the back area of the room. I look at everyone that walks in.


                    If you have to think about you would do, please stay seated and keep your weapon secured.
                    The average person does not have it in them to take out a live shooter.
                    Unless you have been trained ( and I don’t mean at LTC class) in law enforcement and/or wartime situations you likely will get hurt trying to do the right thing.
                    That’s just my opinion, but, have a few scars.

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                      Situational awareness is key. Sit facing the door everywhere we go.


                        Originally posted by jlinville View Post
                        Stop the threat and reholster before the police gets there!
                        this is probably the best thing you can do,, if the threat is stopped quickly
                        (single shooter) your best option is to holster quickly and try to help people get out as calmly as possible,,, and asking them to stay close till the police get a chance to at least identify them,,,,,,

                        keeping your gun out and visible could easily be taken as "you are the shooter or a second one",,,,, yes, the police will come in with guns drawn and on high alert,, but if your hands are flat on a table with fingers spread or lifted high with fingers spread you are far less likely to be taken as a suspect by anyone, simply follow orders given quickly without argument you will get your chance to explain when things calm down,,,


                          Originally posted by xman59 View Post
                          this is probably the best thing you can do,, if the threat is stopped quickly
                          (single shooter) your best option is to holster quickly and try to help people get out as calmly as possible,,, and asking them to stay close till the police get a chance to at least identify them,,,,,,

                          keeping your gun out and visible could easily be taken as "you are the shooter or a second one",,,,, yes, the police will come in with guns drawn and on high alert,, but if your hands are flat on a table with fingers spread or lifted high with fingers spread you are far less likely to be taken as a suspect by anyone, simply follow orders given quickly without argument you will get your chance to explain when things calm down,,,
                          An addition to this is to KNOW what to say and more importantly what NOT to say should you ever need to defend your own life or those around you after using deadly force.


                            Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
                            I have been involved in a few shooting incidents with me doing the shooting, me being the target at very close range, my partner killing a guy about 10 feet from me, etc.

                            I can guarantee that if shooting starts, your vision and hearing will likely shut down or at least to the point where you aren’t even going to contemplate signaling other unknown people. They likewise, will very likely be in the same mental state as you. Almost to a person their concentration will be locked on the shooter or on an exit and how to get to it.

                            When the adrenaline dump hits and the fight or flight response starts, your concentration level is going to change drastically.

                            How you should respond is up for all kinds of what ifs such as who is with you, are you near an exit, how close when shooting starts, how many other potential “targets” other than yourself, type of weapon, how fast is the shooting, can you even see the shooter, did he pause for a couple of seconds to reload, etc. Then start mixing those in various combinations to create dozens of what if scenarios.

                            You said, “if given time”. I doubt that you will have that much time and the mental ability at that moment to be thinking things out.

                            So to the question signaling, I don’t think that is an option. It just isn’t going to happen. We could probably go for several pages of opinions on how to respond to any of the variables such as I listed. Signaling isn’t going to be one of them.

                            I believe that you can somewhat mentally prepare yourself for such a situation but when the shooting starts, the ability to start signaling other unknown people simply isn’t going to exist. Taking out the threat or escaping will be it.

                            Having done some simunition training, it’s crazy how your senses go haywire. I did one scenario where I came into a room in time to see a fight where one guy shoots another, then starts walking towards a classroom. I told him to drop the gun a couple of times and then put three rounds in the center of his back when he kept walking. Afterwards the trainer said something like “you did great. Gave him a chance to drop it, then he said he was going to kill them all and you put him down.” The thing was, I didn’t hear him say a word, just knew he was heading to somewhere where he was a threat to others.


                              Originally posted by hpdrifter View Post
                              I can step out the back door and practice...and do almost daily.

                              Seems like their is the same mentality here as in "politics"; lone wolf mccade.
                              that's why Republicans are never heard.
                              Less than 4% of the population in Texas are licensed to carry. Of the 3.6%, I’d venture 1/2 carry daily. So in a restaurant of a 100 people, you are likely the only armed citizen. You’d probably be signaling only to yourself


                                Originally posted by flywise View Post
                                Your job is to not get dead, prevent your wife and kids from getting dead. That’s it.
                                If people in Texas choose not to arm themselves that’s on them. If you want to confront shooters then sit around and wait for him to come to you.

                                I venture to say the average person with a CHL shoot his handgun less than the average cop. Take all the screaming and hollering of the other people in the establishment. Fluster cluck

