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Rough day today. People can be cruel.

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    Rough day today. People can be cruel.

    Not really sure I know why I’m writing this but I just feel compelled to do so. Today I got a call for a loose horse. I’m a Livestock Deputy for Harris County as many of you know and these calls are “routine”. As I was driving down the road she was suppose to be on I noticed at the end of the roadway on the shoulder, she was down. I drove closer and realized it wasn’t her head I was looking at with pointy ears, it was her hip bone. She was so thin the point of her hip looked like ears from a distance.

    I pulled over and approached. She perked her ears up and lifted her head. I have seen some skinny animals in my day but this was absolutely cruel. She had foundered in both feet and someone thought it appropriate to SCREW her hoof wall back to the hoof capsule to keep them from separating. This is like putting self tapping screws directly into your nail and into your finger if your nail is coming off.

    I stood her up. I tried to load her but it was apparent she wasn’t going to even make the trailer ride anywhere in her condition much less get in it. I euthanized her right there in the grass. As I stared into her eyes, right before I sent her across the rainbow bridge I almost couldn’t do it. I lowered my hand for just a second but knowing the outcome, immediately raised it again and did what I’m asked to do.

    I struggle with it as I sit here. I think mostly because I’m so angry I had to put her down in such a dump of a location. It was clear the people in the area didn’t deserve to own horses. I wish she could have had a meal and some water and walked pain free in a pasture for just a moment. She laid there for days with no water. Unable to stand with her hooves that way. I’m just ate up with anger over how someone can be so cruel.

    I left and cried the whole way home. I’ve had to put animals down many many times but today, I saw the worst of humanity.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    That is terrible...... I wish you could find the "owner" and give them taste of their own actions......


      That’s terrible. People suck.


        Originally posted by TKRanch View Post
        That is terrible...... I wish you could find the "owner" and give them taste of their own actions......

        You have no idea. There’s a special place in hell for people like whomever “owned” her.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


          Sorry for your pain sir. Hopefully you will find the rightful owner and let them suffer the consequences.


            I hate that. It’s a funny conundrum we’re in as hunters. We run sharp sticks through animals and high five and share blood trails and broadhead damage, etc. but being intentionally cruel to animals is something that really gets to me. People who tape dogs mouths shut and drop them off or in this instance starve an animal to death almost. If you’re gonna kill an animal, kill it. Don’t be an *******.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              Prayin for ya
              That’s terrible and can only imagine how much that hurt your heart


                Originally posted by Gumbo Man View Post
                Sorry for your pain sir. Hopefully you will find the rightful owner and let them suffer the consequences.

                I’m a lady, probably why I cried so much.

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                  So sorry you had to deal with this. I can’t understand people who treat animals like this. I’ve seen this sort of thing in Fayette County and it seems like nothing is ever done to these people. Horrible!


                    You're a better man than me, not sure I could of done that, but a lot of circumstances go into that also. Man I really feel for you.


                      People that do this to any animal need to suffer the same fate! Terrible!


                        That’s a tough one. The sucky part of the job. Hold your head knowing you relieved that poor animal of the pain and suffering it was in. Prayers for you!


                          That was tough enough to read, I couldn’t imagine being the person on the scene……

                          As much as it sucks, you did the right thing. Don’t second guess that.


                            Originally posted by mmlreiner View Post
                            You have no idea. There’s a special place in hell for people like whomever “owned” her.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                            You got that 100% correct girl!


                              They will be judged!

