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Pulling porcupine quills

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  • S-3 Ranch
    I vote , vet , I pulled out porcupine quills on my dog because the time & distance home
    Well I missed a broken one, and the vet X-ray found it and did surgery to remove it from under her nose after infection settled in

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  • okrattler
    It's gonna hurt no matter how you do it if you do it yourself. I'd take it to the vet. The thing is if you miss one it'll work its way clear through to the other side. If it's in a bad spot it could kill that dog.

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  • Hawkpuppy 1
    Bring him to our clinic here in Whitney. We can do it.

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  • Mission408
    All vets are full. They all recommend the vet er. Here we go$$$ lol

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  • bullets13
    Man. poor dog.

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  • Playa
    That sucks. I have just let my vet deal with them. I’ve heard that if you clip the far end it helps for removing

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  • Mission408
    Had no idea we had porcupine in Johnson county!

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  • Mission408
    Calling our vet now seeing what they say

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  • BrianL
    Go to the vet. Quills are barbed and very painful. Also don't want to miss one as they will continue to work its way deeper.

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  • Southbound 85
    Pulled them from cow, coon, and hog dogs just like this.

    [ame=""]Removing Porcupine Quills - YouTube[/ame]

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  • Russ79
    Worked for a vet in Big Spring before I headed to A&M- didn't even know there were porcupines anywhere in the area. Had several ranchers bring dogs in to remove quills. We always sedated them and just pull with pliers.

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  • Walker
    Yes, cut the quills and then pull them. I pulled some from a hog dog once. After that he was deathly afraid of a pair of pliers. For real.

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  • Mission408
    Old coon hunting buddy carried shots to put his dogs under while they pulled them up north.

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  • Ryan C
    I've been told you have to cut the quills to let the air out of them and they'll pull right out. Never had to try it though, could be an old wives tale.

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  • TXraiderTK
    ouch! if you know your vet and theyll give you an honest answer, maybe give them a call and get their opinion. thats the free first step id do

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