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Found Dad ...need some prayers

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  • EasttexSam

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  • BlackHogDown
    Oh no. Hate to hear that. Praying for Larry and family this morning.

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  • Clay C
    Sorry to hear. Will include you and your Father in our prayers.

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  • open.pasture
    started a topic Found Dad ...need some prayers

    Found Dad ...need some prayers

    So yesterday morning my dad wasn't answering the phone I went there to check on him and found him collapsed and it appeared hed been laying there overnight...called 911 and lifeflighted him to dell in Austin...they rushed him into surgery to remove a large clot off his brain and in turn had to remove a piece if his skull for the swelling...he's in ICU hooked up to all kinds of things.... trying to get him to wake up ..but having no luck ...I know we have a lot of God fearing men and women on this site and I please ask for y'all to hit a knee and please send a message to the big man above for dad ... That God grant him the strength to fight this or the strength to my family to accept that if it's his time take him home to be with my mom ...His name is Larry

    God bless y'all