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The things i learn reading history books - "BLUETOOTH"

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    The things i learn reading history books - "BLUETOOTH"

    I've been reading a bunch of history books the least few years. I'm finishing "The Sea Wolves - A history of the Vikings" now. Really good read.

    When 'BlueTooth' technology came out, i wondered where the term 'BlueTooth' came from and why. But, i didn't care enough to do any research. While reading my book i came across this little nugget. Kind of interesting.

    Harald Bluetooth is thought to have earned his name by virtue of a conspicuous rotten tooth.

    'Fittingly, Harald's name today is ubiquitous as a technology that unites disparate devices. Begun in 1994 by the Swedish company Ericsson. 'Bluetooth' passes information wirelessly between phones and computers regardless of operating system or manufacturer. Just as the tenth century Viking king united fierce rivals, a Samsung phone will now communicate with an Apple computer. The two runes that make up the modern symbol for Bluetooth technology are the kings initials.'

    who knew??