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The First Empty Tomb

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    The First Empty Tomb

    The First Empty Tomb
    1 Corinthians 15:35-58
    Jesus is the only person who has an empty tomb. Everyone else who's died has returned to the dust, but Christ is alive and seated at the Father's right hand. Because He overcame death, His followers are also guaranteed empty tombs someday. When Jesus returns for His church, those who have died in Him will be resurrected into glorious bodies. And believers who are alive at that time will instantaneously be changed.
    Knowing this, we naturally wonder, What kind of body will I have? The best way to answer that is to see what Scripture reveals about Christ's body after He rose from the dead. He didn't come invisibly in the form of a ghost but rather had a literal, physical body. He talked, walked, and ate with His disciples. Yet although He was recognizable, He was somehow different, and at times it took His words or actions to jog their recognition.
    Here's one thing I can tell you about the resurrection: you will look better than you do today! God is going to give you a strong, glorious, eternal body which is perfectly fitted for your life in heaven. Believe me, you will not be disappointed, because God has far more in store for us on the other side than we can ever imagine. You will be more alive there than you could ever be here.
    A more important issue we must face is how to get ready for that day. This life is just a puff of wind compared to our eternity. It's my personal opinion that the way we live here on earth will determine our capacity to enjoy heaven. The time to begin living for God is now.
    Dr. Stanley

    I too believe our life on earth and our ability to overcome our sin nature will determine our ability to enjoy our fruits in heaven and our inability to overcome them will limit that ability. I believe when the bible speaks of our treasures stored in heaven, this is what it's speaking of. Material possessions will have little to no value compared to our treasures of the spirit!
    Thanks again Bro.Bill!

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        Thanks for posting Bro Bill


          Amen Bro. Bill





              The fish are biting, and there's hogs to be kill-t. Gotta go!


                Even so, come Lord Jesus!


                  Amen Bro. Bill, thanks





                      Gotta tell my joke. Told this one to my pastor way back when.....

                      Me- Pastor you're not going to believe it.
                      Pastor - OK. What?
                      Me- I got raptured this morning. But I don't understand, cause I'm still here!
                      Pastor- Wait now, what made you think you were raptured in the first place?
                      Me- Well, I stepped out of the shower, saw myself in the mirror, and there it was. The Perfected body!!

                      He's still laughing.


                        Thanks Bro. Bill

