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Purple Martin Landlords….let’s get those houses back up!

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    Originally posted by Stolle View Post
    I have a starling making a nest. I live in a neighborhood so pellet gun is not an option. How can I keep them out?

    What is the best time of the day to lower the house and remove the starling nest?​
    Look at my post above. Van Ert traps work great for me. As for the best time of day to lower...the martins don't really care but I suggest doing it during the day but before they return to nest at dusk.
    Last edited by RascalArms; 04-14-2024, 06:30 PM.


      8 nests in a 12 room house w/27 eggs total and at least 3 newly born. Did not want to look or disturb them. There were 5 eggs total in that nest.


        Bad news on my Martins. Bad weather destroyed our house, the eggs and at least 2 adults.😥


          Oh man that's a dang shame!! Sorry to hear that! Heck, I didn't even think about my martin boxes during our storms... We were lucky I guess. Our birds seem none the less for the wear...


            All 27 eggs were destroyed along with the 3 new borns. Most of the nests we flipped inside the rooms. I put the nest back down as best I could but had to take out 2 as it looked like a sparrow nest. Opening was completely blocked. Martins are back around the house but not sure what will happen.


              Not sure if they will lay again this year. Hope so! 🙏🙏


                I hate to hear that about the nest and homes being destroyed by the storms. As of right now on our place we have 22 nesting pairs, I will be adding a ghord setup for next season!


                  That's terrible...sorry to hear Mudslinger. 😕

                  I've been so busy with work I haven't even performed a nest check in the last 3 weeks since replacing my solid plug doors with the vented doors to dissipate some of the heat. I had no eggs at the time but there's bound to be plenty with all the activity I've been seeing lately.


                    05/25/24 nest check video
                    49 total cavities, only 2 of which were not active nests and empty. 1 had a sparrow nest I had to remove that somehow eluded me.
                    Counted 105+ eggs in 21 cavities and the other 25 cavities had a total of 111 babies, ranging from just hatched pinkies to a few nestlings that were pretty far along.
                    Never had this many hatchlings so early in the year. I hope this means the babies get big enough and strong enough to fully fledge before it gets so darn hot. I know I've lost a bunch of birds to the heat the past few years.

                    I did have a dead male martin just inside the entrance in 1 of the empty nests. Not sure what happened to him tbh but I hope it wasn't a d*** HOSP from the nest I removed. I can't believe I missed that.🤨


                      WOW Joel, great video!! I'm gonna have to replace my main house for next year most likely... It's old and I just sort of patched it up and give it a new coat of paint to get it through this season... Got a good big family going so far though... I haven't checked the apartments, but it seems that they all fared OK through the storms...


                        I had about 5 -6 pair before I left for vacation. Got home last Tuesday and they were gone. Is it the time of year or did something scare them off?


                          I've been wanting to check mine, now I will , the boss always tells me to leave them alone!!!

