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PSA = Any of yall allergic to deer?

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    Guy I know is same way. He has a tracking dog service but let’s people know if it’s recovered he’s unable to help with the drag due to his allergy. He was the first person I’d heard of having it but have heard of couple more since.


      My son is and kinda scared me first time we found out. Both eyes about swelled shut. Good shower and Benadryl fixed him up. hes also allergic to dogs and cats.


        Seems like most I know that have alleged that allergy are also allergic to work. Maybe it’s a coincidence.


          My son is allergic to deer dander as well, he's 12. We just figured it out this year. We always thought it was strange how he would get allergic symptoms just at the skinning rack. Itchy watery eyes and running nose. This year he shot a doe on a warm day and it was in the sun. It was gonna be a bit before I could get to him so I told him to drag it to the shade. Well he text me about 5 minutes after getting it drug to the shade and says his allergies are getting bad. That's when it hit me. He is not allergic to anything else so I immediately realized it was deer he is allergic to. Fortunately he can pop a non drowsy allergy pill and be fine within minutes. So yes he still cleans his own deer. LOL



            Originally posted by kruppa24 View Post
            My son is and kinda scared me first time we found out. Both eyes about swelled shut. Good shower and Benadryl fixed him up. hes also allergic to dogs and cats.
            Funny thing is we have dogs , no problem, she's shot pigs, no problem.



              Originally posted by ShoootLow View Post
              Seems like most I know that have alleged that allergy are also allergic to work. Maybe it’s a coincidence.
              not sure how this applies to this thread? She's a junior in high school and ranked 2nd in her class. Not sure how that relates to being allergic to work? Seems like she's working pretty dang hard to me


                Allergic here myself. Was fine as a little kid but developed it once I was about 14. I’m not allergic to livestock, cats and dogs, etc. just deer. My eyes will swell shut, my nose becomes completely congested, throat starts to close, hives break out on hands and arms.

                I’ve figured out how to manage it, if I kill a deer I pop a Benedryl right after the shot. Plastic gloves, a dust mask, and goggles until the hide is off. Luckily since I’ve learned to manage it I can take care of most my animals but from time to time my dad/brother will just skin my deer for me because they know what I have to deal with and it’s just much quicker if they just skin it real quick. Lately my fiancée has been learning how to skin a deer to help me out haha.


                  Used to never bother me. Now I have to pop a Benadryl every time I shoot one.


                    I didnt know this was a thing, But my hands do get itchy between my fingers. I may have to start popping a benedryl!


                      I know a man that is the same way. He can't touch the hair without having a reaction. Once it is skinned, he can help cut it up and eat the heck out of it!


                        My brother is allergic. Takes a Benadryl every time he kills an animal, uses gloves, and wears a mask when cleaning a deer. He looks ridiculous, but I'm not cleaning them for him.


                          Deer and rabbits
                          Use Benadryl gel around my eyelids

                          Eyes swell and breathing gets mildly congested

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            Originally posted by junior View Post
                            not sure how this applies to this thread? She's a junior in high school and ranked 2nd in her class. Not sure how that relates to being allergic to work? Seems like she's working pretty dang hard to me
                            I think he meant that as a joke. As in "I'm allergic to deer so somebody else needs to clean it for me".

                            Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk


                              Originally posted by junior View Post
                              not sure how this applies to this thread? She's a junior in high school and ranked 2nd in her class. Not sure how that relates to being allergic to work? Seems like she's working pretty dang hard to me
                              Obviously, if she wasn't allergic to deer dander she would be #1. DUH!

                              kidding. dumb post of the day.



                                Originally posted by rolylane6 View Post
                                I think he meant that as a joke. As in "I'm allergic to deer so somebody else needs to clean it for me".

                                Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk
                                Maybe so, if so I didn't catch it

