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Prayers for my Grandpa Needed

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    Prayers for Buster and the whole situation.


      UPDATE: The surgery is back on for 1pm today. Apparently, it's around a 4 hour surgery. Thank yall for all of the prayers.


        Prayers outbound


          Lord we ask You to guide the hands of the surgeons and the whole care team for Buster. Give them all the wisdom and skills to perform the work You have planned for his healing. Restore him through his rehabilitation and make that smooth and without complication. We ask You Lord to give our brother Josh strength to stand strong for the family and help you to guide them all through this trial too. We ask in Jesus name, Amen!


            Originally posted by SaltwaterSlick View Post
            Lord we ask You to guide the hands of the surgeons and the whole care team for Buster. Give them all the wisdom and skills to perform the work You have planned for his healing. Restore him through his rehabilitation and make that smooth and without complication. We ask You Lord to give our brother Josh strength to stand strong for the family and help you to guide them all through this trial too. We ask in Jesus name, Amen!
            And Amen!

            Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk


              Prayers for Buster and the medical team for a successful surgery and a quick recovery!


                Prayers, and godspeed


                  UPDATE: Continued prayers are appreciated. What was supposed to be a 4-5 hour surgery took close to 7 hours and there were complications with bleeding. They are still having a hard time getting the bleeding to stop. Four nurses were by his side all night to keep him stable and they are continuing to give him blood. He isn't in great shape right now.


                    Sending prayers for the bleeding to stop and healing to begin.

                    Sent from my SM-N970U using Tapatalk


                      Prayers sent!


                        Prayers sent.....


                          Lord God, we urgently come to You asking for healing for Buster. Father, please stop this bleeding and return his strength. Give this man more years as Your servant Lord. We know from Your Word that you gave Hezekiah 15 years to complete his work for You. We ask Lord that You consider this man Buster for more time. Restore him to his family. In Your Will Lord we ask these things through Your Son Jesus, Amen.


                            Lots of prayers for your grandpa and your family.


                              Prayers up for Buster.


                                Update: A lot has happened since the last post. He is still in the hospital. I think it's been 43 days now. He had to be opened up a second time after the first surgery and was sedated for almost 2 weeks before they could bring him out of it. His kidney have since quit functioning and he is on dialysis. They ended up having to do a trach and feed tube. He has what they call ICC Delirium now and is seeing and hearing things that aren't there when he's awake and is very angry and out of his mind. As of this morning, he has an infection in his chest, his trach, and his feed tube... as well as bed sores and a multitude of other issues. Talks of hospice have begun. I appreciate the prayers. The most heartbreaking thing about all of this is that he has never given me any reason to think that he is a Christian.

