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2022 Workout accountability...

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    Got it done at Cowtown. Finished the half marathon right at my target time which is my best time of the three times I've run it. Feels good to accomplish that goal after training for it since October. Thanks for the encouragement and motivation, it really makes a difference.


      Originally posted by quarterback View Post
      Got it done at Cowtown. Finished the half marathon right at my target time which is my best time of the three times I've run it. Feels good to accomplish that goal after training for it since October. Thanks for the encouragement and motivation, it really makes a difference.
      That's awesome! Congratulations on your accomplishment!

      Man, I slept HARD last night and it was tough to get outta bed this morning but my wife talked me into it. Usually, it's the other way around! LOL! Legs and back supersets 5X5 but pushed an extra rep out when I could.

      T-bar row/sled leg press/incline situp
      BB row inverse grip/leg extension
      Front squat/pull ups
      Lat pull down neutral grip/prone leg curl/incline situp
      Overhead cable pulldown

      Chest and triceps tomorrow


        i did a good back workout yesterday, may just try to get a run in today.

        pullups with varying grips
        dumbell cranks superset with dumbell pullovers
        seated rows
        kb swings


          Knocked out arms during lunch

          Shoulders tomorrow and then legs on Friday


            Chest and triceps today. Chest 3X10 concentrating on the negative and TUT. Pretty much the same thing for triceps, but incorporated into strip sets.

            Incline DB bench press/overhead rope extension
            DB chest fly/cable pushdown pronated grip
            Seated wide grip chest press/cable pulldown supinated grip
            Bench press/cable kickbacks

            Legs and shoulders tomorrow


              Shoulders annihilated this morning. Just a awesome workout all around.

              Legs tomorrow and hoping for the same experience.


                4x10 squat
                4x12 walking lunges
                4x15 calf raises
                4x10 Romanian chair lift
                15 mins on treadmill

                Walking lunges are a love hate thing for me. I hate them because they’re hard, but love them after I’ve completed all my sets.

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  I got tired of going to the gym and doing the same things over and over. I recently bought a jump rope. It has been a very nice change of pace.

                  Stay after it boys!


                    Man I have slept in 4-5 days this week.... Going to hit legs during lunch.


                      Man the gym was crowded this morning. Got 'er done despite all of the people trying to use the same equipment. Legs and shoulders and threw in some biceps at the end just cuz I had time. 3X10

                      Seated lateral raise/leg extension/incline sit up
                      Read delt DB fly/split squats
                      Seated shoulder press/front squat/hanging leg raise
                      Sled leg press/weighted standing calf raise/biceps curl bar with handles
                      Prone leg curl/overhead cable curls

                      I'm ready for the weekend!


                        I am dead.....

                        20 mins on the stairs lvl 11-14
                        3-60sec sprints on the air bull-shat-dynex

                        All the following were 15-12-10-8-6-5 Half pyramids

                        Leg Press (rotating feet positions)
                        Single leg press
                        DB RDL's
                        Mch Leg curls
                        Mch Leg Ext

                        I doubt I'll do anything tomorrow besides worrying to be able to sit down... Plus I think I am doing a day trip to SA.


                          Lesssss get ittttt

                          Chest destroyed and now sitting in the sauna for 15mins or I die. Whichever comes first.


                            Currently crying on the stair master…. Arm day to follow


                              Legs and extended shoulder workout today. If you don’t follow joestetics on the gram I highly recommend. Something different to throw in the major groups


                                Back at it this morning trying to get in the right attitude for the week ahead. LOL! Chest and bicep supersets 3X10 keeping the rep pretty slow holding at peak contraction for split second.

                                Incline DB chest press/preacher curl/incline situp
                                Incline DB chest press one notch lower/BB curl/hanging leg raise
                                Seated wide grip chest press/hammer curl
                                Bench press/arm blaster curls
                                DB chest fly/overhead cable curl

                                Legs and shoulder tomorrow.

