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South Texas Illegal’s are out of control.

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    Well that sucks.
    Shame we can’t get back to the good old days when the politicians actually cared about American sovereignty


      It seemed to slow down for a few years. Now it’s WAY worse than it’s ever been. So sad and I hate everything about it. The Mexican cowboys/ranch hands hate it too. They can’t go and come like they have for a hundred years not bothering anyone or anything. Have to pony up to the cartels now and business is booming.


        That sendero gives me a chubby.

        I've had several encounters down south, but nothing like yours.


          I had a hunt booked in Webb/Maverick county and the Outfitter cancelled due the the Illegal traffic. Returned my deposit, but I was really looking forward to the hunt. Shame that the folks that support/ignore these things never get to experience the ramifications!


            Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
            Man that would be hard do get used to. That could wear on a mans patience pretty quick plus it creates a very dangerous environment. Somebody could get shot!!!!!
            After talking to the young lady that runs the Chaparral it sounds like it has been pretty bad there too here lately... It had me wishing I was carrying a pistol for personal protection while bowhunting there..
            Oh yeah, I been carrying last several years down there.


              Were your 3-4 years of peace from 2016-2020 by chance??


                Originally posted by AggieRod View Post
                If you think you need some help with this, I may be able to help. I have 28 yrs experience with these types of situations. I am a retired BP and I live close by. Just offering help if you want it.
                Just curious, what would you do to help him? Wondering what course of action there is.


                  Yep, nothing like leaving your jacket in the truck cause you know your heater is waiting for you in the blind and find that all your propane has been used and who ever did it really liked canned peaches.


                    If you want to enjoy your place without looking over your shoulder you're obviously a racist.


                      Everybody who experiences this first hand needs to preach it to everyone else that they know, especially those that might lean left. I realize these border jumpers want what we have but if they keep pouring in none of us will have it. It will be a dim memory in a few years, and their kids will live in the conditions they were trying to escape.

                      From the looks of them, none of them have missed many meals so I suspect they are coming for the welfare.


                        Originally posted by BowSlayer View Post
                        If you want to enjoy your place without looking over your shoulder you're obviously a racist.
                        Sad, but this is being treated as true! We need an ID to get on a plane but if we ask for it to vote we are racist. What has our country turned into?


                          Sad deals for sure everyone is having to deal with it. It’s not going to stop down south. It’s just a matter of time we start seeing them more in our rural communities more than we do already. The cities are their havens as we know.



                            My son in law manages a ranch at Catarina and he is fixing the high fences every day. The gate guard called him the other day and said illegals were banging on the guard house wanting "help". He called the SO and neither the BP or SO showed up. He went down there and confronted them, never getting out of the truck. One spoke perfect English and kept asking for him to take them to SA. He told them he wasn't takin them anywhere an to get the hell off the property. A couple of them started moving for the truck and he hung his left arm and pistol out the window. They backed off saying they didn't want any trouble and they all scattered after that.

                            My step daughter is pregnant and drives right by a "staging area" on their ranch similar to what the OP has described.

                            I told my son in law the next time they call the SO to tell them that he has them all at gun point. I bet someone shows up then!


                              The sad part is a lot of ignorant people do not think we have a border crisis. Situations like this are happen a little too regularly.

                              PS those Sendero's are top notch.


                                Nothing will change. Nothing ever changes on this matter. Perry would show up down there to film his campaign adds and leave. Abbott is doing the same, except wheels is having 100 yards of fence built for his backdrop. I hate this for you property owners down there, but until WE ALL stand up and say enough, nothing will change.

