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So you won the what?

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    Originally posted by Bullseye07 View Post
    They do not. But I know of a specific situation where someone had a good night at Choctaw. They told the pastor where it came from without being asked and he politely told them that the church could not accept it.

    It’s a very common practice. I’d be willing to bet several of the folks here who said they’d tithe and donate to the church would find themselves in a similar situation. Most people just don’t know that church policy because it doesn’t happen all that often.

    And for the record, I don’t agree with it. Take the money and do God’s work with it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I don’t understand it either. I also don’t play, but if I did and won, the tithe wouldn’t go to any 1 assembly. Split the tithe up between a bunch of small country churches and help those small assemblies who are struggling to help in rural communities. I’m sure they’d be able to find usage for it


      Buy a main lake point on the South end of Toledo Bend.Dot it with small cabins,and retire.


        Originally posted by Abu_dude View Post
        I was sitting around a fire a few days back and the conversation started. I'm not talking about hitting the $350+ Million Powerball here. I'm talking more like $10 Million state lottery.

        What would you legitimately do from the start? Everyone says a new truck or house...think deeper.

        Pay off your bills?
        What about your closest families bills? Parents? Kids? Closest friends?
        Land? Recreational and/or Commercial?
        would you invest?
        Donate to a cause?

        I always said id love to own around 300-400 acres. A place just for me, my dad, and my brothers to hunt. Id like to buy somewhere in the Harper/Fredericksburg/Cherry Springs area (where I'm from). Would also fence off 5 acres and build a house for my best friends little family (my god children). They live in that area and have struggled though the years so id like to provide them with some stability.

        Would be awesome to see this dream realized for someone from this community one day!

        oh, don't forget to buy your tickets for tomorrow!

        10 mil equals 5 mil after taxes so I would probably buy a 3 mil ranch and burn 1 mil on equipment and toys. The other mil would go towards retirement.

        I’d be set to retire at 45 or 50 at that point.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


          Well considering the times I would fill up the gas tank and go to Costco and stock up. Just maybe I would have some change left and we could stop on way home and get a blizzard


            Finally buy a Yeti cooler


              I'd build a couple new deer stands and buy a case or two of ammo then fill my truck up and buy a brisket. That would use most of it.


                Originally posted by Jon Stewart View Post
                Have a meeting with my church leaders and pay of the churches bills and make any repairs that need to be made.

                I try to put our Lord 1st in my life.

                Both mine and my wife’s dream before we found each other has always been to build a church. We would probably pay off a local church’s debts, fund any repairs, and then contact an organization who builds churches abroad. We would adopt more kids through Compassion International as well.

                Then we would pay off our remaining debt, buy some property, have a nice home built(2k-ish square foot), and get it 100% off grid. A small, one time gift would go to relatives with the stern warning that this is all you get. We would also ensure that our parents are comfortable.

                That’s pretty much it. Unlike a lot of people, neither I nor my wife have a thing for expensive vehicles. I would find and buy some crazy off the wall vehicles to play with, but we are talking about an OBS Ford with the straight 6, a Geo Metro, and probably a couple of 2nd gen(‘89-‘94) Chevy Cavaliers.


                  Originally posted by M16 View Post
                  Throw it in the pile with the rest of my money.


                    Originally posted by Throwin Darts View Post
                    I’ll remember this post leaving me out of your lotto hunts next time you want to come hunting.


                      Ya'll know all the lottery is, is a tax on people that are bad at math, right?


                        Man I think I’d be booking a one way ticket it to a nice resort for a week or so to gather my thoughts and find a bad *** financial advisor. My biggest purchase would def be land and homes for close family if they wanted it. I honestly think I would work for a few more years at least to get some of my retirement out of it. I would be one bad day away from quitting at all times tho!


                          Buy land and a house after the government takes its 3.5 million or more in taxes. Put the rest into investment and live off it hopefully making 5-10% interest a year which is roughly $250,000-$500,000. Thats if I can put 5 million into it.


                            I’d High Fence my 2 acre back yard and grow about 100 monster Whitetail bucks a year.


                              First thing is say nothing to anyone. friends, family, neighbors and based on their financial situation. Ask to borrow some money. Those that did what you asked, you cut in/take care of etc. Those that said no and were able to...Well, you just shut the door on a whole bunch of people who would have come asking.


                                I believe in Texas you can claim winnings anonymously. I would tell NO ONE.

