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Snakelover's (David Harkins) (Snakelover (David Harkins memorial service post #899)

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    Continuing prayers.....


      Sending good vibes your way from Boston David!


        God bless and stay strong.


          Prayers continue sir

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            sending warm fuzzys to y'all
            holler if I can help


              Continued prayers for each of you.


                prayers up for strength for both of you
                keep up the fight


                  You're both in the prayers of so many. May God give you peace and healing.


                    Still praying for y'all, David and Mindy!


                      Continued prayers


                        Maybe not the news you were wanting but sounds like its a good step! Prayers for healing!


                          Any updates? Prayers continue.


                            prayers sent!



                              Hello to our TBH family,

                              My apologies for not posting more frequently. Since the last update, we acknowledged 1 year since the discovery of the brain tumor (September 14, 2021). I had unexpected surgery due to a herniated disc and had 8 weeks of collar wearing recovery. A praise is that during my September-November recovery, David was able to handle his meds and meals without me. That was a big deal.

                              Prior to David's most recent mri in November, we had suspicions that the tumor was changing. David has been experiencing new weaknesses and new challenges.

                              The mri did show a small amount of growth which could explain some of the new issues, but I think we have gotten into the habit of blaming everything on the tumor. In reality, he may have things going on that have nothing to do with the brain tumor. So, we pursue and pray for answers.

                              David has started back to therapies with Rehab Without Walls. They send therapists to our home for sessions about 4 days a week. Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy.

                              He has a new to us Speech Therapist and during our first meeting with her, she asked David "How can I pray for you?" God brings people to us that we didn't even know we were missing. What a blessing to have a Christian therapist who is bold in her faith and prayer life.

                              I am healthy and mostly recovered from my surgery and that is a prayer of thanks. As David faces challenges, we know that my health is important so that I can assist him as needed.

                              On that note, we are good with visitors. We only ask that visitors are "well" when they come.

                              We are looking forward to family time Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Praying for strength and endurance to enjoy it all.

                              Remember to hug your people a little tighter as you celebrate the birth of Jesus, friends.

                              We love y'all and covet your prayers.

                              This picture of David was taken a few years ago at our place in Poetry.
                              Attached Files


                                Appreciate the update Mindy! We continue daily prayers for you two and wish you both a very Merry Christmas!!!

