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I Don't Matter

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    Originally posted by LlanoHunter10 View Post
    I'm a Trainee at a chemical plant on my way to be certified in a month and was just told by one person that right now, I Don't Matter. He said right now you're just a trainee and that i dont matter. Even when i get certified I'm only certified on one job so I'm not going to matter for a while at this plant. Was kind of a bad way to start the day and i dont know who ****** this guy off today. He works an opposite shift as me and i have said MAYBE 5 words to this guy before hand. I come in early everyday, work hard to learn my area for certification, and complete all my tasks on time every time. I know i cannot help by picking up overtime, but does that really mean i dont matter? Sorry just venting.
    Tell him that's not a nice way to talk to his future boss!


      Originally posted by Geezy Rider View Post
      Why are you letting your self worth be controlled by a virtual stranger. What other people feel about you shouldn’t matter to you one iota. Get that guy out of your head.
      Heck, if that’s gonna bother you, stay out of the aircraft business. That’s an industry where you really don’t matter. Your just a number and nothing more.
      Welcome to the new world!!!

      SOFT AS CAN BE, words hurt nowadays. Terrible


        Don't fall for the bait - many out there roll with a "CUP IS HALF EMPTY" frame of mind

        You just met one.


          Originally posted by gingib View Post
          Welcome to the new world!!!

          SOFT AS CAN BE, words hurt nowadays. Terrible
          This is where being passive/aggressive is an asset. Just smile and go on about your day.


            Originally posted by AntlerCollector View Post
            Bro you need to get some thicker skin. I bet that guy forgot all about you 30 seconds after he walked by. Here you are posting this because he’s still in your head. He wasn’t lying. You’re at the bottom on the company ladder. So what. Climb it! You should have just smiled and said yep! You will run into adversity like that in almost any profession. Let it roll off and keep on working towards your own goals.
            I agree, use it as fuel to make yourself matter and prove him wrong. Maybe when you are his boss, he will think you matter.


              There are near 8,000,000,000 people in this world bro... don’t let the negative ramblings of ONE of that 8 billion take away the greatness being a positive light shining in the darkness

              In other words F*CK him... you be you


                Originally posted by LlanoHunter10 View Post
                I get that i should pay him no mind and get thicker skin. But i feel this comment would be more geared toward a person who is a POS who does the bare minimum and goes home. I feel that I have been a valuable member of this team and have helped out in other areas of the plant to learn and retain knowledge that may be beneficial to me in the future. If i'm not helping others or doing my job in my area, I'm face down in my manuals and outside tracing systems to learn and ask my trainer questions and senerio's to gauge where and how to respond in an emergency situation. To do all that and still be told i dont matter kinda sucks.
                After all the support and encouragement you’re feelings are still hurt. I recommend getting a blood test to check estrogen levels, seems higher than normal.


                  Originally posted by gingib View Post
                  Welcome to the new world!!!

                  SOFT AS CAN BE, words hurt nowadays. Terrible
                  Sad but true.


                    Here is what I have seen many times in the operational circle. You are a newbie. Someone probably said something positive about you and it p'd him off. Why? Because he is probably a known p rick and not a very good operator. Therefore, he catches a lot of krap from his coworkers. This is his way of showing his envy and jealousy.

                    This will not be the last time you see this in this job field.


                      Live with everyone telling you that you don’t matter… prove them wrong! Been there, but don’t let it affect what you do. Do your best and it will be rewarded in the end.


                        Not how people should be treated BUT

                        they should print “Nobody cares about your feelings” on the bottom of every HS diploma. Take the money or not, crying about it solved very few adult problems


                          "But i feel this comment would be more geared toward a person who is a POS who does the bare minimum and goes home. I feel that I have been a valuable member of"

                          Man it sucks but try not to have an emotional attachment to your job. These "I feel" statements indicate that you are caring way too much about his opinion. I realize it's easier said than done.

                          This bothered you because you are passionate about the job or the work you are putting in. People who care deeply about their work product usually aren't lazy or crappy hires.

                          Now I will say what several others have .... hazing is unfortunately part of the gig in the workforce. I'd smile real big the next time he says it and respond yep ain't that fantastic-they keep paying me too!


                            Tell him “yep! But I’ll be your boss one day!”

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                              Originally posted by Bayouboy View Post
                              Here is what I have seen many times in the operational circle. You are a newbie. Someone probably said something positive about you and it p'd him off. Why? Because he is probably a known p rick and not a very good operator. Therefore, he catches a lot of krap from his coworkers. This is his way of showing his envy and jealousy.

                              This will not be the last time you see this in this job field.
                              I think you're on to something here. These guys are usually the "Oh I know" guys and are usually pretty lazy.


                                Go twist the wrong valve at the wrong time and see how much you matter . .

                                Our newhires are allergic to OT.
                                I can't figure it out, when we were young with a new house and family OT was sought after- no matter how much you had, a little more came in handy.
                                Not anymore, treated like a mutt with fleas.

