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Tpost driver to the noggin

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    I had no idea this was a problem but by the sound of it, t-post drivers are out of control.


      I've never have, and sunk a many of t-posts in my life. I did witness my dad shred his hand on one though.


        Had it happen to me several years ago, me and a buddy were putting in a hog trap in a remote lease outside of Roosevelt... driver went over the top of the post and bam right into the top of the head.. i walked to the truck sat on tailgate and passed out for a bit , woke up with my buddies ugly face screaming at me ... lol made an hour trip to junction in about 20 min... haha Growing up my dad had built one with a 36" maybe longer pipe used that one without incident. The ones you buy seem like 18" or so... dangerous farm tool for sure.


          Wow! 108 replies in 18 hours and the vast majority are "yes, I have or I know someone".

          I still don't' know how you could possibly do it, but like Hoggslayer said, I guess t-post drivers are our of control. I stand slightly off to the side when I'm driving but I also do not raise the driver up so high as to catch it on the top.

          And Big Gun is right - my drivers are all 34-36" long but the new ones are really short.


            Haven’t done it, but I know plenty who have and have definitely come close myself many times. Fatigue will get you doing dumb stuff for sure.


              I'd be interested in seeing a poll on how tall all you guys are that have bonked yourself on the heads . I can't believe it's happened to so many. Or driving taller T-post


                Did it once - learned quickly not to do it again !

                Old driver I was using just had straight bars sticking out from each side, not the looped handle most have now.

                Perfect pivot point!

                Saw stars but somehow it didn’t break the skin. Button on top of the cap was flattened between driver & my hard head !


                  never had it happen but i already use a gas powered one but if this thread wont make you go buy one idk what would.


                    Originally posted by Hoggslayer View Post
                    I had no idea this was a problem but by the sound of it, t-post drivers are out of control.
                    Definitely! May need to ban all t-post drivers. Sounds like the problem may be cheap, short drivers. The one I've used for years is heavy duty. I'd guess it weighs 15 lbs. Once you get it on the post, it is pretty well there. Never thought about lifting it high enough to get it off the post. I guess the closest I've come to getting hurt would be while getting it on or off the post. If you have jello arms, it could fall down on top of you.


                      Originally posted by LWC View Post
                      Definitely! May need to ban all t-post drivers. Sounds like the problem may be cheap, short drivers. The one I've used for years is heavy duty. I'd guess it weighs 15 lbs. Once you get it on the post, it is pretty well there. Never thought about lifting it high enough to get it off the post. I guess the closest I've come to getting hurt would be while getting it on or off the post. If you have jello arms, it could fall down on top of you.
                      Exactly, those cheap store bought drivers suck and lead to these types of issues. A good heavy home made one you can barely get on the t post is the ticket.

                      Drove many a mile worth of fence and have yet to whack my self with one.


                        Originally posted by LWC View Post
                        Definitely! May need to ban all t-post drivers. Sounds like the problem may be cheap, short drivers. The one I've used for years is heavy duty. I'd guess it weighs 15 lbs. Once you get it on the post, it is pretty well there. Never thought about lifting it high enough to get it off the post. I guess the closest I've come to getting hurt would be while getting it on or off the post. If you have jello arms, it could fall down on top of you.
                        That's what I'm saying. The one's I've used are pretty long and heavy.


                          Originally posted by Fargus View Post
                          For those asking how. Getting a little too aggressive when lifting the driver and the driver gets lifted too high off the top of the post. When you come back down, the lip of the driver catches the top of the t-post. Next thing ya know you are seeing stars and picking yourself up off the ground.

                          Exactly. My brother thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen when I did it several years ago. Put my 6'3 250lb butt in the dirt. I still hate that T post driver.


                            I did it 2X, back to back use a homemade driver, approx. 35 lbs. The first time it made me woozy and I was so ****** off at myself. The very next "swing" I hit myself again, dang near knocked me out. I had to sit down and re-group for about 10 min before I did anything else.

                            Im going to upgrade to a lighter weight OEM driver very soon.


                              How in the world did you get EMS to find you on a ranch?
                              I always thought I would have to drag my azz to a hospital if anything happened.


                                Originally posted by Dave W View Post
                                How in the world did you get EMS to find you on a ranch?
                                I always thought I would have to drag my azz to a hospital if anything happened.
                                I gave them the address.

                                I never imagined there would be this many responses. I've seen it happen twice now, and I would imagine I have come close a time or 2, but I guess I've been fortunate!

