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Hr8 and hr1446 passed?

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    Discuss in private - pre-date Bill of Sale - f the feds


      Originally posted by Goldeneagle View Post
      That little girl that sold em to me sure looked like a GIRL SCOUT to me.
      We'll settle this by calling it an "It".


        Originally posted by C-dubyah View Post
        The eight Republicans were:

        Vern Buchanan of Florida
        Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
        Maria Salazar of Florida
        Andrew Garbarino of New York
        Chris Smith of New Jersey
        Fred Upton of Michigan
        Carlos Gimenez of Florida
        Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.

        Mr. Fitzpatrick will be receiving a phone call and many emails from me letting him know that he will be primaried before the next election. He represents a very Conservative section of Pennsylvania.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


          Originally posted by QuackHunter View Post
          Well you see here is the problem with that train of thought. Many millions of people have whole heartedly supported the NRA for decades, what bills has the NRA actually fought to stop in that time? They only negotiate our rights away at a slower pace. Time after time has proven that. You don’t see them actively trying to get laws repealed or to actually fight proposed bills. They’re too busy lining their pockets

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          You, sir, are a pawn of the socialist dems because you continuously put down the one entity that has saved your gun rights. Does the NRA win every time? Of course not, nobody does. Why is it that the leftist media and dems only attack the NRA and not some faux gun lobbyist like the GOA or other wannabes? The NRA is now at its weakest point in my lifetime, this is why the friggin politicians are slithering from beneath the rock. It is people like you, who not only don't support the NRA but try to take them down. Think about it, you are just like the media and dems, you are saying the same thing. The difference is the media and dems know what the NRA does. How any gunowner is not a life member of the NRA or even just a member is beyond me.


            Originally posted by Comanchehunter View Post
            Mr. Fitzpatrick will be receiving a phone call and many emails from me letting him know that he will be primaried before the next election. He represents a very Conservative section of Pennsylvania.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            Awesome! Would you like for us to call him, too? What zip code should we use?


              You will see these type adds:

              Gun case for sale- $750

              Comes with free Rem 700 and 1 box ammo


                Originally posted by arrowsmack324 View Post
                We'll settle this by calling it an "It".
                No. She is a Girl Scout.


                  Haha, undocumented people can come in, but we want all guns documented..... straight outta the marxist playbook.
                  Come and take it


                    Originally posted by Traildust View Post
                    What your seeing is the death rattle from Republicans. It's all orchestrated with their main goal of keeping their place at the slop trough. They really don't care about any of this.
                    This right here. They are a bunch of spinless cowards and will bend over just so they can keep their jobs. The ones that do stand up for what's right will be labeled racists and will be run off. Look at what they are doing with Ted Cruz.


                      Originally posted by Lone_Wolf View Post
                      It's 50/50 split in the Senate. They need 60 votes to push it through. So, some Republicans will have to come on board or they could use Nuclear Option which overrides the 3/5ths vote rule, and a simple majority is all it would take to pass the bill. But it's highly unlikely that would happen. More likely they get some Republicans to come over, but I don't think they have enough......maybe
                      The democrats will absolutely use the nuclear option to get their way. Anyone that believes otherwise is a fool. The rinos were to chicken to do it when they needed to.


                        Originally posted by Lone_Wolf View Post
                        It's 50/50 split in the Senate. They need 60 votes to push it through. So, some Republicans will have to come on board or they could use Nuclear Option which overrides the 3/5ths vote rule, and a simple majority is all it would take to pass the bill. But it's highly unlikely that would happen. More likely they get some Republicans to come over, but I don't think they have enough......maybe
                        Unfortunately Republicans have been betraying each other longer and more often than we see Democrats do....


                          Originally posted by dusty britches View Post
                          awesome! Would you like for us to call him, too? What zip code should we use?


                            Originally posted by Jason Fry View Post
                            This is a tough one. Intuitively, I fight against any intrusion on my right to make private transactions.

                            On the other hand, if this were made simple, like a name and SSN into an internet form and a quick yes/no by a search button, it makes darn good sense.

                            Unfortunately it'll probably be a lousy interface requiring a fee and a third party.

                            Nothing the government ever does is simple. If it seems like it is, you're not looking hard enough. I remember being told "2 weeks to slow the curve" by the US government and "Beltway 8 toll fees will go away when its paid for" by Harris County and the City of Houston.


                              I really think and and hoping that the tree off liberty is soon refreshed

