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Pretty eye opening.

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    They should just make big plates and forks's the forks fault!


      Originally posted by Tommyh View Post
      Touting an obesity campaign is a direct contradiction to the body positive campaign
      Tis true!


        Originally posted by flywise View Post
        Hell, we actually
        Need a certain % of people dying daily
        Covid coulda done that for us, but nooooooo. People had to go get all uppity and infringe on personal liberties.


          Originally posted by rtp View Post
          Do some research. You might be surprised. Just like cholesterol causes clogged arteries. The myths goes on and on.

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          See, salt is the new egg!

          Well, that’s good to know since I never reduced my salt intake.


            It’s tough to get people to stop the all carb diet they were told to eat for 30 years. Lobby groups and big government hurt everyone’s health.

            Personal health is one of the most important aspects of life that is completely overlooked or given up in times of stress.


              Carbs aren’t bad... at all. What I have seen is people who do keto do lose weight, but as soon as they re-introduce carbs they tend to go back into a caloric surplus and gain weight.

              Alcohol can be tricky.. easiest way to track is take the amount of calories and divide it by 4... that gives you your carb count per drink... so that 97 calorie seltzer actually contains almost 25 carbs.

              At the end of the day, you have to burn more calories than you take in to lose weight... no matter which direction you choose to go...

              And by no means am I an expert.. but I have learned a little while working with a few different nutritionists...

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                Originally posted by elgato View Post
                I've silently believed all along that the pandemic is a blessing in disguise. An awakening. Has the govt. done a good job of taking care of your health for you? Are we better off taking personal responsibility for our health? Is it shocking that obesity, weakened immune system, crappy diets, diabetics etc etc have had the biggest problem with covid? While everyone is squealing about covid 100,000+ people A MONTH die of heart disease and cancer and a great portion of those deaths are directly attributable to lifestyle. Much similar to those most at risk to covid curiously.

                Never before in the history of the world have people been more disconnected from where their food comes from. Never before in the history of the world have more chemicals and synthetics been used to produce food. Never before in the history of the world has the nutrient density of our foods been lower. Could there be a correlation? I could go on.

                In nature dysfunctional systems never survive. I am hopeful that this is just the beginning in a shift to more personal awareness, personal responsibility with a more thoughtful relationship with nutrition, fitness, lifestyle, food production...and the list goes on.

                As you said OP...Off my soap box now
                Very good post. My kids are in elementary’s shocking to me the number of kids I see (under the age of 10) that are already obese. These kids are young and 10-12 years old and already have a lifetime of struggles ahead of them because of extremely poor choices of their parents. Or parent. Which is a whole other rant which deserves its own thread...


                  I enjoy looking at pictures of life in the 50’s and 60’s on YouTube. I grew up in those years. One striking thing is how thin everyone is compared to today. Even overweight people aren’t fat compared to today’s obese. This was before the proliferation of fast food and supersize portions. Families mostly ate at home and kids were more active.


                    I worked in Europe for two years. Looking at all those dudes over there it’s hard to tell if it’s a male or female, same build and mannerisms. You could literally hold these guys into submission with your thumb. I like food with flavor. Not that bland crap they serve you on a tea plate over seas, where you think the meal you just ate was the appetizer. I was skinny as a rail for 33 years I worked hard to hit this 212 lb dad bod. I like tacos too. Merica!!!!

                    I think a better option would be instead of grooming all these young folks around computers and games, kick their butts outside and play something, stay active and eat what you want.


                      Originally posted by Riceguy View Post
                      It’s tough to get people to stop the all carb diet they were told to eat for 30 years. Lobby groups and big government hurt everyone’s health.
                      Exactly what I was saying. People have been brainwashed to eat crappy food and that good food(natural animal fat as an example) is bad for you.

                      Carbs arent bad as long as you burn what you eat everyday. The problem with a lot of folks is they consume way too many carbs for the sedentary lifestyles Americans lead today. Those extra carbs everyday go straight into storage aka fat.

                      A nutritionist once reminded me eating fat doesnt make you fat.....eating too much makes you fat. She also opened my eyes to the way we should start our day eating. Pancakes, orange juice, bowl of cereal or oatmeal, bananas are about the worst thing you can eat to start the day. But we have been told this is all great breakfast food and to avoid eggs, bacon and butter for decades. #believethescienceandnotthegovernment......


                        Originally posted by rtp View Post
                        Y’all mean like this? That frame it as their curviest model ever. I frame it as their fatest model ever. She worked really hard to attain that body lol.

                        Sports Illustrated’s 2020 Swimsuit issue features someone who is being called the "curviest model ever," plus-sized model Hunter McGrady.

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                        She is a fat arse, not "curvy". Disgusting.


                          Best thing that I have found is to not mess with "diets". Just eat plants and animals as close to their most natural form. Keep it simple. Cut out the processed food and it will do wonders for you.


                            Originally posted by clayree View Post
                            She is a fat arse, not "curvy". Disgusting.
                            She's got more rolls than Mrs. Bairds.


                              Originally posted by etxbuckman View Post
                              she's got more rolls than mrs. Bairds.


                                Originally posted by Charles View Post
                                Should we shut down the country, take away peoples Freedoms and Liberties in hopes of flatting the obesity curve?

