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Keto 2021

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    Originally posted by TexaRican View Post
    By far the best low carb or keto products I have ever encountered. As close to a real tortilla as you can get. We have only found these at Drug Emporium in Abilene.

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    I'll give these a shot. La Banderita used to be good before they recently changed their recipe. Now they aren't better than any others that are readily available.


      Originally posted by b.latiolais View Post
      An easy way to get your fat numbers up is to shoot some MCT Oil.
      I purchase Natures Way Organic MCT Oil from Amazon and put a tablespoon in a small glass of water and shoot it down. Simple 14g of fat.

      We add it to our coffee and it hardly effect taste at all.


        Man, running more than one app makes things confusing.

        Carb Manager list broccoli and avoid and carrots as friendly while Keto app is opposite...


          Carrots are definitely not keto friendly.


            Yep. Any vegetable that grows in the dirt is lots of carbs (potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.). Beans are high carb too.

            When I first started keto over a year ago I tracked meals and macros with My Fitness Pal app. It was helpful to learn what foods to eat and what to avoid. I bought a blood meter to check ketone levels and all of that. After a couple of months, I had figured out what foods to eat. I quit worrying about macro numbers and ketone levels. I just eat low carb high fat foods with some good quality protein now. I lost 25-30 pounds and have since leveled off at a good weight. Had to buy new pants and belts, but that's OK. I still don't worry about tracking numbers of anything. Just eating the good stuff. Feeling great.


              Originally posted by Shane View Post
              Yep. Any vegetable that grows in the dirt is lots of carbs (potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.). Beans are high carb too.

              When I first started keto over a year ago I tracked meals and macros with My Fitness Pal app. It was helpful to learn what foods to eat and what to avoid. I bought a blood meter to check ketone levels and all of that. After a couple of months, I had figured out what foods to eat. I quit worrying about macro numbers and ketone levels. I just eat low carb high fat foods with some good quality protein now. I lost 25-30 pounds and have since leveled off at a good weight. Had to buy new pants and belts, but that's OK. I still don't worry about tracking numbers of anything. Just eating the good stuff. Feeling great.
              Shane, you have stayed on keto for over a year? Or did you revert back to a higher protein diet clean diet?


                Originally posted by rtp View Post
                Shane, you have stayed on keto for over a year? Or did you revert back to a higher protein diet clean diet?
                I've stayed high fat, low carb, regular protein. I haven't checked my ketone levels in months, but I'm sure I've been in ketosis the vast majority of the time. I don't think it's absolutely critical to be extremely strict. I've had a bite or two of a dinner roll or a piece of wedding cake a few times. But 99.9% of the time I don't eat sugar or bread or potatoes, etc. at all. I really LOVE all the axis, beef, pork, chicken, salmon, tuna, eggs, cheese, avocado, salads, veggies, berries, and everything that I eat. I put olive oil on just about everything. I never realized before how good olive oil is. It makes everything better. It's about like butter, which I eat a lot of too.

                I don't look at it as a diet anymore. It's just what I eat. I haven't fasted really. But I started doing time restricted eating about a year ago. I don't eat breakfast. I only eat lunch and supper. So I eat everything I'm gonna eat all day in about a 6 hour window. At first, I thought I'd be miserably hungry if I skipped breakfast and between meal snacks. But when you eat fat for fuel rather than carbs, you just don't feel hungry much. Even when it's meal time I don't always feel hungry. Yesterday I had a pretty big lunch, and last night I didn't eat anything at all. Just wasn't hungry.

                I feel great. Blood pressure is at the low end of healthy range. Trigs are way under 100. HDL is close to 100. My LDL and overall cholesterol numbers are high, but all the ratios are perfect. There's tons of research about cholesterol now that says all of what we've been told for the last 40 years is totally wrong and LDL isn't necessarily the devil. Insulin resistance and inflammation is the devil. High fat/low carb fixes both of those.

                I don't have aches and pains anymore. I don't have indigestion anymore. My son had COVID after Christmas, and my wife got it from him. She's been doing low carb stuff with me, but not quite as much. She eats sweet potatoes and bread and such at least a couple times a week. She's not as strict as I've been about low carb. Zach eats the standard American diet high carb stuff, although "clean-ish" version without lots of junk food. He was sicker than my wife was. I didn't get sick at all. Staying away from inflammatory foods helps your immune system. Maybe that's why I was able to stay well and why my wife was less sick than my son?? Who knows?

                Whatever the case, I don't plan to ever stop eating this way. It's been great for my health, and I enjoy it. It's not a sacrifice at all.


                  Last night homemade marinara sauce with zucchini and pepperoni noodles. Aldi keto bread, garlic cheese style.

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                    Down 7lbs since Monday morning. Have not turned a pee strip any color so far but don't really care I guess. Got a slight headache this morning so maybe I'm just now gonna get back in ketosis. Doing a large MCT coffee in the morning and then a strict keto dinner. No lunch, no snacking and no alcohol (probably where the headache comes in).
                    Also ran 3.5mi last night, 2.5 on Monday.


                      Originally posted by TexaRican View Post
                      Down 7lbs since Monday morning. Have not turned a pee strip any color so far but don't really care I guess. Got a slight headache this morning so maybe I'm just now gonna get back in ketosis. Doing a large MCT coffee in the morning and then a strict keto dinner. No lunch, no snacking and no alcohol (probably where the headache comes in).
                      Also ran 3.5mi last night, 2.5 on Monday.
                      I still drink a Miller 64, Ultra, or Corona Premier with dinner. Also whiskey and water are ok.


                        So far I am down from 234 to 223. I know that’s mostly or all water weight but still like seeing that lower number. What I have learned so far is it is extremely easy to eat too many calories especially when adding fat. I am doing my best to stay around 1300 to 1500 calories a day. I am also intermittent fasting eating my first food around 1130 am and not eating after 730 or so at night. To that I just started drinking 2tbs of acv just before my first meal each day. I just neeed to add more zucchini, broccoli, cabbage and bell peppers into my meals to help fill up. Unfortunately I cannot stand lettuce and hate all raw veggies


                          15lbs down here.


                            Originally posted by rtp View Post
                            Guys that are doing this for the first time dont get discouraged when you hit the keto stall. It can last for a week or more. It happened for me last year during the first month and lasted for over a week and then the rapid weight lose began again. Just keep following the program and you will be fine. This isnt a sprint with a deadline.


                              Originally posted by Javelin View Post
                              So far I am down from 234 to 223. I know that’s mostly or all water weight but still like seeing that lower number. What I have learned so far is it is extremely easy to eat too many calories especially when adding fat. I am doing my best to stay around 1300 to 1500 calories a day. I am also intermittent fasting eating my first food around 1130 am and not eating after 730 or so at night. To that I just started drinking 2tbs of acv just before my first meal each day. I just neeed to add more zucchini, broccoli, cabbage and bell peppers into my meals to help fill up. Unfortunately I cannot stand lettuce and hate all raw veggies
                              I went from 218 to 188-190 without worrying about trying to cut calories at all. I actually tried to eat more calories than I'd been eating before keto at first when I was counting macros. Prior to keto, I was eating about 1,700 calories per day. I aimed for 2,000 when I started keto. I dropped weight fast. If you don't eat enough, your body thinks it needs to store energy. If you eat all you need of the right stuff (fat for fuel, protein for muscle growth/repair), your body doesn't think it needs to store anything. I had trouble getting my target calories consumed, really. I never felt deprived or hungry. I never felt miserably stuffed either though. Just satisfied and not hungry. It's just different when you're eating mostly fat instead of mostly carbs.

                              It's OK to cook all those good veggies. And instead of iceberg lettuce, buy mixed green salad and/or spinach and other green leafy stuff that actually has flavor. Iceberg lettuce has no flavor. Add olives, avocado, cucumber, boiled egg, etc to your salads. I have always been a ranch dressing guy. Somewhere along the way in keto I started eating blue cheese dressing and blue cheese crumbles on all my salads. I dump on a bunch of olive oil as well. Then I add pepper and hemp hearts and crushed walnuts/pecans/ pistaccios/sunflower seeds, etc.... When you top it with a little protein like venison, steak, grilled chicken, salmon or tuna, it's an awesome meal.
                              Last edited by Shane; 01-14-2021, 02:12 PM.


                                Whoever suggested adding the electrolytes to the ACV, bless you sir. I did that this morning and it wasnt bad at all. Killed two birds with one stone and it was rather tastey.

